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Posts posted by Marlinals173

  1. Hey Everyone!

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to respond to my post. I was hoping someone could shed some light on a couple of questions I had. I have been trying to do some research on if the tablets can be obtained in any order and I have not received a definite yes or no. Call of Duty Wikia says yes but I have not seen that anywhere else. I was hoping that it would be the case because I would like to obtain the tablet in Captain DJ's locker sooner rather than later. I died earlier today trying to get into the shark tank on round 28 and I cannot handle heartbreak like that again lol. Also for some reason whenever the tank was coming down into the pool I was unable to get inside. This happened approximately 4 times and I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else. Thanks a lot!

  2. Hello everyone. I was recently trying to obtain the achievement for killing the Avogadro without it harming you and I seemed to have reached a problem. I originally saw him on round three where I killed him but he harmed me first. I saw him again at round 21 and killed him with EMPs before he could hit me. The achievement did not pop. I saw him again on round 25. Once again I killed him with EMPs before he could hit me but once again I was denied the achievement. Am I not obtaining the achievement because he hit me the first time I saw him or is something just faulty with my game? Thanks for any and all replies!

  3. I remember an interview with Lamia from a VERY long time ago saying that taking zombies over to the multiplayer engine allowed them to use multiplayer features in zombies in a way they never could before, things such as theater mode. He actually did say theater mode, so I'm 99.9999% sure that it will be included in zombies.

    So you don't know? Hey, if you don't know, you don't know... :lol: Sorry I had to.

  4. Can anyone help me or direct me to a link that shows how to correctly format your avatar picture. I keep getting an error message that says the image is too big and I can't correctly change the picture's size. Thanks for any and all feedback


  5. Do we have to get all of them correct in order to obtain the brains or do we get some if we fill out part of the list? Because I know some but I don't want to give away my answers to other challengers that may need the answer that I have.

  6. Hello everyone!! I had a question and an idea regarding the UOTM. First, my question is when is this medal awarded? Like what part of the month normally? And my idea is that there should be a thread ( I checked on the search engine but didnt find one ) that shows every UOTM winner. This could be cool for the viewing public to know who some of the best and brightest are on this sight, as well as for the winners of UOTM to kind of get their on little fame for being on such a prestigious list ( and who doesn't like getting that. ) So that was just my two cents worth on the subject. As always all feedback is welcome. And thanks for taking the time to read this topic.

    P.S. for the moderators: I didn't know exactly where to put this post. I didn't think that it belonged in the off topic subforum but if you guys believe it does, don't hesitate to move it. No harm done :D

  7. I wouldn't mind seeing a level-up system, but I don't really want the guns you are able to access be based off of your level. I would like to see the level be more of a thing to brag to friends about rather than unlock guns. Titles could be a nice touch, such as for doing certain challenges or getting to a certain level. But other than that I would like zombies to stay fairly close to the simple "kill zombies and don't die" mindset that was established in World at War.

  8. I know this topic had been visited and revisited by just about everybody on this site but I thought I would just see how many people actually believe that there will be a trailer. From what I have read, apparently there was not a trailer for zombies when Black Ops came out. The only reason I personally believe there will be one this time around is because of the massive increase in popularity of zombies from World at War to Black Ops. In order to fulfill the zombie hunger people like you and me have, it only makes sense that Treyarch would release something for the zombie community to go gaga over for the next 3 months. Thank you for reading my post and any and all feed back I'd welcome. Brains are always nice too ;)

  9. Sorry for the late reply :oops: thank you all for being so welcoming into the community! Thank you for all of the feedback on the types of recorders you use as well. I hope to be uploading high round zombie games very soon. And thanks for the brains also! It means a lot! :D

  10. Hello everyone! I would just like to formally introduce myself to the site. I have been here awhile but only posted a couple times. I would like to become a more active user in the CoDZ community. I was also wondering if anybody here had any advice on what type of video recorder to buy. I have been wanting to record my zombie games for awhile but I have never been sure on what type of recorder to buy. I want the games to be in fairly high quality similar to the ones that users such as Superhands and ChopperNator have uploaded. As I always say, thank you in advance for any and all feedback .

  11. A couple of mine probably have to be completing all the Easter eggs with good friends. They are all fairly simple and easy to do but it was just the jubilation of seeing the earth explode, or collecting the focusing stone and seeing the achievement pop. I'm a fairly good zombies player, not great, but alright so I find that I remember good times with friends rather than my first round 50. Even though I wish I was as good as some of the players I see here, I wouldn't trade any of those experiences for anything.

  12. I know that this Easter egg is fairly old but I was looking for some help on the step including the gongs. If you are not familiar with this step, it is the one where you have to knife 4 certain gongs, in order to make one of the focusing crystals glow with the treyarch sign on top of it. I request your help in finding the right gongs to knife. I have watched the easter egg compilation by Next Gen Tactics on YouTube and it shows the gongs they knife in order to make the crystal glow but I was wondering if the gongs were the same every time or if they varied game to game. Again, any feedback is welcome and thanks in advance!

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