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Posts posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. Okay well the title is misleading, but after testing out a few claims in a short game, I noticed something. I bought Double Tap 2 without ever powering it.

    So I looked in theater and sure enough. When I revived my corpse after teleporting back from the bridge it automatically powered Double Tap 2.

    So don't worry about not powering up a perk or cell door, after you go to the bridge and come back, it'll have been turned on for you!

  2. There seems to be a lot of confusion with this step, but I can shed some light.


    Once you obtain the Retriever, you can get the kills required to get the first part of the upgrade anywhere. On the island or the bridge. Then once you go to the bridge, you need to get at least ONE kill on the bridge with the retriever... you CAN shoot as much as you like, but once you have got the one kill required, you must stay on the bridge for one whole round. You will get the notification sound that means it has worked on the last kill of the round it is required.


    Return to the island and throw the retriever into the pit to get the upgrade! (tried and test over 100 times)

    I couldn't get it to work this way. Do you play Offline, online? Solo, co-op?

  3. To know something:

    You must believe it.

    You must have good reasons for it

    It must be true.

    You didn't know that it had to be the VW because it doesn't. I just played a game and got the spork by using the Acid Gat.

    I can post a video if there's doubt.

  4. But no one cares if it's irrelevant to you. The topic is about how to get the redeemer, not how would Eternal get the redeemer.

    Any statement backed up by reasons is by definition an arguement. A series of arguments is adebate.

  5. It is to me because if I'm having a good enough game to be in position for it before R10, I'll end up staying on the bridge longer anyways to rack up points, but I suppose if you're after the ultimate truth of it, it's relevant.


    I actually use R10 as a marker...If we don't have the plane ready to go and everyone working on Retriever kills at least by then, I know the game is not going well.

    Relevance is not relative (oddly enough). There is no "to me" something either is or isn't relevant. It's a property of a statment to another statement. It doesn't matter who poses it. Language in debate is very important, sorry I'm being such a stickler about this, but these kinds of things bother me.

    It would be acceptable to say it isn't important, or practical or is unnecessary for you. It is not acceptable to say it is irrelevant. Sorry again. I hope this clears up what I meant though.

  6. It may be unnecessary, but it is relevant. The topic is the Hells Redeemer. Whether you can get it prior to round 10 is relavent. There is no possible way it isn't relevant.

    It may be unnecessary and impractical, but it is not irrelevant.

  7. After me and a buddy had our game end on Kino at round 43, we did some extensive testing on it.

    Ballistic knife shot can kill too, but it's very hard to pull off.

    Only the last standing player can recieve friendly fire. If there is more than one standing character then no one can recieve friendly fire.

  8. Oh also, I'm pretty sure the acid gat doesn't have to be pack-a-punched.

    I don't know if you meant it does or not, your wording kind of tripped me up a bit there.

    I'm pretty sure you can use either the acidgat or the vitrolic withering.

  9. This is all correct and well done, except I don't believe you get the spoon back after the bathtub step. I'm pretty positive you're stuck with the standard shiv until you complete the next steps to get the spork.

  10. Excuse me.

    The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, it is a common logic fallacy to shift the proof to the person who is questioning the claim, called "ad ignoratium"

    So no. You need to prove why something is valid, not expect others to tell you why it's invalid.

    Without accepting ad ignoratium as a fallacy, then this thread is pointless. Or else this would all be valid:

    Zombies was originally my idea, but I planted it in the minds of treyarch employees.

    Initially zombies were supposed to be zebras but then it was decided that that was silly and they changed it and forgot about it entirely.

    Der Riese actually has a section in the map which is unreachable by no clip, in the Xbox 360 edition of Black Ops which contains a binary code spelling out "Richtofen, Bitches!"

    You can't prove them wrong, so they must be admited.

  11. He obviously has experience, it's not being questioned at all. He has no clue about what the ads are generating. For one, he comes on and says probably about $10 a month, when they have only "just" been activated. So even we don't have a clue as to what they will generate in revenue "yet" - it's a popular site, generates a fair bit of traffic and potential income from AD's could be anything from $1.00 + a month.


    He obviously has knowledge of hosting and has an understanding of things, as do we, We all have knowledge and understanding of certain things but they way he went about things today was an insult. Valid points but an insult & not a clue as to what is what and why.

    Caddy was a bit bitter yes, but it's not directed at the staff as a whole, and to say that he has no right or reason to be so, is just silly.

    Also, I've seen Caddy's work, I've worked with him, albeit it breifly, in the past, and I trust that he knows what he's talking about, probably more than any of us. Other than yourself, I know practically no one on the staff has decent knowledge of forum software. And I don't know the extents of your knowledge enough to compare you two, but Caddy is very good at what he does.

    So don't dismiss what he is saying simply because it has a negative tone.

  12. Gotcha. I have to say I dislike the ads, I think they look awful (white on black, I mean really), and CoDz just is one of the places I'm glad to go where I can not see ads.

    However I understand finances can be tight, so I'm not going to rage or bash.

    I would like to request that it be made public knowledge how much money CoDz has at any given time, from donations and/or advertising.

    Perhaps display this in the form of a progress bar where the end cap is the cost in hosting for a year or 6 months or whatever.

    Seeing where we are, and how much left we need could help encourage donors.

  13. I understand the difficulty in getting seven people to decide on something in a short time, however i do hope you continue to search for thos5 other people to at least give it a practical test run.

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