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bad karma

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Posts posted by bad karma

  1. Okay, so since no one has done it that I've seen, I'm setting up a thread for specifically discussing the 'leaked' Achievments list. Any ideas, brain sparks, or theories are welcome here.

    Anyway, so, looking at the achievments list, two specific achievments jumped out at me.

    "You Have No Power Over Me."

    What could that mean? Anyone got any ideas?

    "Fuel Efficient

    In TranZit, use an alternative form of transportation."

    Hmm.....what is the most common form of transportation from the previous maps ;) (other than walking, obviously)? TELEPORTERS!!

    Make sense?

    Leave a comment below!!!

  2. I think they made the maps assuming that the Easter Eggs have been done. I mean, it's almost impossible to NOT know about them.

    Anyway, here's my idea(and you can thank me later if it turns out to be true).

    The campaign/EE/whatever-it-will-be in TranZit will have something to do with a teleporter. The characters we saw in trailer won't be able to use it(or will they? I just now remembered an acheivment from the list that says: "use an alternative means of transport" ;) )but possibly, by "obeying the voices" they repair the teleporter, and the original characters pop out! And the map packs would be continuing the OC's journey.

    This is just an idea, mind, but hey! If you have an objection to it, feel free to debate me on it. Just send me a PM. I'll debate you all you want until it comes out.

  3. I agree with Monstorbasher, let's get back on-topic.

    The way the community is reacting to a potential campaign worries me. Some want it to be there so they can have all our questions answered, yet other don't want one as they feel it would ruin the Zombies mode altogether. The real question is though, how are Treyarch reacting to the idea and what should they do to keep us all happy?

    Thank you, kind sir. This is the kind of attitude I wish all users had. That is the very question we should ask. We need to remember that, at this point, almost nothing we say or do will have any impact on the game now. They are in control, and they can choose to listen to us. We need to band together instead of just coming up with our own theories, and cursing out other people when they disagree.

    I shouldn't have lost my temper.

  4. I do not believe he is a robot, he must be a human or some type of Zombie, I imagine probably incorrect but when the events of Moon took place it was still set in the cold war era? Humanoid robots did not exsist then!

    As I've said before: Teleporters did not exist back then either! Or Ray Guns! OR ZOMBIES!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted:

  5. If the bus driver were a zombie, why are zombies chasing after the bus? Furthermore, if you look carefully you can see barricades on the inside of the bus which is obviously meant to keep zombies out.

    They would be chasing the bus because there would players inside presumably.

    Why doesn't the driver attack the players inside?

    Because it's not a zombie. Zombies attack/eat brains/moan at people. They lack the basic motor skills to drive anything, much less a bus. :ugeek:


    I try, I try.

    Calm down. ;p


    I know that in this situation you're just being a smart-ass, but seriously, you need to chill. The fuck. Out. Rub it in when/if we are wrong but until then, shut up.

  7. I think a robot will be driving the bus. Only a machine could go on driving a bus in a specific route while not giving a care about the attacking zombies. Some people think that it's a zombie driving the bus, but do I even have to explain why that doesn't make sense? :roll:

    If you look at the bus, the paint is all tore off, maybe an effect from the bomb shot from the moon. I doubt that a robot would be driving a bus back then.

    Yeah, and I also doubt that Teleporters would exist back then, much less Ray-Guns, Wunderwaffes, Zap-Guns, or, Hell, even FREAKING ZOMBIES!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    Seriously though, this is Zombies Mode. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!!

  8. Just another tidbit of information not new but kinda strange The, Call of duty Facebook page posted this picture of Nacht der Untoten and the caption Everyone eventually needs a little "help." They also called this zombie 101 could this mean we will be seeing the old maps return or is this nothing ?

    Or maybe....maybe they're saying there is something we've missed. Something to do with Nacht, that has something to do with the upcoming zombies. Can someone go back to the original and the remade map, and see if I'm right?

  9. Gentlemen.....and Ladies......as you very well know, we are just over two months away from the release of Black Ops 2. We all know that the zombies mode is going to be exceptional this time around, and Treyarch is keeping us on the edge of our seat with the promise of substantial Zombie info. As I asked back at the big reveal, I ask again that we keep mud-slinging and speculation to a minimum. With every new game, we have a potential of new users to this forum, and we can just as easily scare them away with our fighting. Not only that, but we can also confuse them about the story if we speculate about what has not been confirmed.

    So please, for the benefit of the newcomers, make this a more friendly environment.

    And be patient. All shall be revealed soon enough...........

    Time for more Gutsacks to die. :twisted:

    --Bad Karma

  10. Many many people have been asking/pleading for a campaign. I see no reason for them to not do one. I mean, just cause it's there, doesn't mean that you HAVE to play it. I wish that people who disagree with it would just chill out. And if we (that is the people who think/hope there will be a campaign for zombies) happen to be wrong, fine! The others can rub it in our faces all they want. Just wait until we've been proven wrong first. THEN start acting high and mighty.

  11. As I have said before, humans as a species are afraid of change.

    I'm glad there are people who realize that change is imminent, and aren't overly afraid of what's coming.

    Whatever comes, it will do nothing but build on the awesomeness that is zombies.

    Don't worry. It'll be okay. ;)

  12. Okay, try this theory: Assume for a minute that it was aliens. Maybe, Aliens dug a cave on the moon and placed the Pyramid there, hoping to eventually take over the world. They would have probably taken a more direct approach, except for the fact that we as earthlings have an un-healthy obsession with guns.(Need I say more?)

    So, they took an element from their homeworld, and planned to drop the shipment of the element at an unknown location on our planet. But, for reasons unknown, their ship went out of control, and exploded at a point a few miles above the village of Tunguska, scattering several pieces of the element in the form of meteors to several locations throughout the world.

    German scientists find a number of these meteors, and proceeded to experiment with it, discovering that this element could reanimate dead cells.

    The aliens were aware of this too. They hoped that the world would become infested with the undead, and at that point they would send back one of their own to enter the pyramid, and take control of the undead army to exterminate the more resourceful of the humans.

    But, due to some sort of energy, during the teleporter experiment, Richtofen was drawn to the pyramid, and upon touching it, became their unwitting pawn. Destined to become their controller. After all, who better to destroy the human race than a person who loves to kill people slowly?

    Unfortunately, Samantha became trapped inside first. So, this prompted Richtofen to do everything he could to get her out of there, and take his place as the destroyer.

    And all this time, the aliens are watching. Waiting for the moment when mankind is gone, and they can claim the planet as their own.

    Now, Richtofen has gained control.

    We're screwed.

  13. My take on how CoTD could exist is the fact that upon blowing up the earth, we created an alternate timeline (quick note here: anyone remember Mark Lamia mentioning Zombies being in a new world next 'season'? This could qualify).

    Remember that in CoTD, Samantha was still the announcer for the map('INSTA-KILL!' 'DOUBLE POINTS!' etc., etc.) but in Moon, Richtofen gains control. This, if I am correct, created an alternate universe, in which the events of CoTD did not occur. Come to think of it, as far as we know, Earth was really fucked up, so several events could have not occured.

    Think about it!

    Comments? Questions? Post below!

  14. Who said Cotd was in the 70s?

    Deffinetly not me.


    I am saying Richtofen used Wunderwaffe DG-2 on the Teleporter and ended up in Der Reise in 1960's. Richtofen used the Gersh Device and ended up in Call of the Dead in 1970's.
  15. This is getting confusing!

    Okay, crew starts in Shi No Numa, ends up in Der Riese(maybe by teleporter).

    Overloads teleporter with Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ(Pack-a-Punched Wunderwaffe DG-2), ends up in Kino der Toten in the 60's. Somehow get to Ascension, activate the Kassimir(I think that's how it's spelled) Mechanisism, end up in Call of the Dead in early 2012(not the 70's, becuase how could the MODERN DAY CELEBRITIES AND A MODERN DAY FILM DIRECTOR BE IN THE 70'S? :facepalm: ). Fixing the teleporter(which is hidden behind the doors) end up in "paradise" aka Shangri-la.

    Teleport to No Man's Land, then another teleport to the Moon, activate the pyramid, Samantha and Richtofen switch souls, Richtofen takes control of the zombies, crew blows up the Earth, and that's where Treyarch left off.

    I hope that clears everything up, and stop saying that CoTD is in the 70's! I hate that people are being misled!

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