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Posts posted by Cy1999aek_maik

  1. How about only being able to purchase it three times like quick revive, i think it would be good then

    i think it will be better if you unlock it the 4th time you buy quick revive(yes forth)or 3arc dont put it at all.i mean it would be a risk.quick revive,or losing all of the revives for infinity ammo?

  2. This is a good idea! Like save how many revives you had and headshots and stuff like that. And a save and quit for solo

    if save is addes to the game we will be able to reach very...very...very high rounds...i dont think they will add it but the other stuff are nice.also you should chose your character in solo dont you think?

  3. I have to say this is the best forum in the whole site bro!But(there is always a BUT :lol: )if they are going to put alll the maps in BO2 i think it is better to do this:

    WaW maps include WaW guns(on wall and box) Bo guns(in box only) and BO2 guns(in box only)

    Bo maps include Bo guns(on wall and box) and bo2 guns(in box)

    Bo2 maps bo 2 guns only(EVERYWHERE 8-) What do you say?

  4. How about extra height while jumping?

    kind of like emulating the effect of no gravity as on moon. allows you to jump to places to reach certain easter eggs, and maybe offer a quick way out of a sticky situation, but as a down side it could land you in a worse situation. and even if you dont have jugg or phd you could take damage from landing, not enough to down you however.

    no...sounds bad...

  5. whoa whoa whoa!Hang on a minute!Do you mean that we will have to pay for elite shit if we want the maps in time?????Well if they do this i will through CoD away and i will get other games that care for its community!I dont give a fuck for your money!IW brought this shitty idea to ruin CoD so no more people buy CoD!IW is going to leave CoD and they want people to stop buying it!Treyarch im begin you!PPLEASE GO TO THE OLD PLAN OF MAPPACK REALESES!NO MORE FUKING ELITE!Activision members are billionaires but they still need money?Why???Do you see other games doing this shit?NO!BTW microsoft's contract has expired and all of the systems are getting the content at the same time...

  6. i think that having IW ideas in zombies(or reverse,whatever)is shit because zombies are uniqe in treyarch games.When i first played black ops i had the feeling that i was in an old war and that's actually what it is.Zombies are actually in old yrs.If IW come in it they will mke it shit! :evil:

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