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bad karma

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Posts posted by bad karma

  1. I don't know if this qualifies as relevant, but I would just like to say that all intel released on the reveal site should be treated as Campaign related only. Multiplayer and Zombies will more than likely have their own reveals in due time. I know that this is a Zombies forum, but until we have some actual intel on Zombies (Which probably won't happen until about August or so) I would like to ask everyone to hold their horses until we have sufficient intel. Assume that Tacitus, whatever it may be, is unrelated to Zombies unless Treyarch specifically says so. We don't need to confuse the newcomers with, well, I don't think that faulty is the right word persay, let's just say, we don't need to confuse them anymore than they might already be.

    I'm sorry if this seems like a rant, but that is what I would like to see on this thread, if not all of them.

    Rock On.

    I agree

    Wow, somebody actually thinks I'm making sense, instead of going into an Aspergers-fueled downward spiral! Thanks!

    Anyways, here's a good start to this thread.

    We know that Tacitus is probably going to be a 'futuristic' weapons manufacturer, but what could their role be in the Campaign (and, eventually, Zombies ;) )?

    Begin speculating awesomeness.....NOW!

  2. I don't know if this qualifies as relevant, but I would just like to say that all intel released on the reveal site should be treated as Campaign related only. Multiplayer and Zombies will more than likely have their own reveals in due time. I know that this is a Zombies forum, but until we have some actual intel on Zombies (Which probably won't happen until about August or so) I would like to ask everyone to hold their horses until we have sufficient intel. Assume that Tacitus, whatever it may be, is unrelated to Zombies unless Treyarch specifically says so. We don't need to confuse the newcomers with, well, I don't think that faulty is the right word persay, let's just say, we don't need to confuse them anymore than they might already be.

    I'm sorry if this seems like a rant, but that is what I would like to see on this thread, if not all of them.

    Rock On.

  3. I understand that black operations gives you a certain amount of leniency, but they simply are not going to include an aircraft that flew for the first time in 2009 in a game set almost 30 years before. I'm not even going to try to explain why that would make no sense.

    It's not nessicarily the same aircraft. We shouldn't assume things before Treyarch actually confirms them. I bet all my gamer points that Black Ops 2, Eclipse, Call of Duty 9, or what ever it's called, will take place in the '80s-'90s. Mark my words. MARK 'EM I SAY!!!!

  4. May 2nd is probably when you can Pre-Order the game

    Perhaps, but I think if that were the case they would've just wrote on the poster something "CoD: BO2, available for preorder May 2nd, 2012!", even if they had to wait till after announcement, instead of making it something of a riddle like they did. I mean, why would they want to make a preorder date secretive? That's a lousy business move if you ask me.

    Not nessicarily. With all the word of mouth about on the forums and elsewhere telling about those promotional posters, and of course, the intel being revealed every day, they probably guessed that it would be a smart move.

    That, and "Return for Debriefing" is just vague enough to get people paying attention.

    And they want to keep people guessing about the exact title until the first of May, that's why.

  5. Numbers two and three are the most likely. Remember, as much as we hope that Black Ops 2, Eclipse, or what ever it will be called, will have Zombies, we still aren't certain of this. So, for the time being, treat any and all intel as if Zombies was not coming(even though we all know it is) and wait for Treyarch to officially announce Zombies. Remember, we won't know anything until at least E3, because the reveal trailer on May 1st is just revealing the main game, not zombies or anything else. Sorry to be so blunt, but, its the truth.

  6. :facepalm: E3?

    That is a more likely possibility. By that time we will know what the core game is called, and our appetite will be satiated for 2-3 months. By the time E3 comes around, we (and by we, I don't mean the unwashed masses who play CoD only for multiplayer, only kidding :lol: )would be more than ready for some info on zombies. So, yeah, can't wait till then!

  7. I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but the intel on the reveal site does not nessicarily answer questions about Zombies. The intel is giving the info about the game's Campaign (Tacitus) and Multiplayer (Quadrotor), nothing more at this point. That doesn't mean that the info won't have anything to do with zombies at all, it just means that until Treyarch comes right out and tells us something definite about Zombies mode (and I think we all know that's not going to happen) we will know next-to-nothing about where Zombies is going.

    Not being mean, just fact.

  8. It surprises me that no one on this forum has tried this yet. I've taken the second count from the reveal site at 5:00 on the 24th of April. According to my calculations, Zero Time on the site will be at 7:00 pm Central Standard Time, May 1st, 2012. Now, of course, I can't be absolutely certain of the exact time, but I'm reasonably sure that the reveal time will be sometime between 6:55 and 7:00. I'm posting my figures here so you can do your own calculations. Bear in mind that these figures are from the Central time zone. If you don't understand about time zones, please don't do these calculations.

    Second count on April 24th, 2012, 5:00 pm.


    86400=24 hours

    3600=1 hour

    If you come up with a different time, feel free to post them here. Just don't act like you're supierior to me, that's uncalled for. :facepalm:

    Good luck, and fingers crossed.

  9. You might want to re-check those figures. The time I got was 6:55 pm--7:00 pm CST. It helps, I might add, to take as accurate a time as possible on the hour. I will be re-checking my figures again to be absolutely sure of the "Zero Time". It's almost 8:00 now. If I take a reading right at 8, I should have a reasonably accurate second count, which will give me the means to calculate the exact time to the nearest minute.

    I can't wait!

  10. Eclipse sounds very cool... I'm interested in the naming behind it.

    Funny, how most of us thought it would be BO2. So what is it now, CODE?

    Nothing has been announced yet other than the fact that it'll be announced on May 2nd, we'll just have to wait and see.

    Update for you all!

    Call Of Duty has announced on their website that the WORLD REVEAL will be during the basketball playoffs on TNT on MAY FIRST. SOMEBODY CHECK THAT OUT, THIS COULD BE IT!!!!!!

  11. Ok here is the closest thing to proof we have:

    In this video it outlines what I am about to show you.Transmition number/Designate
















    Using 1-a 2-b.......and the first letter of each designate, you get:"Reznov is dead, or is he?" "There was who?" "Nobody." "Is not, he says he is."

    Take that how you would like

    I hope you are right my friend. I hope reznov is the next zombies hero.

    Funny, I got, "Reznov is dead, or is he? There was no body. Is not who he says he is."

    Just a matter of perception I guess.

  12. Seeing as Reznov is dead, that wouldn't work out.

    Besides, the campaign and zombies storylines are pretty much in different "universes"

    Not nesicarily......

    I used to think that, but now after looking closely at the campaign intel, I'm starting to think that Treyarch has made it so that it is possible for the 'two' universes to be one and the same.

  13. Personally, I think that Samantha won't make it to the next map.

    Let me explain. It just seems weird to have an eight year old girl inside a 40 something year old mans body. Now, I don't think that Samantha is going to DIE, I just think that she won't be a playable character.

    Possibly, something might happen, (teleporter malfunction, natural hazard, etc.) that 'kills' Samantha in Richtofen's body. And an innocent bystander who has encountered the zombies joins up with the Original Characters. And Samantha, though she doesn't have a body, would probably show up again in a future map(or a past map, however you want to look at it). Possibly she would possess a piece of machinery, or even a recentoly dead body. I mean, come on! We just met Samantha, so it's doubtful that Treyarch is going to take her away from us so soon. But, as I've said before, we'll just have to wait and see.

  14. I couldnt fit what I wanted to in the title, by saying "go back in time" what I mean is should they take us back and show how the main characters got to places such as Shangri-la, Ascension, etc...

    I first thought of this idea because I heard syndicate touch on it briefly. I made a video explaining my thoughts on if they should continue it after moon (seeing as the earth got blown up) or if they should show how we got to the other maps.

    Here is the video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjoWIuSCbuk

    Dude, we already know how they got to Shangri-la: Via teleporter from Call of the Dead.

  15. Even the most optimistic Zombies players now struggle to find a continuation to the Zombies storyline. Richtofen blew up the Earth. The characters are stuck on the Moon forever. Some players think this is the end of Zombies and Black Ops 2 will not feature the beloved game mode. But I do not think this is the case. It is my firm belief that Zombies will thrive in Treyarch's next game even more so than it did in Black Ops. Here is my reasoning:

    From http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3z6hUv0nUw, by MrChillax6

    Please direct your attention to the image above. This was taken by a modder in Black Ops using using NoClip. Many of you will recognize this as the Earth as seen from the Moon in "Moon." But look more closely at it. Do you see any of Earth's continents, such as Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe, etc.? No. I believe that's because this is not an image of Earth as we know it.

    This is Earth during the late Cretaceous Period. Doesn't the first image look more like this than modern Earth? Now, I know many of you will not be very quick to accept the hypothesis that "Moon" took place 65 million years ago, but it's not impossible. We know from past Zombies levels that our four characters travel through not only space, but time as well. For example, they went from the WWII era to the Cold War era without aging. However, there are still unanswered questions. Why would there have been a moon base 65 million years ago? What about Area 51? My answer: there is no answer- yet. There wasn't a base on the moon in the '60s or '70s, the time period in which the level is currently thought to have taken place. There isn't one there now either. Remember, nothing is too absurd for Zombies. One often ignored, and still unexplained phenomenon is the mud pits in Area 51. Area 51 is in a desert, and deserts are usually dry. The Cretaceous Period had a wet climate. And remember, nothing in Zombies is in any way based on fact.

    I have digressed from my original topic: the continuation of the Zombies storyline. As is commonly known, missiles were launched from the Moon during the level's Easter egg. Those missiles crashed into Earth, and inevitably caused a mass extinction killing every human on Earth similar to the extinction that killed the dinosaurs. But if my hypothesis is correct and "Moon" did take place 65 million years ago, the extinction wouldn't have been similar to the one that killed the dinosaurs, it would have been the extinction that killed the dinosaurs.

    The title of the Easter egg is "Richtofen's Grand Scheme." What reason would Richtofen have to kill everyone on Earth? If the dinosaurs didn't die out, humans wouldn't exist now. Maybe Richtofen's scheme was to kill off the dinosaurs so that humans could come to exist. The truth is, we won't know if any of this is true until the next game arrives this November. We'll just have to wait.

    To wrap things up, I'll tie up some loose ends. Some people believe Area 51 isn't on Earth. If you look to the sky on Area 51, you will see the same image of Earth that you see while on the Moon. This is because Area 51 is actually in the same map as Moon, not a separate one. If you use NoClip to explore the map and go just beyond the Biodome, you will be able to reach Area 51 without the use of a teleporter. Since the two locations are in the same map, the same image of Earth will be seen from both locations. It is unavoidable. At least Treyarch knew it would raise some questions. They sure do like being cryptic. Also, many people have noticed that if you die on "Moon," no music plays. This has lead some players to believe there will be no more zombies in Treyarch's next game. Previously, the song from the next map's musical Easter egg played when you died. "115" from "Kino Der Toten" even played when you died in "Der Riese." But this is because "Kino Der Toten" was originally going to be in World at War. When Treyarch didn't add a fifth map pack, the map was moved to Black Ops. There was no extra map pack planned for Black Ops. Therefore, there's no musical Easter egg for the next map- yet, and no music at the end of "Moon."

    The point of this post was not to suggest that the next set of Zombie maps will take place 65 million years ago. If the characters teleported back in time, they can teleport forward again. But the point of the thread was to suggest that maybe Richtofen didn't end humanity by sending the missiles in the Easter egg. If my theory is correct, modern Earth is quite intact in the Zombies story, and ready for a whole new set of zombie adventures in Treyarch's next game.

    EDIT: I am aware that this is not the only place on the internet where this theory is posted. I realized that the Earth didn't look like modern Earth and did some research, and found out that it looked more like Cretaceous Earth. After that, I did some internet searching to find out if this theory was posted elsewhere, and it is. However, it was not posted on any forums huge among the Zombies community, like this one. Someone in a later post mentioned the website Playthegame.co. Before posting this, I had never heard of that website. The first image of Earth in this post is a screenshot of a Youtube video from a player who NoClipped to Earth and took a picture. I discovered this video while searching for my theory elsewhere on the internet. I was not the first person to think of this, true. But I discovered it on my own. If I had used anyone else's research and work, I would have cited it. The only thing here that came from anyone else's work was the first picture, which has now been cited. I am not a plagiarizer, please don't accuse me of being one.

    *EDIT* Forum user Thunderwaffe (who replied to this thread) has proposed another theory as to why Earth looks different. Tectonic plates are still moving. Maybe the Earth seen in Moon is Earth millions of years from now, not millions of years in the past. This would explain the fact that in Moon, there's a moon base. Great theory, Thunderwaffe!

    You Know, this actually makes a lot of sense. Maybe Treyarch put that picture of the earth to leave the possiblities for future maps open. Who knows? Maybe they hadn't even thought of this! And you might have hit on something that will influence how they continue!

    Great Job!

  16. Die Schwarze Sonne (created by Richtofen, throught stealing datas of the Gersch Device).

    Rounds : 1 per magazine ; 7 reserve rounds.

    It shoots a black hole which sticks on the next wall it hits. It "absorbs" like a Gersch Device all the zombies it hits. When it hits the wall, the black hole increases in size and attracts the zombies, sucking them in like a Gersch.

    Finally after 3 seconds, the black hole "explodes" killing all zombies around it.

    PaP'd : Maxis' Schwarze Sonne

    Rounds : 2 per magazine ; 14 extra rounds.

    Same as above exept with bigger initial black hole, more attracting power, and it would take 5 seconds to explode.

    This weapon would be very useful to revive teammates despite it's small capacity, since you could shoot it next to your friend to revive him.

    A good idea, but it seems a little bit over powered. that could be contrasted by a slow reload time or smaller clip size though.

  17. Here's an Idea!

    If they were to make an "All-Zombies" Game, heres how they could have Campaign, Multiplayer, AND the classic Zombies mode.

    First, Campaign: Take the original Zombie levels, and remake them so that they can be won. You know, objectives and such, and possibly working the easter eggs into it. And, everytime you complete a level in "Story Mode", you unlock that level in the classic zombies mode. Plus, I was thinking that they split the Campaign into two paths: One following Richtofen, Tank, Takeo, and Nikolai, And one following another group, say, maybe part of a survival unit of the army, trying to save refugees and such. And eventually, the two paths would meet up, and they would end up working together to end the Zombie apocolypse for good.

    Second, Multiplayer: Make it like "normal" Multiplayer for CoD, but with a few slight changes. For the first few minutes of the match, everything would be normal (people trying to kill each other). But then, with no warning, zombies start swarming onto the map! Now, the players are left with a choice: Fight both their enemies AND the zombies, or coordinate with the other players to survive the onslaught, and get more kills. (You would respawn regardless, but better to survive than to be eaten, eh?) Also, killstreaks would still be in effect, but with a twist. Human killstreaks would be what we're used to(i.e. Spy plane, sentry gun, mortar strike, etc.). ZOMBIE killstreaks would be completely unique. I was thinking something like, Perk-a-Cola Machine drops via Care Package, Pack-a-Punch machine drops, mystery box drops, Wonder Weapon drops, etc. (Imagine for a minute, how awesome it would be to kill an enemy player with a Wave Gun! :lol: )

    Finally, Zombies mode: Basically the same as usual, but could have a few changes. I don't know how it could be changed with out it being ruined, it's so AWESOME, but If the Black Ops maps were any indication, Treyarch will find a way to top them!!!

    Input please! Good :) ? Bad :( ? Completely out of my mind :twisted: ?

    Come on! It's got to be at least partially Boss!!

  18. Part 2:

    Michael stared at the facility with a mixture of disgust and loathing. How dare it take him away from his home state just to advance the human condition?! He was almost 18, after all. He could have stayed at home. But Mom had made him come with them.

    Michael aimed his .338 at the lab. He knew it wouldn’t do anything to shoot at it, but it would make him feel better.

    “Who knows? If I’m lucky, I might hit a stupid scientist.”

    Choosing a random window, he lined up his sights, and fired. Michael grinned with satisfaction.

    “Take that, Forma Bastards.”

    Michael started to climb back down. He had school after all. He wasn’t sure, but he had thought he had heard the tinkle of glass breaking after he had fired. But it was probably just his imagination.

    The 115 mingled with the broken glass on the morgue’s floor. It spread to the dead bodies on the floor, while some stray particles that had been blown into the air by the bullet settled on the bodies lying on the tables and shelves. A body on the floor slowly opened its eyes. Its glowing, yellow eyes. Slowly, it stood up, along with the rest of the bodies.


    At two in the morning, Michael was sick of school. He missed the times that he could go to school during the day, but ever since the president passed a law saying that schools could choose between day and night teaching, several schools had chosen to do their teaching at night.

    Michael grinned at his friends, Ben and Forman. They grinned back in acknowledgment. Ben was a brainy person. His dad worked at the lab, so Ben knew a little bit about what they were doing. Ben was the best in their grade at Math. But he was good with an assault rifle too.

    Forman was tech-savvy. He knew everything there was to know about computers and other equipment. Michael had taught him to use an M1911, and after that, he had wanted to learn how to use more weapons. Ben too. The three of them were probably the most skilled with using weapons. At least in the area.

    “Hey guys, what’s up?”

    Ben rolled his eyes like he always did. “Nothing extensive. Merely attempting to survive.”

    Forman looked at Ben with a weird look on his face. “You know, you could have just said, ‘Not much’.”

    Ben smiled apologetically. “Sorry. My dad just finally told me about the main experiments FormaTek is working on! I’m really excited!”

    Michael grinned. “That good, huh?”

    “Oh, you have no idea! You see—”

    He stopped as he noticed that Michael wasn’t paying attention.


    Michael didn’t hear him. He was too busy looking at Vanessa, the prettiest girl in the school.

    “Mike, why don’t you just go over and ask her out already? Just get it over with.”

    Michael wasn’t listening.


    Michael shook his head to clear his head.

    “Sorry. You were saying?”

    Ben rolled his eyes. “Anyway, my dad told me about one of the experiments that FormaTek is working on. Ever hear of 115?”

    The boys shook their heads.

    “No? Well, it’s an element that was discovered several years ago by Nazi scientists during World War II. They tried to use it to create different types of weaponry to use against the Allied forces. But they failed. But, 115 also has another capability: it can—Mike, come on!”

    Michael’s gaze had drifted over towards Vanessa again. Forman rolled his eyes.

    “I don’t know why you’re so nervous. Hey Vanessa! Come over here!”

    To Michael’s horror, Vanessa walked over towards them.

    “Hi Forman!”

    “Guys, this is Vanessa. She and I are in the Tech Club together. Vanessa, I’ve told you about my friends, Ben and Michael.”

    Michael didn’t say anything, even when Vanessa smiled at him.

    “So nice to meet you two! Forman’s told me everything about you!”

    Michael gulped.



    Vanessa looked right at him.

    “I’m a big fan of firearms too!”

    “You are?”

    “Yeah, I’ve learned how to use an AK-47! I think I might be the best shooter, at least among the girls, in this school.”

    Ben grinned mischievously. “Then you two should get along famously. Mike here knows everything about guns.”

    Michael smiled humbly. “Well, maybe not everything…”

    “Shut up! You’re always telling us random pieces of info about the weapons you have. You know EVERYTHING!”

    And so it continued for about 15 minutes, the boys arguing amongst themselves, and Vanessa laughing along, occasionally smiling at Michael. Michael tried to change the subject.

    “Hey Ben, you were telling us about FormaTek’s experiments. What were you saying? Something about 115?”

    “Oh yeah! 115 was used in experimental Nazi weaponry, but it has a sometimes unpleasant side-effect.”


    “It reanimates dead cells.”


    “It can—”

    Suddenly, there was a scream, followed by the sound of shattering glass. The four of them turned quickly around to see what had happened.

    Their mouths dropped open. The glass entrance doors had been shattered inwards. But that wasn’t the surprising part. It was what had broken through the glass that was shocking.

    Michael turned to look at Ben. “It can create zombies?”

    Ben looked pale. “Oh my God. Oh. My. GOD.”

    “I’ll take that as a yes. RUN!!!”

    Greg ran inside the lab’s Panic Room. How the hell had this happened? There were zombies everywhere! Sealing the door, he saw that he wasn’t the only one in there. It was Hammond.

    “Oh my God. I’m so sorry, Greg.” Hammond was crying. “I didn’t mean to do this.”

    “What? Don’t be silly. How could you do this?”

    Hammond cried harder. “I didn’t properly secure the element. I left it inside the morgue. I wasn’t thinking. I caused this. I’m the one to blame.”

    “Hammond, it’s okay. Though this may be a big mistake, everyone makes them.”

    “No. Don’t you see? Haven’t you read those notes that were found at the outpost where the element was found? This has happened before. It happened in Germany. It happened in Japan. I did some digging, and it’s happened in the states too. This is an epidemic. It’s going to get us. I knew we shouldn’t try to play God!”


    “The Nazi’s tried to use the element to make weaponry, but when they found out that it reanimated dead bodies, they tried to train them to be super-soldiers. And guess what? They failed. It was almost the end of them. Thankfully, the incidents were isolated before they could spread too far. But now, we’ve…I’ve started another outbreak. We’re all going to die.”

    “Can’t the president send help?”

    “Already tried the emergency line. It’s dead. Besides, who’s going to believe that there are zombies attacking us?”

    Greg said nothing. Hammond grabbed a pistol from the emergency storage area.

    “I’m going to fix this.”

    “No! Don’t! Stay here!”

    “I have to do this. If you get out of here, tell them all that I’m sorry.”

    Hammond unsealed the door and ran out into the horde. Greg tried to follow, but Hammond had sealed the door from the outside.


    It was too late. Greg could only watch as the zombies tore him to pieces.


    To be continued.

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