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Everything posted by Marlinals173

  1. Superhands had a pretty great strategy by trapping him in one of the tunnels when it excavates. I always try to wait to kill the astro since his health grows every time he respawns, but that seems to be the only easy solution to the problem. I can always try just not using gersch devices, but they are pretty important when it comes to getting time to hack a power up into a max ammo. Thanks for all the feedback.
  2. I know this is probably beating a dead horse, but has anyone heard of a solution to the moon walking astronaut? I feel like, with BO 2 coming out in the near future, they aren't coming out with any more patches for Black Ops. Does anyone know of an easy way to prevent him from doing this glitch when you throw a gersh? Sorry if this is a repost. Any and all replies are welcome. Thanks in advance!
  3. Yeah I also wish we got a gamer picture like xbox 360 users do when the complete Easter eggs. We should unlock avatars, or whatever those pictures are called on our playercard, when we do Easter eggs.
  4. Yeah I understand what you're saying. Treyarch's meetings must be like how they can surprise, screw up, and anger the most people. Let's just hope that they randomly decide to add that trophy
  5. Hello everyone, I was just wondering if anybody had an opinion on the exclusion of the big bang theory trophy on last months rezurrection release. I know a lot of people are happy they left it out but I'm not one of those people. I still am trying to hold on to some hope that they will release it in a patch down the road. I realize that this is very unlikely and I was just wondering if anyone had heard anything on the subject of it being released in a patch. Thank you for any replies. [brains] for everyone!!!!!
  6. Next to the stairs that lead up to the lander by flopper there is a inaccessible place with a fence type thing around it. I accidentally wound up a gersh in between rounds so I just through it in there and it did the sam laugh and had that zap of light like it does when you get a Teddy bear from the box. I have not researched this but has anyone seen this?
  7. ( to the part Where they Blow up the earth). Sorry about the typo
  8. I have been looking around and never found a video of anybody doing the entire easter egg on ps3. (to the part where they blow up the moon). I just completed the first part solo and I was just wondering if anyone has done it on ps3 and if maybe there's a big bang theory trophy at the end. P.S. I know it can't be completed solo.
  9. Ok. I'm new to ps3 as I just switched from xbox. I didnt realize how much crap gets thrown ps3's way.
  10. Yeah I know that like I was saying maybe they aren't going to give big bang theory to us because we get a platinum for getting all the trophies when xbox doesn't get a special achievement for getting all of the other achievements. Maybe this is kind of like their special achievement that we can't get
  11. Maybe they are doing this because we get a platinum trophy?
  12. I've done some looking on the Internet and some people also say that on xbox their achievement didn't show up as a hidden achievement. Anyone could confirm this that would be great because I was looking forward to completing my 100% on Black ops with a gold trophy Easter egg...
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