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Posts posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. Hello there! I would like to request to be put into the Nikolai Group! I need my Vodka!

    Here I am! MegaAfroMan, you can trust it is real, or else I would have gone for Richtofen if I thought I could fool you guys.

    Eh Nikolai is cooler anyways


    sorry it is difficult to see. I am on the line above the highlighted line.

    Wow thank you! That was quick!

  2. there you go

    mine wasn't well thought out,your's will be huge :D

    as I said before if you didn't see, you will be linked in there though. Mostly to explain how to add things to posts and messages, like videos or pics. Everyone needs a time to shine. There would be no way I could write advice on how to do those things, so you get to tell em in your FAQ!

  3. i kinda made a short FAQ awhile back


    I know and trust me I will not try to intrude upon your FAQ in any way, This is not a FAQ it is legitly a Manual. I am already up to about 26 short paragraphs. People will still want FAQ's simply because they are faster. This is not.

    In fact I may even link to your post ad a few other FAQ's because I do not intend on answering short questions. Its like reading a fact sheet vs a textbook chapter.

  4. Anyone know where I should post it? Right now I am typing the rough draft as a PM to myself, I think it should technically go in the Help/ questions section, but I am afraid it will get lost and die all the way at the bottom of the list on the Index page. Oh well. I'll ask a mod or someone when it is close to completion. Perhaps I will send a PM containing it to Covert or someone if it gets large enough. I think it might get kind of big, I am on 5 paragraphs now and I am still explaining the lay out of the index page (red vs white text etc..).

  5. Thank you for that link! I am attempting something a little bigger than that. I could send you a rough draft when I am near completion if you'd be willing to view it over for me. Right now I have covered how to find the Code of Conduct and am begining to talk about the Board Index Page. I plan to heavily cover this page and a few other key features and then to briefly cover the other sections of the forum. I still am not sure if I want to mention any specific threads or not. Currently beginning the 5th paragraph as we speak!

  6. Hello, I am MegaAfroMan, and I have been a very proud member here at CoDz for a little while now, and I was recently greeting one of the many new users we receive, and trying to point out areas of the forum, and some particular threads of interest, and the thought just occurred to me; what if I were to make a thread which was updated every so often, which contained a brief overview of the site and its features, and pointed out some particularly great threads (I am not sure what criteria I would use for this yet, however one that immediately comes to mind is Eye's MZG) and even explained the purpose of brains and zombification and the powers and status of mods and other such little bits and rolled it into one thread which I would like to title the C.O.D.Z. User Manual.

    I am asking you, my fellow members here at CoDz, if such a thing exists, if it does not exist then would it be worth having (thinking more for newer members than perhaps the older ones), and if so what thread it would have to be posted in. I also would not mind suggestions as for what would go into it, like questions that people make commonly have ie: what exactly are brains? or certain threads I should point out? Any feedback would be appreciated! Until then I will start scouring the site and begin making a rough draft!



  7. Hello, I am MegaAfroMan, and I have been a very proud member here at CoDz for a little while now, and I was recently greeting one of the many new users we receive, and trying to point out areas of the forum, and some particular threads of interest, and the thought just occurred to me; what if I were to make a thread which was updated every so often, which contained a brief overview of the site and its features, and pointed out some particularly great threads (I am not sure what criteria I would use for this yet, however one that immediately comes to mind is Eye's MZG) and even explained the purpose of brains and zombification and the powers and status of mods and other such little bits and rolled it into one thread which I would like to title the C.O.D.Z. User Manual.

    I am asking you, my fellow members here at CoDz, if such a thing exists, if it does not exist then would it be worth having (thinking more for newer members than perhaps the older ones), and if so what thread it would have to be posted in. I also would not mind suggestions as for what would go into it, like questions that people make commonly have ie: what exactly are brains? or certain threads I should point out? Any feedback would be appreciated! Until then I will start scouring the site and begin making a rough draft!



  8. Hello! Welcome to the forum! I am sure you'll find plenty to enjoy here, as long as you enjoy zombies! We've got pretty much everything here, from strategy guides, to in depth discussions on the story elements, and ponies... BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE!!!!!

    Well actually there is so much more, I think I will let you find it for yourself! Good luck and happy searching! If you have any questions feel free to message anyone. The cool colored usernames generally signify some level of accomplishment, so in general they are also very well suited to answer questions, but most of the people here I am sure, cool colored name or not, will be more than willing to help you. Enjoy your time here at CoDz!

  9. Interesting take on the story line. Welcome to the site by the way! Good job on not typing like a troll too! That really makes me proud. Anyways, if you have any questions message me or anyone else, people with cool colored user names are usually pretty helpful. Admins, Mods, Dwellers, and the C.M. can help you quite a bit too. Enjoy your stay here at CoDz!

  10. You know we could try to organize some games between various members of the forums too. Like a zombie slaying meet and greet! Perhaps not a full on scheduled event, but I think I would be open to trying to set up a nice 4 man squad of Xbox Slayers from right here on the forum to play games for the sake of fun on 115 day. If anyone is interested send me a PM! I will do my best to reply quickly! I encourage everyone here to get out there and have fun with your fellow slayers! Go out of your comfort zone and play with who ever. Spread the 115 word to randoms on matchmaking and be extra-generous that day! We spend so much time here theorizing with each other, lets make an effort for the members of the community that do not normal play with others here to do so if they would like.

  11. I guess it really depends on whether or not you like M&S and if you really feel like needing a break. A round of the thief running random circles in the basement while you grab a snack or something would be nice. You should time how long the round will last in Solo, and then with 2, 3 and 4 people. It will be variable. But not by much, as I am sure the thief runs a set time before attacking the next player, and then a set time after attacking the last before he vaporizes. It wont be a "nap" break, but could potentially be a nice bathroom break. You could rock Ray, and M&S and the Olympia and just sit with the Olympia out during thief rounds and grab a snack, use the bathroom, etc..

  12. Welcome to the site! I am glad to see Dark Jolteon has answered your question. I do hope that you continue to maintain your account here even though your question has been answered. There are many, many great things to read here. Like the Master Zombies Guide written by Ehjookayted which can be found under the General Zombies Discussion section. In sub-forums under that same section you can also access the Zombie Training facility, Research facility, and Asylum. Which are filled with many magnificent posts on the storyline behind zombies.

    And of course just browsing around you will find many interesting posts about many different topics that you can comment on as you see fit! Enjoy your time here!

  13. You know if you think about it, here is a way Aegis's alternate theory could work.

    Sam never controlled zombies, she controlled power ups, and controlled the box. Samantha was getting tired of being shoved off by her father and saw what he was becoming. Upon being teleported at Der Riese, Samantha went to the moon and entered the MPD where she gained control over the power ups and the box, the more mystical elements of the game, and Maxis, somehow had his soul split, upon being shot on moon, his soul some how entered the aether and part of it resided in griffin station and then used Sam and the connection she had to ever further extent and controlled the zombies using her as a transmitter.

    Sam was horrified at what her father had become and then she began to drop power ups to help the group kill the zombies. Now Richtofen comes to the moon base, and "deletes" her father and Sam is upset at how Richtofen helped Maxis with the 115 research which ended up fueling Maxis's evil desires, and then upon "deleting" maxis, Samantha freaks out because she now believes her father is dead, and even though she was trying to stop him in the first place, what daughter would want her father to be killed?

    Richtofen, out of some form of twisted mindset, wanted to control the zombies himself and thought Sam was doing all of it (based on his surprise of maxis talking to him through the computer) so he had his soul swapped. Now being much more strong willed than Sam Richtofen could control the zombies, and over powered Maxis's grip (hence Eye color change). Maxis decided to enact his back up plan. If he wasnt going to control the zombies, no one will. So he convinced the crew to activate the rockets and then blew up the earth. Now Richtofen would be very upset by this point, perhaps this could distract him and weaken his control of Maxis's army. As a result he found him self being used as a sort of channel for Maxis, the same way he used Samantha. Richtofen lashes out by helping the team with Power ups the way Sam did. Sam believes her father is dead and Richtofen is in control so she swears revenge on him, and Takeo just must have finally pieced together that 935 is jsut awful, and decided he has nothing better to do than fight them at this point.

    So that is my alternate theory on how the storyline takes place, with specific attention towards the relationship between Richtofen, Maxis, Sam, and the Zombies.

    There is my best shot at trying to piece it together from this alternate viewpoint Aegis.

  14. First of all, welcome to the site, enjoy your very first brains! Not just for being new, I do not usually do that, but because this is actually a nice theory you posted, and I think it is interesting, I am not sure if anyone actually ever analyzed the MP uniforms for a reference. This is a great idea! I hope more people read this. It may not answer any profound questions but it definitely is important nonetheless! Congratulations! If you ever need any help or have questions about anything here just send me a message or message anyone with a cool colored user name!

  15. I still do not believe it, based on the zombies change in eye color which is directly related to the soul swap. The zombie's eye color seems to signify that some change has taken place with the zombies, and the MPD soul swap would seem to show that the change is the person/entity in control of the zombies.

    However, it is interesting to think that the only really destructive points to your theory all occur within the Moon Easter Egg, further more only directly around the part in which Richtofen charges up the MPD and then swaps souls. However as it is direct statements versus maniacal laughter I still have to go with my prior beliefs.

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