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Posts posted by MaximusKillaz

  1. Ive played with 3 other people and we all had trains going in the bio-dome.

    Also a good Strat is to have 1 in the dome and 3 by the mule kick, and vice versa works just aswell.

    And having the dome not breached is ideal because you can have the hacker and never run out of Max Ammo.

    Hope this helps, and Enjoy the Map! ;)

  2. Alright just had a good Der Riese sesh of searching. Got pics and all, so here they are. Not best quality, but it'll do.

    I'm not sure it it's new at all (but it is to me! :P), but while looking for missed papers on the ground, I went prone by the window with the Fly Trap and you can peek through the sandbags and see an open 935 manual.

    This one?

    It is the Field Manual, found all over Der Riese. It is can also be found in the air vent by Double Tap. There's actually a radio of it in when you knife the air vent on iOS. Here's the radio and message it says.

    "Gentlemen, allow me to take this opportunity to welcome you group nine three five. This is a prestigious moment in the history of our race. You represent the future of technological advancement. You are the pioneers of human discovery. In your hands lies the destiny of mankind. In our hands is a great power and with that power comes a price. You have volunteered to be part of this great experiment and with that decision comes the responsibility of absolute secrecy. No one is to know what you do, where you work, what our research has discovered, or what our purpose will be. You will have no further contact with your governments or with your families. Your decision to fully dedicate your lives to Group 935 is absolute. In your lockers you will find your field ops manual which will direct you should our manifest get compromised. We cannot afford to let this power fall into the wrong hands and therefore the field ops manual should be considered your bible. Make your preparations now. A new dawn is beginning for mankind."


    Now onto the paw prints, I found 3, as well all know where they are.

    1 by Teleporter Z-C

    And the 2 in the clock tower.

    Now, if they indeed weren't there in WaW, why would they add them there? And as demesphor said before, they took out a paw print in the Thompson, so why would they remove it. What sense would it make some cosmetic changes? If anything, they need to fix the wall in the Thompson room Speed Cola is on. The green lighting from it shines through the wall. Also anyone notice the room by the courtyard and opposite the furnace gained the vivid blue lighting?

    As I explained before, the bear with the Bowie Knife is glitched. The bear can only be seen through a Sniper Rifle, not normally, but it is still there, just invisible. If you have a look at it, it looks like there is a faint, invisible wall that Treyarch put over it. May be hard to see in the photo, but once you see it yourself, you'll understand. Also don't forget, you lock an avatar or something (dunno how it works on 360) of Samantha and the bear holding the Bowie Knife, once you complete Richtofen's Grand Scheme. Now why would Treyarch include something back from Der Riese, that is glitchy I might add? Somethings not right here.

    Now you see it.

    Now you don't (Fly Trap was active and I hadn't hit any of them.).

    Oh! I also found JD on the wall. I'm not sure if it was in WaW, but anyone care to check? Obvious what it means, JD_2020.

    The Moon, with its 5 or so red dots.

    Now here are the maps of Der Riese by Teleporters B

    And C.

    Notice the gray square on B? Up by Jug area?

    I've always had a feeling a secret was in this area, but what? Don't forget the stairs are left on in the maps.

    The red sign someone pointed out?

    It says "Unattended children will be immediately sold to the circus."

    It's seen in Verruckt as well.

    Now, on the wall next to the hanging man, I found some writing in another language that I don't understand, so I'll need someone to translate it, but I believe it is Illuminati like, because the symbols seem similar to those found on the letter in the grate by the mainframe, telling Richtofen to kill Maxis.

    The hanging man

    The 1st letter

    The 1st and 2nd letters

    The 3rd letter

    The 3rd and 4th letters

    Now I'm not sure if there were any other letters. That's all I could see. But the first letter looking like a H and the last one looking like a P, looks like it might be HELP, but I can't be too sure so I'd like some to translate it.

    Last but not least

    Teddy is a liar. And Teddy is the biggest liar.

    I think I'm done with searching Der Riese for now. I'm gonna focus on Shi No Numa, but I'll stay active in this thread and post my Der Riese stuff and all. Just searching every bit of a map and not getting results can be off putting haha.

    Anyway, hope this helped :D

    Great post m8, nice research.

    Brains for you [brains]

    Is the same stuff on black ops that are on the W@W version?

    like on this vid:

  3. Wow, Round 30, Your amazing.


    Stop being a troll, and give him some credit, he's put the time and effort into making the video so stfu and get a life.

    haha yea hes wasting his life oing the video, when i have a life, you guys get on this shit everyday, i barely even touch my computer

    No one cares what you think, Troll

  4. Hello Fellow Zombie Slayers!

    My name's MaximusKillaz (Billy), been playing zombies since Nacht der Untoten on W@W i never play with randoms because my FL is mostly full of zombie players anyway. i always get to level 30 upwards on all the maps.

    LOVE zombies and seriously hope they make a game!

    If anyone want's to jump on Zombies with me then send me a invite my XBL: MaximusKillaz.

    Looking forward to speaking to you all soon.

    Happy Slaying! ;)

    Oh and i hope there are NO trolls on this site i can't f**king stand them!

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