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Posts posted by briang

  1. So I'm not sure if I am ever going to play moon again after what happened tonight. I finally sat down and told myself I was going to do the easter egg part to get the death machines and see how far I could get. So I spend forever doing all of the steps, finally get enough points to get all of the weapons and unlock all of the necessary doors, wait for the excavator to destroy tunnel 6, EVERYTHING!!

    The egg is in the pyramid and the vial popped up. I have jug, mule, speed cola, and quick revive, an empty galil, full ray gun, and decently full zap gun. I figure I'm good to go. I slash my final two crawlers. 2 down. 23 to go. The next round begins and I start killing the first few zombies that spawn. I have about ten or so down when all of a sudden I get whipped around and greeted by an astronaut that just spawned behind me from out of nowhere. He takes my Mule perk and transports me to a room full of zombies and i get slapped down before i can move, when I revive myself all I have is my depleted ray gun and my zap gun. I try to make it back out to the biodome to fight but i got slapped down on the way and lost.

    I was so close to finishing it and now I don't think I ever want to play moon again.

  2. so basically I joined this site because zombies has been my primary game ever since i first bought black ops and played kino and five. only recently (rezurrection) was i able to play the waw maps and i must say, these maps are so much better, especially verruckt and der reise.

    anyway, I really hope Treyarch (or anyone, within reason) decides to continue the zombies franchise. with each new map, i feel like they take some ideas in the right direction, but fall flat with others. i've been lurking this site for a bit and some of the map ideas proposed sound pretty interesting. it's a shame we have to wait so long for new maps.

    look forward to discussing zombies and such with you all

    umm. i like to play on xboxlive but i'm not interested in doing any of the easter eggs, and i prefer not to use ray gun/thundergun, i have all of the maps, and my gamertag is briang1 for anyone interested.

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