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Posts posted by bbobs2

  1. Did this affect you XP by any chance?

    It didn't do this to me while playing a little game of drop zone earlier, I may play again later but because you said it was in different lobbies then I don't think it would have been a hacked lobby... it is a very interesting find but it is probably just a problem with one of the (servers?) from IW.

  2. Thank you for replying death!

    After reading what you've put it actually makes a lot of sense for Maxis to be a normal scientist who gets more annoyed when it goes wrong blaming it on the only other person present, Richtofen. I like it! Thanks for your ideas :D

  3. In general I do enjoy domination & demolition, I like the suspense, can you hold/plant it quick enough.

    I have recently been playing a little bit of sabotage because of the 20 minute time limit, for some reason I haven't played HQ in a while... I will at some point!

    I don't like S&D because I like to rush & get into the game, when I play S&D you don't respawn so I don't tend to get far. I also dislike capture the flag, don't ask why but I just don't enjoy it.

    I too am looking forward to hardpoint & am looking forward to playing the 'party games' again, I loved them in Black Ops but I'm worried this time there won't be that thrill there was before because we aren't betting anything.

  4. From one of my posts a while back a few of these have been confirmed: viewtopic.php?f=100&t=24650


    1) Has been confirmed as accuracy

    4) Confirmed as headshot ratio

    5) Confirmed as kills


    2) Could be amount of doors opened

    3) Could be amount of grenade kills

    6) Amount of perk bottles drunk

    7) Amount of revives

    8) Sorta looks like a stopwatch to me so maybe longest or quickest round/game

  5. I'm not sure about Elites loading time but didn't another user have a similar problem with creating a clan the other day? Didn't they start putting in random letters & numbers but they were still told that it was taken? I'll have a look around but it may just be a problem with elite...

    I love both the clan names that death has put down, if we can't get any of them how about [ZDOC] at first it may seem like CoDz backwards but you COULD say Zombie (z) Doctor (DOC), the doctor (Richtofen) controls the zombies! We play in the doctors court now :twisted: If you think about it you could find loads of meanings :)

  6. This is great!

    I would LOVE to see a clan for CoDz, not one where you need to meet requirements, one where we can all go out and see what the CoDz army can do & work as a big team! It doesn't necessarily have to be split in a certain way, just one where members can join if they wish (although splitting by time zone would be pretty neat but by what that says I don't think it needs to happen)...someone please make this happen :D

  7. *This is my first proper theory on CoDz, hopefully it's okay :D Enjoy!

    So I was watching GTTV bonus round online & heard a quote from (I think it was Lamia) saying something like "the actions from moon with have a direct impact on what is happening now", so in this post I'm going to ask WHY? did Maxis have another agenda on Moon when we launched the rockets instead of trying to reduce the zombies... maybe trying to double them...

    I'll have two versions of this:

    A short condensed version showing key points. Not much evidence, just what my main point is.

    And a long version,this hasn't been edited for when I started typing so there maybe some repeats, this was sort of like my note taking too. This has FULL evidence to back up most of my comments & has quite a bit that I didn't mention in the shorter version

    I believe there was always a lot of jealousy between Maxis & Richtofen, they always wanted to get ahead of each other, in the end we believe that they both had different agendas, Richtofen wanted to control the world while Maxis wanted to 'save' it. This leads me onto a big thought, did Maxis want to save the world, OR help Richtofen OR test out element 115 on the Earth.

    Going to TranZit we have a larger amount of zombies (I think about 48 but not 100% sure about that), this may not just be because we are moving to a newer engine, what if the rockets we launched on Moon filled with 115?, thus doubling the amount of zombies we have. A way I could sorta confirm this is if we go back to NML after we've fired the rockets there is a orange mist, if we go to Shi No Numa & look at that meteor there is sort of a orange mist coming off it. Does this show that 115 is orange, DOES this mean that the rockets we fired on earth weren't to kill the zombies but to double them? Maxis' agenda at first was to research 115, why not end the research with a bang, literally!

    The EE on moon had us launching three rockets into the Earths surface, here are a few quotes which confuse me a little:

    "Greetings. If you are receiving this message, it means that Richtofen has entered the device. If you free me, I will help you minimize the damage that he will inevitably cause."

    — Said after Sam and Richtofen switch bodies.

    "*Maniacal Laughter*"

    — After Earth was destroyed

    Now these have baffled me quite a bit, firstly we have the message saying that Richtofen has got into the device & if you free him then he'll minimize the damage, this seems straight forward.

    We know that Maxis wasn't actually in the machine (at least I hope not) and it was all a recording in case Richtofen did get this far into the process, correct, good.

    The maniacal laugh is something that has been confusing me, IF this was all pre-recorded in an attempt to stop him from doing something then why does this laugh happen when you've destroyed earth, almost on que??? Why would there be such a evil laugh after the earth has been destroyed? I have seen on other threads that it could be Maxis from the Aether communicating with Richtofen. (more about this below)

    DR Maxis and Richtofen may have been playing a BIG game of wit... what do I mean by this, well I mean it was a battle to see who could out play the other person first, like a game of chess, but on a more grander scale.

    Personally I believe that there was a lot of jealousy going on between the two, Richtofen was made to be a slave to Maxis having to conduct experiments using 115, this was until Richtofen stubbed across the pyramid on moon, I'm not going to go through with all the quotes so here's the outcome:

    Gentlemen, for two long years we have toiled here and at Eagle's Nest to build up fortifications. For two long years we have taken equipment to build up our labs. For two long years we have worked under Group 935, believing that Dr. Maxis truly wants to help the world. For two long years we've led a double life. Today, that all ends.

    This shows that Richtofen is now trying to take control of his own group (I think this links with the whole Griffin Station thing), this is where the cards turn into his own flavour. There are other theories that say that when Richtofen shut the door on Der Riese Maxis & Sam teleported to the moon base, Sam then ran into the pyramid gaining control of all the zombies, Maxis then ordered her to kill the remaining people in 935 group, this has now lead to Sam attempting to gain vengeance on her farther by killing Richtofen. This is where I get confused, big time!

    "Greetings. If you are receiving this message, it means that Richtofen has entered the device. If you free me, I will help you minimize the damage that he will inevitably cause."

    The quote was said in the past tense, so this must've been recorded,This quote also leads us to playing Sam says three times, this activates the rockets (makes them rise from the ground), Richtofen didn't tell us to do that, SO does that show what Richtofens goal was, not to destroy earth but to conquer it?

    This then leads to rockets-boom etc. The laugh though makes it seem like we have done something wrong, it wasn't the type of laugh that says "HA Richtofen I WIN". To me as a character it seems more like a "Damn, what've I done now".

    The goal for Maxis & the group of 935 was to research 115, this then lead to the creation of many WW and zombies! The main question we need to ask is what exactly is the goal of Maxis, we know he wants to kill all members of group 935 but why have the rockets done what they've done, from the quote Lamia gave we know that TranZit takes place after moon this shows that these rockets have caused the zombies, whose been watching Derren Brown- Apocalypse? The meteors- bacteria- infected? What if the rockets were filled with element 115? The coordinates were set to either speed up the process of zombification or slow it down? This all depends on Maxis's agenda. Bear in mind Richtofen is only controlling them, unless he can make them mate then he only has the amount of zombies he has.

    The amount of zombies we have in TranZit is HUGE! This may not be just because of us moving engines but maybe because it links into the story, what if the goal for Maxis was to make every 935 member die? This can only be assured by having zombies roaming the world, the laugh could clarify this. There is also the fact that in the trailers we see that there is an orange fog around, the same goes for when you go back to NML on Moon, the area is orangeish...so IF the rockets were filled with 115 where does that leave them and us? More zombies means more fun! But story wise... Maxis may have wanted something other than to reduce the damage Richtofen will cause.

    So lets also go back to Shi No Numa :D here is the image of the meteor:

    Looking at that there is some sort of a orange tint coming off it, I believe we concluded the meteor has parts of 115 in it? So yeah :D Perhaps element 115 is orange :D

    Then all then leads to four new characters, these are survivors in the wreckage & it is up to them to save the world!!! There are also two groups of survivors that aren't happy with what's happened, they both believe what has happened as different, this causes 4Z4

    So after reading that what do you think? Did Maxis have another agenda deep down?

    Thank you for reading! (If this is in the wrong section then could a mod move it, I wasn't too sure as it does affect Black Ops II storyline progression... in a way)

  8. In TranZit all the areas have their own difficulty,right?

    So I think that there are no rounds. Since those are pretty much a display of difficulty,right? (and of course how far you got)

    Are they (each area has its own difficulty) :shock: well that would be pretty cool!

    Even if there isn't any rounds there will still be 'waves', didn't Woods mention in one of his vids something about making a crawler, these would become useless if zombies kept running at you the whole game as one big game, to me there must be some sort of relaxation period where we can go and wonder (buy perks, box etc.) before the new horde come and get us... that's my thoughts anyway.

  9. But watching an early glimpse of Zombie gameplay is not okay? That will spoil my experience with the game.

    I have a hard time understanding the logic

    For me there is no story to multiplayer so I don't mind watching gameplay, it is also good to see the features and gets me hyped (I love the sniping too! should be better this time around). Also Multiplayer has been released by Treyarch itself, they've allowed us to see it in the way they want, zombies & the campaign have been given to us in a specific way, not to give away the story, they have both given us little features, the rest will be given when we play it. If they decide to release any more information then I'd watch/read it.

    I wouldn't want to watch campaign or Zombies not given by Treyarch before the game's released because I don't want the story to be ruined or any information Treyarch want hidden to be revealed. That is what I think anyway :D

  10. You're kidding -_-, I was on their YT page literally a few minutes ago, blimey, talk about missing it by a second...

    This looks pretty cool, looks like someone has re-plastered the walls, the houses are re-built which I like! :D Very modern houses, I would like to live there.

    It could possibly be smaller than before as it seems like there are more items, we are still in the same confounds though, the play field hasn't been extended for the MP.

    One of the players say "RPG!", so I presume this is back in -_-, great trailer!!! Did anyone else notice the thing at the end, either Activision has a new logo that looks like Nyan Cat or it means something, that rhythm could mean something. Thanks for posting :D


    Possibly from one of the screens in one of the houses or something else...

  11. This makes for a VERY interesting scenario & story. The company in question shouldn't have given the game to the customer BUT then it is the customers responsibility to give the game back when the release date isn't for another few weeks. You COULD say the game has been 'stolen', the employee shouldn't have taken it & given it to the customer but then the customer shouldn't have accepted it. Also like MMX said it is breaking copyright laws.

    Saying this I really don't blame them for posting gameplay up, wouldn't you like to be the guy that has played the game first & knows all the information? No I don't blame them...

    I won't be watching the gameplay as I would like to wait until 13th, I hope they take it down though, it will be an even longer 12 days knowing that information is out, it is sort of like the last week before Christmas, you really want to know what you have but having a peak will spoil the surprise, it is really worth knowing the surprise days before the day it was meant for.

    Treyarch must be devastated, all this time they've been able to keep Zombies under covers for it only to be literally given to someone, I feel bad for them.

    There is NO way I'm looking at the gameplay!

  12. To me looking at the achievement "Happy Hour": In TranZit, buy 2 different perks before turning on the power.

    To me the fact that the name is happy hour and the image has two perk bottles and a bell:

    Maybe we can go into the diner area & purchase perks from there before having to turn the power on, maybe from someone or maybe you can get them from the bar, sort of like "ORDER UP, one jug to go!".

    I do like the idea of having to get buildables to jumpstart the machines.

  13. I was searching on Twitter & COD tweeted something about the score you get with the collectors edition of the game, I pressed the link & I got brought to the page. I then saw what I think is a new pre-order edition:

    This is called the Digital Deluxe edition & includes:

    NK 2025,

    NK Zombies,

    COD WaW game download,

    OFFICIAL CALL OF DUTY®: BLACK OPS II SOUNDTRACK: A digital copy of composer Jack Wall’s epic in-game score with Theme by Trent Reznor.

    If people have already pre-ordered I don't think this will make you change pre-orders, just wondering though was this announced before because I haven't heard of it?

    If this has already been put on then sorry but I couldn't find anything :D

    Link: http://www.callofduty.com/blackops2/ce

    Have fun guys! Less than two weeks!!!!!!!

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