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Posts posted by bbobs2

  1. GREAT POST! So going to keep an eye on this :D

    "Tactical Mask: -Reduce effect of flash, concussion and shcok charges."

    This is going to annoy you but *shock :P

    Also I think that wager matches have been confirmed so you could put that on there. :D

    Yet again great post!

  2. :o I didn't think of it relating to Gary on Jimmys Bio. WOW that could link very well. I only know that the screenshot is taken from the "Beyond Birth & Death"


    ^here is another topic looking at this. As you'll see Syndicate has tweeted the front cover of this book. Reza tweeted the whole page. It is a very intriguing topic. But yeah the book also explains about consciousness, souls. So yeah... post this there. It seems like you've found a link! GREAT FIND! :D

  3. One thing about wager matches is what exactly are we going to be betting this time around without the inclusion of COD points.. I enjoyed betting the points and winning more!

    Personally I am probably going to be part of the 5% that will look at the league matches and shoutcasting. These actually seem like amazing editions into the game and it may over take my normal MP experience!!! Just think getting into more of those close combat situations and playing with people your level! :D Also if shoutcasting is what it seems then I'm going to be streaming a lot. I'm so looking forward to this! Bring on November...

  4. somethings going on here. im not sure what it is but tom knows something

    Isn't Syndicate doing some work in America? he also met with Carbon hmmmmm.....

    Anywho Jimmy tweeted a cut down version of the second page showing "pure consciousness" (also on another post).

    Consciousness is a state of being alive and awake.

    "It is a fact that consciousness is absolutely necessary for the animation of the body."

    Theory: Is this referring to the zombies plan. Everything has a soul, if it doesn't then the body itself cannot function meaning there it is of no use. Is this why Sam didn't age inside the MDP? The soul wasn't present in the body? (that's it my brains fuzzed out :( )

  5. https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next ... r_embedded

    I was going to wait for someone else to upload but here is an unboxing of the collectors & the hardened editions of the game. Looks good. Here are a few things confirmed.

    -Care Packages in game won't have ammo inside (YES)

    -Emblem editor is returning.

    -The camo uses the orange colours from the care package.

    -The coins come with the code to unlocking all of the in game content.

    Well there we go :D

    EDIT- Wasn't sure where to post this so I put it in zombies because of the zombie map and the awesome cover... annoyingly he doesn't let anything slip...

  6. GameStop has revealed that Prestige and Hardened Edition of Black Ops II at the GameStop Expo Conference [currently happening now in San Antonio, TX].

    Prestige Edition of Black Ops 2 will feature:

    Remote-controled UAV Flyer (presumably modeled after the Quadrotor Drone).

    Exclusive in-game upgrades.

    Exclusive Zombie Maps.

    Nuketown 2025.

    Im hoping the Hardened edition has all that except the UAV

    But what about Elite?

    I am also hoping for that. I don't want to spend too much on the game and don't overly want a UAV flyer in my house... just the zombie maps :D

    I've pre-ordered from Sainburys (I know but it was cheap) but does anyone know whether they would sell the higher editions of the game? Also as I've ordered online can I still go upgrade? (this is slightly off-topic but it would be good to know). EDIT: Also would it just be a cancel the first order and place the newer one? Thanks in advance and sorry for going off-topic :D

  7. This is crazy... I just went onto Nuketown to look around and saw books that say Edward Richtofen :o (PS I know some commented this above) so doesn't this mean that it has been planned for a while (if zombies=nuketown)... Also I'm convinced that on the Nuketown board next to the Treyarch logo I see a similar logo to the CODZL logo. Just without the zombie head but the lines are joined.

    EDIT: ^ This isn't the actual image on the board.

  8. Okay just found this video while searching through youtube videos. It is from FPSRussia and he is showing us how to survive the zombie apocalypse:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX-wPWE6 ... g-logo-xit

    Remember back to the video where he wore that TACITUS shirt and was showing off Charlene/dragonfly giving hints to Black Ops II, then Treyarch used the image of charlene on their website (from this itself I believe they were doing something together). Is he now giving us some hints towards Zombies?

    - Always be aware of the scenario and your surroundings.

    - A new way to attracting zombies via sound?

    - Exploding cars!

    "We all know it's coming"

    OR I could just be looking into it too much. Your call.

  9. Great find/post :D

    So we ARE going to 2025 and SHE has gotten older. Personally this would be pretty cool if it was Sophia, I think that would fit in quite well. I actually don't know what happened to her but yeah. That's my thought. Cause Samantha is in Rich's body, unless Rich/Sam is getting older meaning that Rich/Sam is more powerful than before, she has gained more power, this is why we have been seeing meaner/harder zombies e.g. the boss people.

    Also the idea of new strategies of being made makes me pretty excited and will bring a much needed new element to the game!

    PS I've only looked at the link and not the video, I'll look at the video later.

  10. I think I get the basic form of it and know why it shouldn't be put here but if it is what I think it is doesn't it confirm the thing before??? (if you are thinking what I'm thinking then you know what I'm on about)

    Either that or Jimmy is playing with us... I'm going to be looking further into it later and see what I can get from it. As I've said, I only gotten the basic line (as many of you have been saying there does/probably is a lot more to find out) and haven't actually looked too much into it. :D

  11. Been thinking about it for the past day and I suppose that the fact that the knife is a two hit kill does make it more realistic and with all the different knifes there would be a lot more to choose from meaning even more customisability :D

    Aslong as the original knife doesn't become useless (so it is more effective to just shoot them0 then I'll be fine with it.


  12. I think those bars at the bottom of the "Pick 10" thing also have something to do with knifing. After watching many videos coming out of gamescom last night,

    I know this is slightly off topic but where can I find these vids from gamescon. I've been searching over YT but can't find any that are useful. Thanks in advance for any help :D

    Also that is a pretty good idea having the knife being pulled out as your last resort weapon when you run out of ammo... very clever, so glad I've pre-ordered it.

  13. *Edit: Great post BTW!

    WOW that's great!

    So we have scorestreaks instead of killstreaks. Does this mean that everything (in a way) will count towards the score-streak.

    50 per score-streak destruction.

    100 per kill (inc. knife) + grabbing flag

    125. In the trailer when the user uses the Guardian (as it's called) and the player kills them they get 125 points as part of a guardian supress bonus.

    150 for a flag capture

    A whopping 200 points for killing someone while you're holding a flag

    This does seem like a better alternative to ordinary streaks. That would explain the growing bar (instead of a bar representing kills it represents the amount of 'points' needed, I like that :D )

    The score-streaks look very good this year with a total of 22 so far it seems like there is a lot more customisability this year.

    Also from another article from their website: http://www.theverge.com/gaming/2012/8/1 ... in/2756745

    "Certain Score Streaks can add even more points to your score. While your UAV is active, for example, you'll get a 25 point bonus for every kill your teammates make."

    Score-streaks can add to another score-streak meaning that many of the smaller streaks can be used to obtain bigger rewards.

    "Changes are also coming to Call of Duty's perks system in Black Ops 2. No longer will perks have an effect on the performance of your guns — no Deep Impact for better bullet penetration, no Steady Aim for improved hip fire accuracy. All weapon-related enhancements are limited to attachments, Treyarch says."

    This does mean that Slight of Hand won't be available as it will all depend on the attachments you put on the weapon.

    Finally I believe that at the bottom of the create a class are the 'wildcards' that are in the original article you posted:

    Primary Gunfighter — Allows a 3rd attachment for the primary weapon.

    Secondary Gunfighter — Allows a 2nd attachment for the secondary weapon.

    Overkill — Take a primary weapon as your secondary weapon.

    Danger Close — Take a second Lethal.

    Perk 1 Greed — Take a second Perk 1.

    Perk 2 Greed — Take a second Perk 2.

    Perk 3 Greed — Take a second Perk 3.

    Tactician — Take a Tactical grenade in place of your lethal Grenade.

    Are all available

    I've probably stated the obvious + sorry for the big response but yeah i'm excited :D

  14. I've heard a lot of buzz about so-called panic knifing and how it is "the only thing that ever ends my streak!" this is laughable. Panic knifing is an excuse that people with bad reflexes have for why they get killed (IMO). The point of the knife is to pit two players in a battle of reflexes during an intense surprising encounter with an enemy player. If the knife took 2 hits to kill someone, or if you had to take the second or two to draw it, it would be useless! You might as well just shoot them! That much is undeniable. I've seen argents on this subject on far too many MP threads, so I took it upon myself to create a discussion thread for this topic. What I wrote salvation lies above it my personal opinion on the subject. Discuss.


    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

    For people saying that using the tactical layout means that you cannot knife without going to the B/O button which means you will definitely be slower than someone with the default layout. Lemme put it like this.

    "I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE DROP SHOT ME. They have tactical on and all they have to do is press the right analog down whereas I have to press the O/B button to get down to the floor then I'll be dead because they got down before me and my sensitivity is too low and I can't aim at them before they kill me. I HATE PANIC DROPPING :evil: COD SUCKS" (just an acting rant/not my opinion but a valid point :D)

    If I had quick enough reactions (which I think I do as this isn't much of a problem for me) then I would have the same chance of killing him.

    It is part of the game, if a knife takes two shots to kill then to me it would be worthless but by the looks of the MP trailer it isn't. We just need to assign the knife to us like a normal weapon. Which I still don't like much but I suppose it would be better -_-

    Personally if you don't like the fact you can't knife without having to press B/O then change the layout. There is a reason the controller layouts are there. Would you prefer to drop shot/crouch down quickly or would you prefer to knife someone when they come around the corner? I work with the default layout and I can do both fine.

    The problem I do see with knifing though is the animation jump. I feel quite sympathetic for player where I ani-knife them, but then, that is one extra kill to me :D

  15. I wouldn't mind having something like this in Single Player zombies but I don't think I would like it for multiplayer. Takeo will be left out :D (I don't like him).

    Also I quite like the start of a multiplayer game where your searching around to see the other characters to check who you are. Soon met with joy or disappointment. I adds an element of surprise? (is that the right word for it?).

    It IS a good idea just something like this wouldn't be to my liking.

  16. I'm don't think anyone has noticed but the MOAB IS BACK :D Look at 2:04 in the video. The commentator says "Tosses out one shock charge and the second CAN HE GET A MOAB!!!" So it seems like it has been confirmed... YAY

    Sorry man, but he says 'Can he get em both' not 'can he get the MOAB'. :(

    :cry: That's a shame (I've never even got a MOAB :oops: ) OH WELL The game is still (IMO) going to be one of the best so far :) At of what I've seen so far it is... Thanks for saying!

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