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Posts posted by Pasta

  1. Shutting down team threads instead of addressing the inactive mods/admin problem, interesting.

    Ok, from what I can understand, these threads were closed because they are somewhat intimidating players and are diverting everybody from the zombies. Well first of all, teams never belittled anybody. People way2goo, Doggy, and ZKM are all here FOR THE ZOMBIES and they are nice. This is the most respected zombies community I have ever seen. Second, what the hell does preventing these team threads going to accomplish? These teams were to unite xbox and ps3 users alike and play the ZOMBIES which is what this site is, callofdutyZOMBIES.com. So if you're going to say that these teams, WHO PLAY ZOMBIES, are distracting players from the site, I believe you are mistaken.

    The best solution is to leave things the way they were.

  2. 1 Month before the infection….

    Desmond was a very lonely teen. He was 17 years old, great body, but just socially weak. He never knew how to socialize with other women and such efficiently. He was very talented in baseball, chess, and the xbox. He loved playing call of duty zombies and just wished it happened in real life because of how easy it is. He spent most of his weekends at home playing xbox. His dreams were to study the human body in college and get a degree in medicine, but soon be told that he may not exactly achieve what he was hoping for....

    January 8th

    Desmond’s family was going out for a night and left him at home. He didn’t really want to go out with his family so he stood at home playing xbox. Desmond sat at home thinking of this one girl he really liked. He said “She gives me all these signs, but when I act on them, she just looks the other way and ignores me. It drives me f&^*ing crazy!!” So he spent another night by himself, thinking of how his life really sucks.

    January 9th

    Desmond woke up to his house still empty. After a quick glance at the first floor, he realized his parents never came home. He looked out his window and saw the neighborhood in a complete wreck. Cars were parked all over the street, luggage and items were everywhere, and houses were left wide open. So Desmond turned on the news and he could not believe his eyes. “We bring you a broadcast from the government. A plague has touched down in our country. The cannibalistic creatures are scientific phenomena and devastating at the same time. We ask that you please stay away from all infected individuals, the infection is transferred by bites and open cuts which are exposed to the infection. Board your houses and stay sanitary.” Desmond thought he was in a nightmare, but he wasn’t….Luckily, Desmond always had crazy ideas how he would survive an apocalypse. First of all, he had BBGun Sniper in the backyard shed. It was up to 1000 yards and made no sound at all to attract any other zombies. He had a lot of baseball bats in the house and a machete above the fridge. His backyard is surrounded by a high wooden fence and a gate with a master lock in the driveway. Desmond then started killing all the lights to avoid detection and covered all windows and boarded up the front and any other weaknesses in his little fortress. Desmond then said he was going to scavenge for supplies after this whole zombie thing wears out.

    January 12th

    Desmond geared up in his mom’s car that they didn’t take with them. The BB Sniper was right next to him with 6 differently sized bats in the trunk and a machete in the passenger seat. He brought an empty container that was about a gallon and a big duffle bag for supplies. Desmond was smart and only kept within a one block radius from his house. His idea was to slowly take control of the area and expand afterwards. He raided house by house and only faced a few quarrels with the undead. He used the baseball bats most of the time to save his BB gun bullets. The bullets make look small, but they can penetrate sheet metal. Desmond hauled in pretty good loot. His house still had power but Desmond knows that will change within a day or two. Desmond was an excellent survival man, but can he keep this isolation forever?

    To be continued…

    Stay tuned for purt tew.

  3. Here is my Dempsey request. Sorry for bad quality, I usually record in S-video but my cable broke. So until I get my new ones, I'm stuck with good ol' AV Composites =[ It was a 4 player game but when we hit round 20 or 21 they lagged out. My friend and I were doing so good we just decided to keep playing. We stopped at 40 because we were both just too damn tired lol.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHXoA_ZD ... e=youtu.be

  4. Welcome! Here's some [brains]'s to get you started, which is just basically reputation points.

    It's nice to see fellow researchers joining. It may be in it's dead period, but as soon as the viral comes out, Zombies will pick up again. Until than we just go over old discoveries, create and think of new theories, and just research anything that help add to the storyline.

    I don't think there's any research teams. It's more just a kind of do your own thing, but if you ask others than they'll probably give you something to do.

    See ya around.

    EDIT: Derp, gotta wait till I can give brains again :P

    Thanks. And yeah I have been pretty big on zombie research since verrukt. I'm surprised I never got red rings with the amount of hours I just spend on xbox lol. Black ops 2 is in the making and I bet zombies will hit a whole other level.

  5. Hello everybody, I joined this forum because I fucking love zombies. I have been playing ever since World At War came out. If there are like any research teams or anything, I will gladly help record games and such. I know zombies is kind of dead (no pun intended lol) but I thought it was nice to join this.


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