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Posts posted by wilmer007

  1. Actually the alley is much safer than the starting room because i'll last longer in the alley than starting room because i have more freedom to move around. If i wasn't farming early i probably could have been in the same ballpark in time at round 60. I probably could have also hit 4 hrs on the stage but seeing as how 200k requires about 90 mins of farming that translates into an extra 90 mins to that run i did the other day.

  2. no i'm on 360. GT is wilmer0072000. This is actually my first attempt past 50. Like i was telling Chopper on Youtube i can go as high as i want. It's just a matter of making stupid mistakes along the way that cause me to lose or lose lives. I can go as far as i want because i handicapped myself since Black Ops came out on release day and have practiced on kino for thousands of hours with different things and getting myself out of the hardest jams you can imagine when it looks like i'm done for. :)

    I'm taking a little break so i'll stop playing for like 30 mins.

  3. Currently at round 53 with 83k with 4hrs. I got a little behind because i had to give in the Thunder Gun cuz i was suppose to get dogs at 53 instead i found myself without T-Ammo on 53. But i got my Thunder Gun back so time to proceed.

    Down to my final life. Lost the others with stupid mistakes that shouldn't have happened but that's what happens when you get bored. I lost a life trying to do Choppers method on the second wave which again is risky like i knew it was.

  4. Ok a quick update. Currently starting Round 43 with 2 hrs 25 mins and 103k which is not bad let's see how far i decide to go. I probably have about 125k at this point in the Game Over screen. I probably could have shaved off another 10 mins if i didn't do excess laps around the stage to ensure they all spawned and on the stage. I also accidently traded in Thunder Gun for HK rather than MP40 in the very early rounds but luckily i got it back again when i hit the box again a couple rounds later in about 30 seconds.

    Chopper at Round 34 i got max ammo when in was in the Fire Trap room (which i accidently grabbed even though i was good on ammo), then when i got back to the stage i got 2x, Instakill, and Nuke all right at the same time (probably a 15 second difference between drops). Then at Round 42 i got Max Ammo again but i didn't pick it up because my Thunder Gun was full. So it appears if you Drain 2/3 of your Thunder Gun ammo right after dogs you have a good chance to get drops once you drain all the H115 ammo in the middle rounds after dogs. This keeps your thunder gun nice and full pretty much until the next dogs if you manage to get Max Ammo to drop during the H115 farming.

    So by not picking up carpenter and any power ups early you do in fact get them later. This caught my attention when me and my friend did a round 48 lander glitch session on Ascension in about 2 hrs back when it still worked before they patch it. Back then we spammed Ray Gun almost non stop and would get at least one drop every round past 30.

    So yes it appears that you do not lose a power up if you don't grab them in the early rounds. However from my guess your looking at something like "give up 2-3 carpenters for a good power up at a higher round".

  5. I'm gonna start a session to see how far i can go using H115 and Thunder Gun on the stage. This time no MP40 or Mule Kick with Double Tap instead and i'm going to PaP Thunder around round 30-40 and start draining it's ammo while keeping spares for emergiencies and occasionally use the Stage Traps with Monkeys so i can get back to the stage without going around the map. Again i'll be blowing the H115 ammo at the start of the round after dogs and keeping the 150 reserve just for dogs.

    I'm hoping to easily get to round 50 in about 2 hr 30 mins with about 100k. My goal is to try to speed run to 70-75 while maintaining a small farm from the H115. I'm hoping i can get to round 70 somewhere in the 5 hr range (give or take).

    That is if i don't get screwed over because i don't have thunder gun ammo for emergencies like i normally do.

  6. Yea I learnt my lesson not to hit the box mid round. But my first attempt was not to get to a high round. I was just doing a zombie count and I was bit distracted over my ISP cutting off my internet speed which caused major problems on my livestream.

    As far as I know points are no big of a deal if you are trying to get to a high round and want to use the thundergun.

    50k is enough at round 50. 200k is an overkill. Just make points on the fly.

    Yeah thats what i do i farm on the fly and i set a standard after rounds 25-30 and i try to stick to that standard. sometimes i do like 20k and other times i try for 40k-50k. But when i do a farm run of 236k in 2hrs 30 mins to round 40 it does feel good when you have that big of a cushion to know that you don't have to farm very much after that.

    Even though farming gets easier the higher the rounds since they don't die while your farming. Sometimes it's good to do a 200k farm so you can blow it however you want without worrying about points very much for the rest of the game.

  7. By round 35 you are going to have plus 200,000 points. On 29 last night I had 130,000.

    I normally make my points on the fly. I had exactly 0 points at round 35 in Ascension once but I made about 100k in the next few rounds just using mp5k and guns from the box while trying to get my thunder back. I died at 90+ trying to hit box mid round. (first attempt for zombie count)

    Every good player knows that you can't be hitting the box during a round for that very reason. I farm for a good 20 rounds from the get go with an MP40 and sometimes MP5k on Kino or just MP5k on Ascension. It's better off to over farm and then at the end of the round rape the box until you get th gun you want (yes that means giving up the other good guns).

    I see walking over to the box as a waste of time just to get a good gun in a few hits when it's better to over farm and keep hitting it until you get what you want. That is why i told chopper it takes on average 50k for a thunder gun.

  8. Either way I'd be bored shitless using the traps.

    In summary if you want to get to 50 in 2 hours follow the original strat. If you want to get 200k in points by round 35 use my method, it will take around 2 hours. Wilmer claims to be at the same point on level 40 with 235k in points, in 30 minutes more. Take your pick. I can do level 35-40 in 20 minutes using the lobby so it's a toss up.

    Yeah this pretty much sums it all up. Except my way is less complex and more easy to pull off. Spending an extra 20 mins in the lobby to shave off 10 mins off my pace is not enough of a timer saver to do a very risky strategy. Mine guarantees and never fails plus the only door i have closed off is the little one on the stage so i can sit next to the door and get all my collaterals.

  9. How to get to round 100 using this basic strategy.

    Basically spend the first 30-35 rounds building points. MP40 until about round 15 (when you can shoot them a couple of time and then stab).

    Get any AR or LMG from the box. By round 22 get the HK. Use all the HK ammo and then your M&S to complete rounds until ammo or dogs. PAP the HK anytime after round 25, after you have used all the ammo. Do not bother if dogs are next round. Use PAPed HK until round 35. Any round after dogs you should get ammo, make sure if you use all the ammo you finish rounds with M&S.

    By round 35 you are going to have plus 200,000 points. On 29 last night I had 130,000.

    You want a point cushion as you are not going to make any points (or hardly any) from the ThunderGun.

    Once past 50 stop worrying about your ammo so much, but use the chart to work out how many shots each new round is going to take. Know when dogs are. If you are 2 rounds or more off dogs with 4 or less shots remaining reroll the box. Otherwise use traps.....hoard in lobby, use lobby trap. Hoard on stage for 15 seconds, run back through trap. This will take out nearly 2 hoards. Hoard in lobby again then use firepit trap....if you have monkeys throw it into firepit as your hoard is fried. It's a bit risky getting back to the lobby but can be done in my opinion 99/100.

    Only use these 2 traps, the rest take much too long and the simple loop is cut off by the top door being shut in the lobby.

    Be prepared to spend a lot of time doing this. It is however the quickest way.

    This is so wrong. I got to round 40 with 236k using H115 for primary farming, Thunder Gun for Emergiences, and MP40 for Backup Farming. And i did it in 2hrs 30 mins.

    MP40 only with Thunder Gun farms me 175k in 2 hrs.

    Mind you all this and i wasn't picking up any drops (other than occasional 2x). And i was using traps all the way back from round 25.

    Having MP40 in the Mule Kick slot allows me to farm without ever getting rid of the H115. Ensuring i spend less time trying to get it back from the box.

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