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Posts posted by Wonderwaffe

  1. Ray Gun > Porter's X2 Ray Gun

    Wunderwaffe DG-2 > Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ

    Thundergun > Zeus Cannon

    Winter's Howl > Winter's Fury

    Scavenger > Hyena Infra-Dead

    V-R11 > V-R11 Lazarus

    31-79 JGb215 > The Fractalizer

    Zap Gun Dual Wield / Wave Gun > Porter's X2 Zap Gun Dual Wield / Max Wave Gun

    Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23

    Monkey Bomb

    Matryoshka Dolls

    Gersch Device

    Quantum Entanglement Device

  2. I was playing the campaign yesterday and on the second level you have to infiltrate some sort of base in the mountains. Then you find a scientist who brings you over to something called a "Quantum Entanglement Device" (QED). Sound familiar to anyone? Is this just a reference, a lapse of memory or is it actually part of something bigger.

    Unfortunately, after continuing the campaign I found no other zombie references of this nature, in fact I only heard Quantum heard once more throughout it. I wish to conclude that this is simply a small reference by Treyarch, although I wish it was something more.

  3. So I was doing my usual black ops 2 news search and I found this.

    http://www.gameranx.com/updates/id/1048 ... -revealed/

    So either this guy is talking out his arse or there's zombie emblems in black ops 2.

    A lot of the emblems are self explanatory in my opinion but I can't think what the fourth one might be, or what the last one could be for, although I have some suggestions.

    I think the last one is for travelling on the Bus while the fourth one is to do with headshots.

    I'm not great at in depth analysis, I'll leave that to you guys :)

    Edit: Nevermind, turns out what was "just released" was released ages ago, I'm a bit to hasty.

  4. Yea im pretty sure, but my CODWAW deletes its campaign sometimes. Like i have veteran for all but Heart of The Reich, but the next day sometimes theyll all be gone and i have to beat em all again, still got the trophies tho

    Hasn't happened to me luckily but my friend lost all of his Halo Reach legendary progress so he had to do all them again.

  5. I don't remember the exact quote, but Nikolai says It on moon when activating the power. It is something like "ok, in an otherwise technologically advanced moon base, the fact that a single switch was not pulled eliminated both our oxygen and our gravity? Who the hell designed this place!?"

    "Okay, now that we activated this grubby old switch (those three words are wrong I'm sure) in an otherwise technologically advanced moonbase the power is on. Who designed this stupid place?

  6. I have yet to defeat heart of the riech on veteran, thats my last. Damn flak 88s

    That's because the Flaks are just luck. I can destroy the one on the right easily, the one on the left is harder. I always miss with the panzershrek and then I just rush at it and rush back. It worked eventually. The second two are easier.

  7. I've got a small little theory on the EE. Instead of Richtofen wanting to take over the world with his undead army. What if he wanted to go further. The solar system, the universe even. The tower of babble easter egg could be all about finding a way to get the original four or zombies to other planets. I know Shangri-la is apparently on mars, but that is one planet out of many. They could go to Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, Pluto even. The tower of babel was about mankind trying to reach the heavens right? Well the heavens would be far past the moon, I'm sure even in those very BC times they knew of other planets. The ancient Greeks knew of other planets so it isn't out of the question that Richtofen is expanding further than Earth. I'll try and find some sort of evidence to back it up tomorrow because I think I have some but I'm to tired at the moment to put it up.

    Space zombies.... That would be one of the most awful choises imaginable for trayarch to do.... And the Greeks were LONG after the tower of babel.... Not to be rude or anything against you... But this is absolutely awful... I do apologize....

    Lol yeah I woke up this morning thinking that was a stupid idea. I think I'll stick to looking at other peoples ideas and liking them.

  8. I've got a small little theory on the EE. Instead of Richtofen wanting to take over the world with his undead army. What if he wanted to go further. The solar system, the universe even. The tower of babble easter egg could be all about finding a way to get the original four or zombies to other planets. I know Shangri-la is apparently on mars, but that is one planet out of many. They could go to Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, Pluto even. The tower of babel was about mankind trying to reach the heavens right? Well the heavens would be far past the moon, I'm sure even in those very BC times they knew of other planets. The ancient Greeks knew of other planets so it isn't out of the question that Richtofen is expanding further than Earth. I'll try and find some sort of evidence to back it up tomorrow because I think I have some but I'm to tired at the moment to put it up.

  9. Yea, on Vendetta, you just gotta be lucky with the sniper, then what i did after is you can gllitch out of the map, so i did that to kill amsel, on Eviction, i was soo close, but Reznov wouldnt open the door! I had to beat it all over again.

    Yeah that happened to me. So now I have to restart it all over again... And after this I think it's the hardest mission...

  10. The sniping mission, Vendetta. That part where you need to kill the sniper is pure luck. I had to do it twice as it didn't save the first time. The first time it took me half an hour, the second time I did it on my first try. Also I'm still stuck on "eviction" because of a stupid glitch where Reznov refuses to open the door at the end so you get mowed down by endless MP40 fire.

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