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Posts posted by bbobs2

  1. I have a few quick questions :D Great thread too.

    1) You said that you didn't play with the scorestreaks much but did you get hit by any scorestreaks & did any of these seem too overpowered?

    2) Are the guns damage & players damage like they were in Black Ops (so you have a chance to get away)?

    Thanks Liam! Hope you enjoyed it!

  2. Completely agree with all of this.

    CODz, Treyarch WILL do a great job with zombies. Trust them, they wouldn't get it wrong, the trailer was great and as Dunbarian said, just look at all of the maps. This will give us a lot to do in the next year.

    You'll need to get your shotgun ready, it's going to be a bumpy ride. :D

  3. The "denizens of the forest" are within Tranzit. There are two other achievements/trophies relating directly to the Green Run though.

    My guess is that it is in fact a completely separate survival map from the ones out of Tranzit. Tower of Babble appears to be the big EE for Tranzit, while Green Run seems to be a EE of it's own.

    One of the achievements mention getting your tombstone in Green Run, and in one of the screenshots released before the trailer showed something that could be this. And if you looked at the part of the trailer where this Tombstone was in the screenshot, it was no longer there. Meaning this is something outside of Tranzit.

    I was pretty much going to say the same. For the zombie achievements some of them say "In TranZit" and others say "In Green Run" which makes me think that this is a separate map or mode altogether.

    Maybe Green Run is like TranZit without the bus (when you think of green you can think of eco-friendly so no bus). So I agree with what Kill All Monkeys is saying, Green Run sounds like an EE/map or mode that is outside the whole of TranZit.

  4. Hey everyone, was just about to go onto the COD youtube page to look at some multiplayer gameplay and I found this in the background of it.

    http://i2.ytimg.com/u/9YydG57epLqxA9cTz ... v=50633c04

    If you look on the far right you can see what looks like the mystery box light.

    Also look at the zombie on the left, you can clearly see that there is something around it's neck, like a device of some sort.

    Nothing new but I thought I'd point it out!

  5. I'm going to get my moneys worth with this game & playing everything including MP. I DID buy MW3 and it really wasn't great & it was as if I was playing the same game all over again just with a few new features, there was nothing special about it which is why I think that IW need to stop. BLOPS II won't be the same as BLOPS with all of these additions but with the assumption that MW3 was the same as MW2 & Black Ops it's only natural for people to think that BLOPS II will follow suit.

    So yes removing IW (I prefer Treyarch if you can't tell) would remove the assumptions, I believe I read somewhere that Sledgehammer games are making the next one, so we'll see how that goes.


    I am limited as I don't OWN Ascension, COTD or Shangri-La but have played them elsewhere so I know little about them other than watching vids etc.

    Your Personal Favourite Map?

    For now it will always be Der Riese even though I've been having some bad games there lately, Verruckt is a close second though so it could change.

    Least favorite map?

    If I had to choose it would be NML (if you count that as a map). It is a great map and I have been playing it a lot recently (solo) but it's been irritating me how I can't get to 100 kills (74 is my record which annoys me to). I'd like to think I'm a decent player as I can train and revive very well. It's just the ways I die which really pee me off :evil: DOGS are one irritation, so is the bloommin mustangs, I rarely PAP these as I just can't use them, I blow myself up.

    Best part of Black Ops?

    If this wasn't zombies specific then the campaign story! If it is then I would have to say achieving the Moon EE with three randoms! This was also the first time I officially completed a BIG EE :D It felt good!

    Best designed?

    All maps are AMAZINGLY designed to play to different play styles, if you twisted my arm then it would have to be a toss up between Five and Der Riese, Five has all the different levels and the basement is the most chaotic place, if someone downs on another floor many peoples reaction is to run into the teleporters, the best thing about this is they're random so you could end up playing the teleporter game which is great fun!

    Der Riese is just great, the whole linking of the teleporters making you run from one end to the other is great, it would've been better if it was bigger but it is a good designed map.

    Most fun with drunk friends?

    N/A, don't drink.

    Favorite challenge?

    I don't tend to do challenges, I need others to do them... I may try the one door challenge later and see what happens, I'll keep you updated.

    Funniest moment?

    I enjoy it when you troll 10 year olds with mics on Five by leaving them by using an elevator, their responses make me laugh. I'm normally a team player so if there aren't any whiny kids then I'll let them in to leave them with a train of zombies :twisted:

    If I'm feeling especially devious (you know when you're in those moods to just have a good time instead of focusing on higher rounds) I also enjoy running trains into people on Five by running into a tele and hopefully going into the basement and watch the person run into the way any I leave them with my zombies. It is rare I do this but at times I just find it funny.

    Most annoying boss preventing success?

    The astro on moon (the only one I've got with a boss) if he gets in the way of my trains through a door way (as in IN THE DOOR WAY) then that's game over... done, can't go back and if I get caught then I either get swiped by all the zombies and die or get teled then die.

    Creepiest place?

    Shi No Numa, ever since I heard the EE (the recording voice) and the song (the part before you activate it saying "I know when you're sleeping") just always leaves me on edge, I feel like something is going to happen...

  7. To me it looks like something has just disintergrated, probably a zombie.

    I think this is a zombie boss that can disappear and re-appear through cables. I now have an thought that every area has a specific 'boss'. The denizens in the forest/dwellers/scavengers. The electricity boss in this der-reise styled area. This would make sense then with the survival maps each having a boss. I don't think it is an EMP bomb, I think it would be that bright.

  8. I just want to point something out from another achievement:

    I Don't Think They Exist 10

    In TranZit, kill one of the denizens of the forest while it is latched onto you.

    The definition of a denizen is:

    An inhabitant of a place, or one who dwells in a place, whether local, regional or national.

    Does this mean that these only dwell in the forest and are only in that area. Would that also mean that only specific zombies are in specific areas?

  9. Not sure if this is actually confirmed by Activision. But if so, :mrgreen: we can finally discuss it!

    I suggest putting the list in a spoiler dropdown or add an alert to the thread title, its a pretty big spoiler for Campaign and Zombies.

    I'll wait for a mod to give the green light before I go on with discussing this ;).

    EDIT, Spoilers are now fixed :D

    Why hello achievements, good to see you

    :D Here's my take on them:

    Tower of Babble 75

    In TranZit, obey the voices.- DON'T IGNORE THEM! Especially the German sounding ones...

    Don't Fire Until You See 30

    In TranZit, have all doors opened without being set on fire.- Can't be too difficult aslong as you avoid fire zombies.

    The Lights Of Their Eyes 5

    In Green Run, pacify at least 10 zombies with 1 EMP. -EMPs are now confirmed but what does it mean by pacify them?

    Undead Man's Party Bus 15

    In TranZit, complete all additions to the bus in 1 game.- Seems like a lot of work.

    Dance On My Grave 5

    In Green Run, acquire your Tombstone.- Part of the EE, could mean walking into that skull and crossbones thing in the trailer? Or just kill yourself, in a bad way.

    Standard Equipment May Vary 25

    In TranZit, acquire 4 different equippable items in 1 game.- Equip ables :D well the shield is one!

    You Have No Power Over Me 15

    You Have No Power Over Me - Um, the picture is of a cloud of lighting...

    I Don't Think They Exist 10

    In TranZit, kill one of the denizens of the forest while it is latched onto you. -Denizens :shock: That latch... great, they sound citizens that have gone mad but are probably a new type of zombies

    Fuel Efficient 10

    In TranZit, use an alternative mode of transportation.- I presume walking

    Happy Hour 10

    In TranZit, buy 2 different perks before turning on the power.- So we can buy perks without power... interesting. Also we now know there is a power switch somewhere. On the photo there is also a bell over it so it looks like you can purchase perks in the diner?

    If it is a leak then sorry!

  10. Great thread.

    EDIT 3- Spoilers Fixed.

    This is definitely set after the events of moon (because of Richtofens eye control), we can't be sure as we actually have no date for Moon so I'm going to say around 2012-2013, I'd like to think we went to moon in the present day (2012) and this is the aftermath. I have nothing to back up the date but it would be pretty cool.

    I've said it on other threads but this seems like a great place to put it. I believe there are more than the 5 map locations as we don't NEED to take the bus route.

    As for the location itself it isn't England (diner is English) so I'll presume American. I may look at some maps and the pieced together map to see if I can pin-point it. BUT we may just be in a future world where everything is connected.

    I'm more than happy for this to take it's own route down the storyline road and maybe having hints towards the previous characters but for now we need another story.

    The man looks VERY familiar and is annoying me a lot, they could be tied into the story but I think these are just our new characters which I'm happy with.

    To me it looks like there are a lot of new game mechanics, first off we have zombies being able to jump and grab onto things and slide down them which brings lot of new dynamics into the game, a lot can happen with these combinations.

    It also looks like structures can fall, can't remember the thread but I believe someone put on about how they could see a structure standing then on the floor in the trailer.

    Also the BUS! It will be available to for people to travel on during the game, as long as it doesn't leave without you :twisted:, this is what I believe the horns are for, once you hear it you best get to the bus otherwise it's going to be a long walk.

    We now have Richtofen in control so I am hoping for more power downs, less points, less ammo, gameplay problems you name it.

    As for power ups I'm not really sure what else they can put in other than a power up to allow you to see through the dust when walking but then this would make a good perk or buyable item.

    I'm not really sure what you mean by this but I'll take it as buildables.

    Firstly we saw the shields which looked like car doors so I'm thinking we can take anything (within coding reason) and batter zombies with it, this would mean a lot more melee weapons which many people have been asking for.

    As for the bus a few I can think of are ones to speed the bus up, maybe a better engine or something (I'm no good with cars, but I can do computers :D), the quicker you are the faster you'll reach your destination and the less time you have to spend killing zombies on the bus and possibly getting downed.

    Maybe one that makes the windows on the bus stronger, so less zombies will come in.

    Maybe a quicker fuel pump, if the bus has to stop for fuel then wouldn't it be good to get it fueled up quicker.

    Finally onto weapons, there are a few weapons from Black Ops in there like the FN FAL and the Galil but I'm hoping for some modern weapons or future weapons all depending on what time period we're in.

    The weapons shown at the end looks like the new WW and it would be nice for it to be a flame thrower one but odds are that isn't going to happen.

    I think it's a pulse thing, you know in those desktop tower defense games and you get those little things that pulse circles out, that sort of pulse where all zombies around you get knocked back or just blown apart.

    I may put more in later but this'll do for now!

  11. I believe there is more than this. I think they've shown us the bus route, you don't have to follow the path, there are probably some hidden areas and locations that may unlock survival maps or something along those lines so I reckon they'll be more. The longer you survival TranZit the more survival maps you unlock!

  12. I think we were the only ones that actually enjoyed the fucking trailer lol. Us and a handful other members. Everyone else seems to be raging over the fact that we'll be playing as survivors in a 'zombie apocalypse'. How fucking 'life-changing'. Grow up people and play the best game in the world.

    Agreed! The trailer was blooming brilliant! Roll on November :D


    I honestly was bouncing off walls during the whole trailer, any new information is good for me and the fact that now Treyarch has expanded the whole Zombie thing for us all to enjoy. I can't even describe how happy I am. More zombies for us all. Just remember that.

  13. Okay I'm going to put it straight. This is my opinion and I may get stick for it but here we go.

    This is what zombies needs! Would you want to go through with Rich and Sams story for the whole of BLOPS II, TBH what more do they have to offer other than getting Sam back in her body (story wise)? The whole process was to get Richtofen into the MPD, he now holds the cards.

    Don't get me wrong it WAS a good storyline and it WILL continue but at the moment something else needed to happen. We need to see the side effects of what Richtofen has done, we also need a change of Tak, Rich, Demp and Nik. I'm not ruling them out or saying they were bad I'm just saying you probably wouldn't be able to carry on their story for too long without going through time travel or finding items and all that, it wouldn't really make sense. EEs will be there to tie them in, also you may like these characters better so don't judge a game by its trailer.

    To conclude rant:

    If you want the zombie storyline to last longer then we need to go down this route (by bus ;) ), radios and EEs will probably connect with the four but for now zombies needs to be re-directed to keep it going & making it last longer. It WILL all tie in in the end, trust me.

    Well that's my opinion done! You all have your opinions & if you're disappointed then that's your opinion. Sorry but this is what I think personally.

  14. Analyzing time :D

    Look at the little teddy in the background! The box could spawn there so doesn't this sort of confirm the box (although it probably wouldn't have gone).

    Zombies can now jump (again but with image :D) bringing a new factor into play.

    Also you can see two 'shields', is it just me but do they look like car doors off one of those buggy things.

    Sliding zombies! This would mean that zombies could probably spawn from anywhere and not necessarily through a window or floor.

  15. Buildables require you to SCAVENGE pieces.

    Oh... I see what you did there :D

    Now I finally know!

    I was going to say "Give up the GHOST!" but thought it was corny.

    Anyway, I shall begin the analysis of their organs immediately, a choice of two threads to post on... hmmm.

    Also Grief! BRING IT ON! This is so going to take up my days off. Glad I'm only at college for three days!

  16. The Joystick article that Lian posted says

    "Lamia promises players (playing solo or up to four-players co-op) can traverse on foot or via the bus" for Tranzit


    "(solo or as a 4-player co-op experience)" for survival

    So does this mean that only 4z4 is the only eight player mode? (so far of course!)

  17. http://www.theverge.com/gaming/2012/9/26/3410102/call-of-duty-black-ops-2-zombies-trailer-first-details-tranzit-grief

    9th Paragraph: "Also new is Grief, a new competitive mode that pits humans versus humans versus zombies — nicknamed "4z4" mode by Lamia — in a last team standing battle for survival. In Grief, players can't directly shoot each other to kill the opposing team, Lamia says. Only zombies can take out a team of humans."

    This is a real NON-LEAKED interview. There are a TON of things in here. Looks like we hit the jackpot boys.

    YES! I have to disagree with CrimsonZombie by saying that I like this addition, it really is a survival of the fittest and competition would be good for zombies!

  18. Brill!!! I enjoyed the trailer alot!

    Seriously though why hasn't anyone noticed this yet? A lot of questions have been asked on the reveal thread and many of the things that you've put here would probably answer their questions! I'll post some of my finds later tonight but I'm sure I've seen that guy somewhere before. It's honestly irritating me.

    One thing I would like to point out is on your speed cola photo on the floor you can see a crawler (I think) so that confirms them :D

    Great thread!

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