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Posts posted by Perk-a-Cola

  1. I've never heard the PhD theory elsewhere, but I had the idea myself. If you watch the explosion, it looks just like one from PhD. I doubt that Treyarch would mix the two worlds together, so I don't think they'll use that explanation. It's more of a joke, than actual theory, in my perspective. It's the only way he could have survived though, unless he had a massive flak jacket or was revived later on.

    Yeh I think your right I don't think they would make a strong link of campign to zombies like this theory but I was just seeing if any one on here had heared of this.

  2. I heared alot of rumors that Woods from Black Ops had PhD Flopper to surivie from his death. For those who don't Woods died of a greande explotion while been pushed out of a window. However because of the termanal and more importaly the Black Ops II trailer we know his alive. And one way he could of easliy survrived his death would have been to use PhD Flopper as the greande would not effect him nor the fall from the window.

    But campaign and zombies mode have never (or not that I know of) had a big connection like this so I'm not sure if this is what happend but it still possible.

    What do you think? I personly don't think this is what happend but still fun to think about.

  3. Does the hide and seak easter egg on Der Riese effect the game at all after doing it because I do it alot when I'm bored but I not sure if it changes the game at all such as make less power-ups becasue Sam is angery. Does any one know?

  4. I know this has probly been done before but I havn't seen any post like this so.

    My fav perks in ordder:

    1) Juggernog

    2)Speed Cola / PhD Flopper - If I have Ray Gun or Upgraded Colt.


    4)Quick Revive - If i'm playing with people who go down alot.

    5)PhD Flopper - If playing with out Ray gun or Upgraded Colt.

    6)Mule Kick

    7)Double Tap Root Beer

    8)Deadshot Daiquiri

    Tell me yours down below.

  5. I belive there is one of those boxes in the spawn room near the Quick Revive machine I normaly knife it but I'm not sure if it opend by pressing X I have never tryed but It might link to the other two boxes some how.

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