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Posts posted by kraigm345

  1. So earlier today, i thought of an idea that I quite liked. What if instead of starting out with a M1911 every game, the game randomly chose 1 of 4 starter pistols. 4 pistols that are basicly the same, but each has a different pack-a-punch variant. Like one could be a grenade launcher, machine pistol,etc. Let me know what you guys think :D

  2. The leaderboards werent as glitched as most people think. They are all modded now but most people surprisingly did play legitly. And it is possible to make a map with no glitches. Just look at shangri-la. There is a glitch to get under the map where the spikes are but that could help you because you cant do anything under there.

    The other day i saw some guy dive into a part of the ground in starting room of shangri-la, get down, revived, and then he was under the map. But isnt it impossible to create a game/map without glitches? Nothing is perfect.

  3. Will Ferrel, John C. Reiley, Tracy Jordan, and Adam Sandler. The backstory would be similar to Call of the Dead, except it would be them shooting a zombie comedy, with "AMERICAN ZOMBIES", which are obese zombies, and it would be in NYC or Chicago.

    HAHAHA... That made my day. Back to OP, We know bowman is dead, but I honestly don't thing Reznov is dead. You didn't SEE him die...he just drove away in a truck from what I remember...maybe he got taken back to the prison and escaped again...maybe he did make it out, with a little help from someone else which we could get to know in BO2. Anything can happen, and nothing IS confirmed except for the fact that bowman is dead :lol: .

    EXACTLY! There really was no evidence of Reznov dying, so we don't know if its true. But Reznov was a beast, he couldnt have died so easily. Not really a heroic death if you ask me.

    BTW: I used to think that Dempsey was Mason! :lol:

  4. I have a few ideas.

    Spike trap: Idea comes from the Shangri-la traps. This trap would be placed in a doorway and any zombies that run through get killed by spikes that shoot across the doorway.

    Ice trap: Pretty self explanatory, this trap freezes all zombies and kills them.

    Water trap: Jets of water shoot across the trap, obliterating any zombies in their way.

    Spider Trap: Zombies run into a giant web and get stuck in it. They then are melted from a green acid.

    Earth Trap: A giant hole in the ground is uncovered. All the zombies fall into this hole and die.

    Saw trap: Giant circular saws are placed around the doorway and cut through any zombies that try to pass.

    Wind trap: All zombies are thrown violently across the map from hurricane force winds. They die.

    Grenade launcher turret: Same as the normal auto turret but shoots china lake shots instead.

    Club trap: Zombies walking into this trap are beaten by spiked clubs.

    Boulder trap: Boulders fall in a landslide, crushing all zombies in their path.

    Snow trap: An avalanche falls and buries zombies under a mound of snow.

    These are all pretty basic ideas but would make for some fun gameplay. If you guys like these I will post more ideas.

    Would these work on zombies and the 4 players? If it worked on everyone, wouldn't it just attract trolls to build the trap, use it on their teammate, then run away and not revive them? Other than that, these traps and this idea Undead Xp had in general were well thought out. :)

  5. Sounds pretty solid. I like to know that i am not the only one who thinks that the CoTD crew is still alive. Maybe instead of Richtofen teleporting them, they shot the locked door in CoTD with the Hyena Infradead after the original crew had left, powered up the teleporter, and teleported to Paris just before the rockets hit?

  6. I think deathb4di2h0nor said it best. You can still experience the classic feel on WaW.

    What would have really happened if Treyarch just remodeled the classic maps for the BO engine?

    There would have been an uproar of 'Why did I have to pay again for the maps that I already purchased on WaW!?'. Think about it. There had to be changes made in order for them to market it.

    I'm fine with the addition of Mule Kick. Some people don't buy it, as people have pointed out, but I recall quite a few of my friends wanting the ability to have more weapons. That's what I recall people wanting, so Treyarch actually did something for the community in my book. If you think the perk has that much of an effect on gameplay, tell me how much of a difference does it make in NDU? That's a barebones map and is the perfect test subject. Elite players might find it powerful, but the noobs, the majority of people who play the game, will not. It's a completely optional element of the game that barely affects gameplay.

    I think people just like to complain. :(

    Exactly. I mean its not like you are being forced to buy it. It just gives you 3 guns. Its not that bad when you consider they couldve added Juggernog to Nacht

  7. Takeo mentioned something about hunting down the members of 935, so maybe they'll travel back in time to Paris before the planet was destroyed and hunt down a 935 member there?

    The last part reminds me of Volk in mw3 :3

  8. If I recall correctly, one of the reasons that Treyarch took out the ammo-matic was because people would just camp there w/ pap thundergun or pap wunderwaffe. I know you are now talking about something else,but just wanted to state the flaws about the Ammo refiller

    what if it was placed in a really horrible place were zombies would overrun you easily

    or make it like solo quick revive were it dissapears after 3 uses

    Yeah,that sounds a little better. Can you imagine if they updated der riese with it? Then they put it next to the box spawn on the catwalk? It Would be a pretty big fail

  9. The is what is said on the last page of Komisch Der Untoten (What I believe Black Ops Zombie names should be referred to as).

    I believe that our now friendly Samantha will take the team back on themselves and reveal to them their own pasts, whilst Richtofen is out to stop them. I think Samantha will try to prove to the other what Richtofen is like, and get them to remember who they each really are.

    Also, as one last thing. I was reading someone else's thread about the Moon earlier and how it seemed to be different sizes on each map. After reading this, I noticed how in bad conditions each of the maps really seem to be. Could some of the maps be set after the nuclear attack? Such as Ascension?

    Hmmm, very good point. I like your idea. I believe that may just happen, since it seems pretty logical and I could really see that happening. Ill give you a brain :D

  10. I dont know if this was discussed before but i couldn't find anything about it. Basically the title says it all. I have been wondering about this for quite sometime now. Everybody probably knows about how at the end of the cotd easter egg Richtofen gives them the DG-2. Since the previous map in the series was Ascension, how does Richtofen have the DG-2, since there is no way to get it in ascension?

  11. I dont know if this was discussed before but i couldn't find anything about it. Basically the title says it all. I have been wondering about this for quite sometime now. Everybody probably knows about how at the end of the cotd easter egg Richtofen gives them the DG-2. Since the previous map in the series was Ascension, how does Richtofen have the DG-2, since there is no way to get it in ascension?

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