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Posts posted by THEOSTRICHGUY

  1. My main problem with the new zombies maps is that Treyarch feels the need to add some special feature in each of the maps.

    Tranzit had the bus, denizens, fog etc.

    Die Rise had the elevators and teleporting crawlers

    MoTD had afterlife

    Buried has the witches and the giant

    Instead of focusing on making a solid, fun, replayable map, they try to make them special by adding in too many features that I feel dont go with the zombies game mode. Plus, I'll get bored of the new maps after a couple runs but even to this day, I still go back and play all the maps from Black Ops 1 and World at War.

  2. The main problem lies in the fact that you are killing children. Zombies or not, they would still be viewed as children. Games don't generally mess around with this kind of stuff. For example, in fallout/skyrim, you can't harm or kill children. I think a school map could be really cool but the politics of it just wouldn't work.

  3. We all know that Treyarch planned to make the final Black Ops zombie map Paris but instead decided to make a moon map because they wanted to go out with a bang (literally). Does that mean that the story was planned to go in one direction (ie with the four characters doing something important in Paris) but was changed to the story that we all know with Richtofen switching souls and what not? And how does that affect hints in past maps? Does that make some of the foreshadowing dialogues irrelevant to the story because the parts in the story that they reference no longer exist because of the major story change? Sorry if the wording is a little confusing but I was just throwing out ideas as they came to me.

  4. This is a neat idea, but one problem I see is that this would eventually become a gigantic map. People would also get bored with it eventually as well. Sure there would be new areas every once in a while, but it's still the same environment. Also, what would be available from the beginning in terms of weapons/perks/equipment/e.t.c.?

    Don't get me wrong, I do like this idea. It's just that I don't think a lot of other people would.

    As for the perk location question, it would be cool to only have one perk available, like just quick revive for instance. Then, before each update release, they could have the community vote on which perk they wanted next.

  5. I know there have been lots of questions lately regarding whether or not there is going to be one huge map or many smaller maps and I just thought of something. What if there is one HUGE map but when the game first comes out, only a portion of it was "open". Then, every week or two, a new area was opened up and able to be explored. For instance you could start out the map with just a few streets and buildings when the game first comes out. Then, a couple of weeks after release, the map could be updated with like a new area(i.e sewer area, tunnel area, etc) so that way we get new content on a regular basis and the zombie team can get feedback from us and find out what we like so they can make the map awesome. It would be like an evolving map.

  6. 1) This game mode will work with 2, 4, 6 or 8 players. When the game starts the players are

    equally divided into two teams, lets say red and blue for an example. The idea of the game is for one team to win the other team in scoring points. You can only revive someone if they are on your team. If a zombie drops a powerup, instead of them being green they will be red or blue, red team can only get the red ones vice versa. The game will end when 1 team is dead.

    Love this one so much. Love that idea!!!!

    Also #4 was pretty cool, although as everyone else said it would be better if the points were lowered. I would like you to earn some points after a certain round, not many so you can point whore but enough to buy some ammo. possibly a point per hit? I'm not sure.

    I would like one where everyone is in a seperate room at the start of a game blocked away from others like Verruckt. Your goal is to last as long as you can. In your room you have one mystery box and one randomly selected perk. If someone goes down then they will be locked out , 30% more zombies will enter everyone elses room. Making it harder to survive. The only way to unlock someone is either for everyone to donate 1000 points to a machine situated in their room or the said person will have to wait until the next round. Every 10 or so rounds a door around you will open, this will lead you to another person. You then carry on, you can only use the mystery box in your original room but you can buy perks from other peoples room. This goes on till everyone is together, this opens up the PaP in everyone's rooms, you can only use your own PaP, meaning you have to stand your ground or work together. There will also be some traps and a large 'meeting' area in the middle when all doors are open, this will make it easier to run trains but no by much. This will require about 2+ maybe 4+ Thoughts? & Suggestions.

    This is a lot like a custom zombies map a saw a video for. Its called forts and everyone spawns in their own room, each with a mystery box and perk machine but at the end of each round the doors open so all the players can meet up, but only for a short time. After like 20-30 seconds the doors shut and you are trapped in whatever area you are in at the time.

    Heres the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BN60S9COXVY

  7. Would there be maps made just for the zombie escort, or would it run on any of the zombie maps? Because i think the game mode would work the best on maps that are more "rectangular shaped" (if you know what I mean lol) so it would be kinda like rush in battlefield

  8. Number 4 is pretty cool because many people are asking for something to let them explore new maps and try out different guns and so now they could do it.

    This would be bad, having basically unlimited points makes the game boring even if it doesn't count on the leaderboards.

    If the points were a bit lower, then it could be cool. If you don't earn points then you can't buy anything when you run out. It could be like No Man's Land with people trying to get more kills before they can no longer buy ammo or guns. Just a suggestion, instead of rounds it should be just an endless stream of zombies constanly getting stronger, meaning you get no time to prepare for more.

    Yeah I meant the idea is cool but 200,000 points is WAY too much. I like the idea of this being like an updated NML.

  9. Not trying to sound rude, but I dont think that would be that helpful because by the time you turn on the power and save enough points to buy the perk, you would already have a lot of the map open or enough points to do so. Plus, once you are in the high rounds and actually use traps, you already have so much money that you run out of things to spend it on so an extra 25% off on traps doesn't really affect you that much.

  10. About the question of whether or not they can go back in time: Weren't they in the present during Call of the Dead? and so if the cretacious earth theory isn't true and they are just in the '60s on earth, wouldnt that mean that they traveled back in time from the present in Call of the Dead?

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