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Posts posted by tanked99

  1. how bout a 19 year old from ohio who totally loves the pleasure of killing zombies and stamin-upthinks tanks hilarious and is his role model (then again hes pretty much the only one left)

    (when drinking stamin-up) "danm thats better than mountain dew"

    (when killing a sprinter) "holly crap he ran faster than me at a track meet"

    (when downed)"help i feel like lohan after a party"

  2. if moon was before cotd then wouldn't them getting the golden rod or the stone not happen cause when they blew up earth they wouldn't be able to get them would they unless since they already had it and did it back then and stayed back then would they even exist considering they were still on earth when they blew it up???

  3. i personaly think we should have a zombie campaign where you start at the beginning of the experiments and and test and play it out and the game have all the zombie maps on there as an online or solo or however you play bonus

    leave a post and tell me what you think.


  4. i personaly think we should have a zombie campaign where you start at the beginning of the experiments and and test and play it out and the game have all the zombie maps on there as an online or solo or however you play bonus

    leave a post and tell me what you think.


  5. "Villa Der Numa" wouldn't be a good name for it though. It's a combination of two, maybe three languages. Der is German. Numa is Japanese (And means "swamp," not "death." "Shi" is death. Shi No Numa literally means Death's Swamp). I don't know if Villa is a German word. If it isn't, it is a word in Spanish and Italian. "Mansion of Swamp" wouldn't exactly be a good name for a Zombies map.

    yeah but the name sounds cool and the idea of it is pretty awsome two

  6. well yeah but i figured if there were zombies everywhere you'd think people would know? news,and people but then again the government hides alot and do a good job of it so that would be a walk in the park for them and sorry about the legibleness i was in a hurry

  7. okay so in cotd its soposedly in the present right well if that's true then the outbreak has already begun and is pretty much everywhere, now why would you make a zombie movie in a place where 115 is known to be and i am assuming the outbreak is already in America by now,and in ascension when you unleash that man where does he go? he could've either gone up with the big man or it was a trap from Samantha? and in five by then wouldn't they have known about the out break because this is all after world at war so they should've known(i know JFK new but the way the others acted i am not sure whether they knew or not?).

    please reply and thank you for viewing this :)

    EDIT-i now know that he didn't realize there was 115 there and the ascension EE i figured out that he doesn't go back to aether or to samantha and the whole JFK thing thanks to some codzers i know he kept it secret and i should've known it :facepalm: and sorry about the post i was up till 12:00am and got up at 4:00am so i was REALLY tired

  8. I'd say Fausty or AlphaSnake. Mainly because they are both spooky demon characters who can, and most likely will at point in the near future eat all of our souls.

    Why do you think Alpha has not posted in a long time ? Because he has a son now ? No, because he was wounded in a battle with Carbon to restore the price of blueberry's at the super market to normal. Alpha came close to winning, but alas Ehjookayted hit him from behind with a steel chair. So now Carbon is not only the WWE champion, but the price of watermelon has gone up too! WE ARE DOOMED TO PAY HIGH PRICES FOR FRUIT AT THE SUPER MARKET FOREVER!!! Not to mention the fact that Fausty ate Phxntxm for breakfast today.

    And thats how callofdutyzombies.com was made!

    ha ha ha ha ha :lol: that's freaking hilarious i love the wwe part lol

  9. i was messing around in the terminal and found a bunch of e-mails like this its from weaver to hudson


    Caught Mason puking in the john earlier today and that wasn't the first time.

    He's jittery; still mumbling to himself. Says he's got headaches, the doc

    gave him some aspirin, and it's no big thing. My father Gedeon, God rest her

    soul, suffered from extreme migraines too. And Mason's got all the signs.

    I told him to get himself ghost, but he refuses. Something about unfinished

    business. I hear the shrink is forcing him to take a leave of absence.

    Probably a good thing. Maybe you can talk to him. Tell him to take it easy.

    Retire. He'll listen to you. I'd do it, but it's hard to take a guy

    seriously when he looks like a pirate, am I right?

    That bastard Kravchenko did a number on my eye, but I'll take that any day

    over whatever Mason's going through.

    or these ones to mason from Mr. x

    Mr. Mason --

    Clarke was intending to hide in Johannesburg.

    He has a brother there. It's a good place to start.

    Mr. Mason --

    Woods is alive and remains the sole remaining American guest at the

    Hanoi Hilton.

    Thought you should know.

    then some more from hudsons inbox


    I want to know what's going on. No one's doing anything.

    Dragovich is still out there and he needs to be stopped. You've got

    the DDCI's ear. Find out what's going on and why we haven't been let loose

    to find this psycho. He's a mad dog and he needs to be put down.

    If the big-wigs don't get this going, I swear, I'm going out there to find

    him myself. I don't care about the cost or consequences, it's going to

    get done. And I'm going to do it.


    this may be proof of a second black ops

    i thought this was just funny and had to share it


    Stop complaining and go with it. It's new to all of us. You'll need a better

    password first off. "password" doesn't cut it. This is the CIA. You gotta

    protect your secrets and we're in the business of secrets. Go with

    something only you would know, something personal but not obvious.

    Do what I always do. Combine a name and a number.

    Pick someone important to you, like a mentor or something.

    Then put a date that's important to you on the end.

    For example, the year you won a big award. Combined those would be pretty

    difficult to guess.

    Change your password or I'll do it for you. You do not want me sending

    mails in your name.


    this one about mason wanting drago dead im assuming


    Listen. It's been almost 2 years since Baikonur. Your fixation with

    Dragovich is bordering on obsessive. People are talking and not the

    secretaries about the water cooler. You're poking in files way above your

    pay grade and you're doing it real sloppy. Lucky you, you got me watching

    your back.

    We all want to put a bullet in his head. And we will. But slow it down.

    It's a team effort and that's the best and only way to get our hands on the

    psycho. You hear me? And while I'm on the subject, quit with the mumbling

    to yourself. You look like you're insane.


    about his migranes and mother dying


    You cannot and will not threaten suicide to your assigned analyst if you ever

    intend to regain your field operational status. I'm sorry to hear about your

    family. I know what it is to be divisive with one's family, but I also know

    that if anyone can forgive, it is blood. I understand it's a sensitive

    subject, but I will not be blackmailed for medication. I trust we are clear.

    That said, I cannot in good conscience allow an idle threat to become a

    reality. I have a final appointment at 5pm. Please come to my office

    at 6pm and we can discuss your medication and anything else you require for

    as long as is needed.


    Doctor Adrienne Smith, M.D.

    Staff Psychiatrist

    this is from weaver to mason


    Told you I owed you one. Got a way to start chipping away at that debt.

    That smoking blonde down on the first floor? Her name is Sarah.

    Word is her scum bag fiance had a penchant for ladies of the night.

    She found out, called it off, apparently punched him, too (unconfirmed).

    I tried, but she's not interested in a cyclops like me.

    I mentioned your name though and she was suddenly all ears.

    She's seen you around, has a soft spot for the dark, ugly, and brooding.

    I'll introduce you. You take her out for drinks.

    Get a little comfort from the fairer species. You could use it.


    this may be proof woods is alive!

    We need to stop wasting our time with this techno garbage and get back to the

    business of dropping the hammer on the Commies.

    This is war baby. Words don't count for nothin'.


    now to the v. bush and r. oppen e-mails

    What a coincidence. I, too, found one of these strange limericks in the Verruckt archive. Like this one:

    "I once knew a soldier named Smokey

    He slapped me on the head and awoke me

    Turns out he was dead

    I cut off his head

    Yet but headless he still tried to choke me."

    I fear this poor man "John" may have lost his mind in Verruckt.



    My friend,

    I have managed to pull down and decypher a hanful of the Servant files from the Der Riese Datenbediensteter project.

    Dr. Maxis was a man ahead of his time. He was also a man obsessed and bordering on insane.

    I will forward to you what I have translated thus far.

    It is frightening material to say the least, but perhaps that is merely my mind making a subconscious association with today's date.

    How go the recordings?



    Dr. Bush,

    I was browsing the Verruckt archive and found an interesting scrap of paper.

    It was found in a small room with nothing inside but blood stains and an empty Browning.

    Wasn't there a "John" in the expedition to the asylum?

    Here is what the paper read:

    "My name is John. They call me Banana.

    I once worked at a Tex Mex cabana

    But now I am here

    As walking dead near

    With nothing on me but a bandana."

    It would seem this "John" fellow felt compelled to write a limerick in his final moments. Fascinating.


    next inbox assorted


    Appreciate the concern, but I got no family. Not anymore. I messed up.

    Let's just jump to the upped dosage and be done with it. Otherwise I just

    might kill myself. You're a good person; you don't want my blood on your



    and this is from that date weaver set alex with

    I can't believe I let you talk me into drinks with that psycho Alex Mason.

    All night, it was "Dragovich" this and "Reznov" that, Step 1, Step 2, Step 3,

    like he was completely cuckoo. If I didn't know any better I'd think the

    guy was a Communist sympathizer or a complete schizo. He needs professional

    help not a date. I appreciate you're trying to help out a friend, but don't

    do it at my expense.



    well thats all i got so bye and thank you for viewing it :)

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