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Posts posted by Epsilon7

  1. I was derping around in the Doctor's Quarters in Shi No Numa, getting some Juggernog after geting do- besides the point, I found this note under the desk adjacent to the Juggernaut machine in Docs Quarters.

    what I remember it saying: "Might be powering HAARP, but it comes with a risk"

    DataPack found this note earlier, but what are the possible candidates for this risk?

    According to conspiracy theorists

    Natural Disasters

    Disrupts Human mental processes

    Disables communication globally

    Mind Control

    Delivers massive amounts of energy equal to a nuclear bomb.

    Note that mind control was one of Maxis's key elements to turning his hopeless zombies into lethal, undead soldiers.

    Also, the fact that it disrupts mental processes could be the cause for why Maxis's fruitless efforts to "humanize" his zombies were thwarted, and how the zombies just yell and run for you.

    However, the main research base for HAARP is in Alaska, plus it was a project that was proposed to span for a 20 year period starting in 1993.

    If it's been mentioned in 1946, then something's up, they may have been hiding it's existence for 50+ years!

    HAARP has been blamed for numerous earthquakes, particularly the 2010 Haiti Earthquake,which was disasterous among most others. Though tornados, hurricanes, and tsunamis have been speculated to have been a HAARP activity, it focuses on Earthquakes the most. How erroneous, as it should focus on those two aerial factors, it is after all focused on the ionosphere.

    Here's where things get kicking, if the crew decides to return to Earth, there will be earthquakes because those missiles are basically meteors, it could have erupted the Yellowstone supervolcano, capable of clouding up the entire earth thus starving plants and animals, but not zombies!

    This theory is plausible because if Area 51 is still intact despite being practically in the blast zone, then as long as the crew can go to the HAARP research facility in Alaska and dispatch the possible earthquakes, tornados, and hurricanes, without it fueling anymore hypercanes (super hurricanes caused by asteroid impacts).

    Now how would HAARP not be deactivated? What are the odds of the entire team at that facility to have taken their time to deactivate the device while being overrun the zombies so far into the past?

    After all, the fact that any rational human would just abandon everything to survive, hence why Richtofen wanted to survive to get what he wanted, to control the zombies.

    Why would the crew come to Earth again? Where else could they go? Mars, perhaps, or a Moon pyramid, but Earth has many supplies, so it would be smart to go there next, with PES of course, since Earth's atmosphere has been blasted into space.

    So what do you think? Took some brain storming but I pulled through, and at 5 AM too! :cry:

  2. 1. Moon - The fact that low gravity pads exist in this map make it so much more fun, the mysteries unfolding each time you see a power up on the landers or whenever you see a QED, especially more fun on co-op when we try to do BBT.

    2. Ascension - Gets fun even on high rounds, especially fun with friends, always my second choice on solo because of the Matryoshka dolls and Gersches.

    3. CoTD

    4. Shangri - La

    5. Der Riese

    6. Shi no Numa

    7. NML

    8. Verruckt

    9. Five

    10. Kino Der Toten



  3. No, ive gotten the green perk bottle once, I threw a QED, and all four of us had Quick Revive all of a sudden, I think I ran over it and didnt notice until we went to go hack the box.

    however, I hate the damn QED's, there so unpredictable, and have downed me and ended a 25 round game by downing all of us at once, god I hate them almost as much as the VR dont kill anything at all 11

    Then I'm sure, that as unfortunate as it is, a title update may have removed it. I've tried getting the Perk bottle via QEDs, but I never found one, ever. If anyone does find one however, would you oblige to send proof via pictures or video recording?

  4. I don't think getting more than four perks on Moon is possible on solo, I checked the power ups on the pads in the dome when it spawned one and it never produced a perk bottle. I've thrown at least 70 QEDs and I've never gotten a green perk bottle. So I think it's just a big rumor, or maybe they removed the perk bottle via title update.

  5. I actually think zombies may appear on C.E. so Richtofen can dominate an Earth

    More brains, more blood, more spleens,more juicy additions to storyline.

    I'm LIKING it!

    Sorry I sound like a noob here but what's a c.e.? :(

    C.E = Counter Earth

    I don't blame you, when I first saw C.E I was thinking "Combat Evolved? But that's Halo content! :?: "

  6. I played Verruckt on the 24th, I checked how many kills I got over the first three rounds

    1 - 6

    2 - 14

    3 - 27

    I got +6 on round 1

    I got +8 on round 2

    I got +13 one round 3

    Do they just increase in the same random order every time?

    Or is it a legit ratio of zombies to rounds?

    Does it vary from one map to another?

    If I can understand this increase in zombies then I can estimate how many zombies I have to massacre to get through the high rounds.

    EDIT: I decided to count this by buying Quick Revive first, resetting the score to 0

    Knife kills: 130 points

    130 multiplied by 6 = 780

    130 multiplied by 8 = 1040

    130 multiplied by 13 = 1820

    To find this out for yourselves, do what I did

    Buy Quick Revive

    Kill zombies with knife only

    Do NOT buy doors, weapons, repair barriers, etc.

  7. I played Verruckt on the 24th, I checked how many kills I got over the first three rounds

    1 - 6

    2 - 14

    3 - 27

    I got +6 on round 1

    I got +8 on round 2

    I got +13 one round 3

    Do they just increase in the same random order every time?

    Or is it a legit ratio of zombies to rounds?

    Does it vary from one map to another?

    If I can understand this increase in zombies then I can estimate how many zombies I have to massacre to get through the high rounds.

    EDIT: I decided to count this by buying Quick Revive first, resetting the score to 0

    Knife kills: 130 points

    130 multiplied by 6 = 780

    130 multiplied by 8 = 1040

    130 multiplied by 13 = 1820

    To find this out for yourselves, do what I did

    Buy Quick Revive

    Kill zombies with knife only

    Do NOT buy doors, weapons, repair barriers, etc.

  8. Going mid round after you got downed on solo is a death sentence in certain cases, I would suggest trying to get them into one organized train again at PhD Flopper then with anything you got just kill all or most of them then dash for Jugg with your overflowing wallet of cash.

    That's how I do it, and it usually works. Then, depending onwhere the box is, ideally for me it's PhD or near PaP that works, so I'd go there for one hit then dash back to your original rape train area.

  9. I've recenty put these two pieces of technology together to find they make the All seeing eye!

    The MPD is a pyramid structure, but why is it so? It could've been a cube, or prism, etc. But, they chose a pyramid, the iconic shape along with it's eye.

    The teleporter in Moon has one feature the others didn't, one I still haven't figured what it is. It appears the Moon/NML teleporters have a round circular object at the center where most of the swirls occur around it.

    Teleporter picture (Couldn't find Moon teleporter pic [Very large too, o.o])


    MPD picture


    This is just speculation, open to any criticism out there,

    Oh and Merry Christmas, hopefully you're all enjoying the spleens and brains as much as I am! [brains] :twisted:

  10. I've recenty put these two pieces of technology together to find they make the All seeing eye!

    The MPD is a pyramid structure, but why is it so? It could've been a cube, or prism, etc. But, they chose a pyramid, the iconic shape along with it's eye.

    The teleporter in Moon has one feature the others didn't, one I still haven't figured what it is. It appears the Moon/NML teleporters have a round circular object at the center where most of the swirls occur around it.

    Teleporter picture (Couldn't find Moon teleporter pic [Very large too, o.o])

    MPD picture

    This is just speculation, open to any criticism out there,

    Oh and Merry Christmas, hopefully you're all enjoying the spleens and brains as much as I am! [brains] :twisted:

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