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Posts posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. The intro's you've seen thus far are but mere chump change ;) Welcome to CoDz my good sir!

         If you happen to be looking for zombie teammates I would suggest posting here for quick one time matches or here for a more long term 'team'. If the second section I mentioned, you could check out Team Wunder Waffes, as you are an Xbox player. Or you could of course just find and start your own small group by posting there. Just make sure you post in the right place :)

         If you've ever been curious about the whole twisted conspiracy of a story behind the zombies gamemode, I would highly recommend reading so many things in this entire section. For relatively easier reading I would also recommend things in this section, as the Asylum content can get really mind bending sometimes. The research facility is usually easier to follow, and definitely still very brilliant. I suggest looking over some of it.

    [tab][/tab]Last, but not least, I HIGHLY recommend you click the red link in my signature below. It is a guide to help you find your way around the forums, and on how to use some of the features here at CoDz. It is a little old, so somethings will not be the same. Due to upcoming planned updates, I am holding off on changes until updates are complete. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Feel free to PM anyone here, and definitely feel free, and even encouraged to PM me, any questions you may have. Enjoy your time here at CoDz, and as always,

    Happy slaying.

  2. Well I have arrived, lets see what happens now. A giant cyborg just tried to kill some of you, only to freeze, and then shout out stop, with noticable moans of the undead growing louder in the background... I can see obvious tension, but perhaps a momentary pact (verbal or unspoken) to deal with the threat at hand before trying to rip each others throats out. :D

    *EDIT: By the way if there was any confusion, Ji was the first target and she is fine, the smashing sounds was the wall chunks being destroyed by her shriek. The second was Kassady, and Alexander was the one who shouted and caused his head pain and briefly severed some of his brain. It is still biological, but it is so closed bound to mechanical bits, I figured he would even have a problem differentiating. By coincidence however he shifted conscious control of the cyborg to Erich's brain, instead of Unit 422B's Operating System.

  3. What are these two groups? Right now I see this:

    Tia, Ji-Eun, Kassady, and Andrew are all quite the group. Alex is mostly a part, although definitely more distant (he is also falling madly for Tia).

    Victor is probably going to be more attached to the above group, yet he is overall neutral.

    Maximus could possibly join the above group for a time, but he serves his own goals.

    Faustus, will probably not become helpful towards the group in any direct manner, but he could prove useful.

    Erich, is currently bound to serve maximus above all else, however if he regains his full control of himself, he will seek the destruction of everything relating to 935 including himself, and quite possibly the others...

    Maximus, Alex, and Erich I see being big catalysts. Or at least having the potential to do so.

    Maximus and Alex could have massive conflict over Tia, Maximus also has self serving interests. He may use the group to fulfill his goals.

    Alex, has one of the most dangerous powers, and the most unstable personality (although Erich could be a close second.) He could tear the group apart, although he would most likely be shunned. Perhaps he may get along well with Faustus...

    Erich was once one of 935. He has been put into a state of walking purgatory. He is a human mind trapped in a body that doesn't feel. It also doesn't always obey. He is definitely the most physically strong, and has perhaps intellect to rival that of Victor seeing as his brain is melded with a computer. He feels hatred towards those that put him in his current state. For he was betrayed. Betrayed by his childhood idols. He may not want to entirely reverse this, for it will just put him right back where he started. He just wants to end it all.

    Sorry. It is a bit of a ramble. These are just my current thoughts, are are definitely not 100% correct in any way. Just how my mind currently is processing the characters and possible futures. I like surprises anyways, so lets hope I am wrong ;)

  4. Gah. I feel like I should let someone more... qualified... make the post. It could be quite defining based on how this meeting goes. It may only add one new character to the group, but it is in the middle of a stressful situation, and he is definitely not the most calming looking man ;)

  5. I'm not saying it is a bad idea. It definitely works very well. I just didn't think about it, so I got confused. It does make it more interesting though. I have to say, I love the action right now. I really want to write:

         A horrible explosive noise rang out, as one of the walls of the building erupted inwards, the debris flying and hitting several zombies. A massive figure moved into the room at a speed seemingly impossible for it's size. It was smashing through the undead left, and right. Picking them up with ease and using the corpses as projectiles at the others around.

    [tab][/tab]It filled Alex with a sense of awe. He watched this almost beautiful sight. The beauty of annihilation. The creature tore through the undead almost more efficiently than even he could. It showed no signs of stopping or even slowing.


    I threw in a pun ;) Gah Shoreyo hurry up, or I am going to take this meeting post from you xD

  6. I didn't notice that being mentioned :lol: Oh well.

    Gah... Shoreyo, I really want to take that post from you and start this conflict already... I think I could do it. I have a feeling like Alex would be the most hostile right now too, and I believe I could write for alex better than I could the others (excluding my own of course).

  7. Well I am waiting for Maximus right down :P

    And as to an earlier question, my character was german in his human life, and he was actually a biological scientist for group 935. And now as a cyborg he cab recognize and translate all documented languages.

    P.S. now how many of you were test subjects? Perhaps the good Dr. Meier was more sucessful than everyone thought.... ;)

  8. You guys should get posting. I like reading this stuff. :D So I sense at least two groups forming in the future. Or at least some definite rivalries within the group. It would be interesting to see who it will be. It seems thus far the most twisted characters are Faustus, Maximus, Alexander, and Erich.

    However Erich, at least in the beginning, will be more dependent on a strong leader to take orders from. After a while, who knows what he will do. However he is quite unlikely to instigate anything at the moment. If Alexander is being tormented by Faustus, and sees Tia falling for Maximus though, I could definitely see him going completely insane, and probably attempting mass murder.


    All this "computer/command" stuff is making my head spin :shock:

    So should I simplify my formatting a little bit? Or is it good the way it is now? Cambria is my characters actual thoughts, green is the computer, and italics are the flash backs.

  9. My character is definitely divided on what to do. Erich wants to die, and see all of 935 dead. However his programming calls for him to strike dow any enemies of the group. If eye meets him first he could help Maximus with his goal as part of his programming, I guess we will see what happens :)

  10.      Greetings, welcome to CoDz. I welcome you here to my humble home. Here at CoDz you will find all the best. The best stories, the best strategies, the best theories, and definitely the best users.

         If you wish to improve your skills in general, or map specific pay attention! If you are a solo player check out this guide written by our very own, Superhands. It details how to reach high rounds in solo play. If you always play with a friend, read this guide by our very own, Ehjookayted. Both guides are very long, so I would just skim through for the map you like, and start there.

         Last, but not least, I HIGHLY recommend you click the red link in my signature below. It is a guide to help you find your way around the forums, and on how to use some of the features here at CoDz. It is a little old, so somethings will not be the same. Due to upcoming planned updates, I am holding off on changes until updates are complete. I apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. Feel free to PM anyone here, and definitely feel free, and even encouraged to PM me, any questions you may have. Enjoy your time here at CoDz, and as always,

    Happy slaying.


    P.S. That was five paragraphs ;)

  11. The only game it vaguely reminds me of is the original Kingdom Hearts opening sequence. However I am probably mistaken, as I have not played that game in several YEARS. I wish Eye would hurry it up xD I want to finish rebooting already. The rest of you need to keep posting to entertain me and Shoreyo ;)

  12. [tab][/tab]Great post Shoreyo! You picked up on my character quite well! You also gave me a bit of direction towards my actions in this story. However it appears I am still stuck again at the end of that :lol: or at least shut down again. I'll get out eventually! However I am not 100% positive on how hostile my character will be. He is designed to be a war machine, but he was a failure as a prototype as he had too much free will and began to stop following commands. I guess I will see where it goes then :)

    Also, great posts to everyone else as well! What next? Eye is the only one who is really doing anything active with his character right now. Although mine could, I feel like it would be better for him to be found.

  13. Got my first RP post out there. Not really much but a slight filler, and sort of a warm up for me to get used to this writing. I would love feed back on the formatting. It may be somewhat hard to follow as it jumps around as I imagine his "mind" would during a sort of emergency reboot after a long shut down.

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