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Posts posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. OOC: Because of the increased amounts of yellow text, I am going to just use the color effect instead of also making it a differing font.

    "Power supply limited. More fuel source needed to initiate full system reboot and repair."

    "Computer, what is the required fuel necessary to sustain functions?"

    "Element ununpentium."

         Well that won't do... I need to find an unlisted source, something with enough energy to power the repair system fully... But how? My sensors are not sufficient enough. It would take decades to scan the area... Henry... His senses even exceed mine, perhaps his senses can tune into 115 from extreme distances... he seemed to gravitate towards the rock in Shi no Numa. I must find him.

    "Computer! Can you speculate the whereabouts of a Henry Fisher? Calculate location based upon the assumption that the locations of each of those involved in the teleport had influenced their landing places."

    I had wanted to come back to Der Riese, perhaps it was more than coincidence for me. It is the only shot I have.

    "Also add in speculation on Alexander Dempsey, Ji Eun, and Victor Wilhelm... "

    "Speculation for Henry Fisher, inconclusive, not enough data. Similar result for Victor Wilhelm, and Alexander Dempsey. Ji Eun speculated to be in Korea, near Seoul."

         Erich stood upon the main-frame of the teleporter system with a ghastly smile. A smile that would make most others, never want to smile again. As a countdown began, and boomed throughout the facility, crackling of electricity could be heard. Lightning shot up and engulfed Erich, and with a bright flash, he was gone.


         Ji stared at Henry, she hadn't known him to ever mumble like that before, or to be so vague in his statements. Something was wrong.

    "Henry, what aren't you telling me? Is there something else out there besides those zombies? You know we can handle ourselves against them! You've killed a huuuuuge number of them, and I haven't done too bad myself! We are going to be fine!" Ji spoke confidently, she smiled.

    "Ji, this time, I don't think we can win. There are hundreds. Thousands perhaps. I've never been unable to discern individual footsteps before, but right now, there are so many of them heading this way, it just sounds like a constant thunder. We can't fight that many. If we sit here, we are screwed. If we go out there, to leave. We are screwed. There is no way out!"

         Henry nodded. He knew this would hurt. Regardless of how much he can tune out, this will be tough. Ji's effect on normal people is gruesome, and that is just short vocal bursts. A whole song could be devastating. It had to be done though. Even if it hurt him, he knew that the robot could protect Ji better than he could. The robot won't get tired or hurt, but he can. This is definitely for the best.

         The air hung with a stillness, like an orchestra before it's concert, like the winds before a storm. Everything was silent, then Ji Eun began to sing. Softly at first.

    "i bam jinago namyeoneun

    nal kkaeul geudae oltejyo

    han bangul ssik heullyeo noheun

    nunmul jeuryeo barbeumyeo"

         Henry was cringing in the corner, he could not concentrate on anything except for the music, and what music it was. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. His mind would not stray from the music, no matter how hard he tried, or how much it hurt to listen. Sometimes he even found himself forgetting to breathe.

    "yeol dusi jongi ullimyeon

    kkum sogeseo nun tteujyo

    saramdeurui chukbok soge

    chumchugo inneun uri dul"

         Upon finishing her song, Ji's mind drifted back down to Earth, as did Erich's and Henry's. Ji looked over to find Henry passed out on the ground. She also heard distant clanging noises.

    "Henry!" She yelled as she shook Henry's motionless body. "Henry! Get up! Erich heard me! He's coming!"

         Henry is here! I knew it! There was no other reason that Ji would have begun to sing unless Henry had heard me and told her so. He is going to be quite a valuable asset. 4 hours until return teleportation. I don't think that the oncoming horde will quite agree with that... the timing will be very close.

    "Henry! Ji!" Erich stopped and paused momentarily, as if he had stopped himself from saying something. Perhaps it would be best if I remained the "senseless robot" to them...

    "Your life signs are confirmed as fully operational." Good. Play them a little. I cannot afford any refusals to cooperate. "I have come for a retrieval mission. In precisely 3 hours and 47 minutes I, and anyone near me will be teleported back to a safer location. I request your accompaniment."

         Nearly 45 minutes left. The horde is very close now. Even Ji should be able to hear the rumble of their footsteps closing in. Hopefully we can holdout. Everything is going so well.

    "Estimated time until contact, 19 minutes. 44 minutes until departure." Erich recited to the other two. They ignored it. Knowing how long they were going to have to fend off the zombies did not make it any easier...

  2. Location determined: Stuttgart within 50 Km.

         The robot fell to the ground with a tremendous thud. It remained motionless for quite sometime, occasionally flickering, or twitching. A light humming noise was the only sign that the beast was even still "alive". Then, about 3 hours later, it's arm began to move around, slowly at first, then it was joined by a second arm, then the legs, soon enough the robot rose from the ground in a dignified manner. A manner that suggested a purpose, a sense of being.

    I can sense them moving, my hands, my feet, my head. This is remarkable. To be in complete control, no more command paths, no more computers to examine and interpret my desires. Just me. Me. I am back!"

         In The Factory, a man stood, a twisted man, beyond repair. He was not a man any more. Nor was he merely a machine. He was a force. The force of a story cast off and unfinished. The force of destiny trying to follow it's self-imposed deadlines. There he stood. Staring at everything, and nothing. All around him was the wreckage of the facility.

         So much to do, and such little time to do it in. Now where to start? Personal upgrades? An army of drones? Prototype weapons? So many possibilities here, as long as it can be repaired, this factory could power my return. Victor will only be the beginning. I can finish the goal of 935 for my brothers! I can resurrect the Fatherland! I can give the human condition, it's final and lasting bit of... help...

         Through out the factory, lights shone with a life they hadn't had in years. Now they even had a purpose. They once again had a job to do. 935 is not dead, never will it truly be. The Factory will finish what it started. The Factory, never stops. The mission was clear. The world needed a leader. A superior race to show them the way. The world was weak, but he was strong. Germany was strong. 935 was strong. It would all start here, again. While the others are busy chasing demons, he would begin reclaiming the world that should have belonged to his people so long ago. Then, when everything was ready, he'd strike down those false gods, Victor, Maximus, Pariah. They will become nothing but minor annoyances. For now however, The Factory, still needed to be rebuilt...

  3. So, about new comers. We should figure out majority. If it is in favor, I say we have more than just a jump in, but more of an "interview" to determine if they really are serious about this, or not. It could be on skype, here in the Discussion thread, or via PM.

  4. We did, however, things can change. We can discuss it as a group perhaps. By the way. Tankeo, Undead, ZOTD, and Shoreyo. You 4 should really consider getting Skype. It is free, only needs an email, and 6 of us 10 have a chat on there for discussions about this RP. Besides, most of us, are very addicting to talk to. We need new victims.


    I just feel we all worked on something really hard and we just kicked off season two and this just seems really disrespectfful, not even asking. But I may be overreacting.

    I think it is actually very complimentary of Gibbs. However you really should have asked first. We currently already have 10 people in this RP, and that is quite a lot to keep track of.

  5. Do it! We have no idea when you are anyway.

    I think for the purpose of not making things too complicated, we should all be in the same time and reality. If I am outnumbered on this that is fine, but I think we should probably only be separated by space, not by realities and time. At least for now.

  6. As long as you keep it tied to the current story sure. Don't make it too complicated, but it is essentially your story. Besides, perhaps you are wanted now by the government. Perhaps the government is mostly Nazi's in this twisted nightmare of a world.

  7. Well, I hope none of you mind that I made an attempt at a prologue. If it doesn't fit, or if you wanted to make one yourself, Undead, let me know and I'll eliminate it! :)

    Otherwise, someone should post. Soon. Like right now. GO!

    Oh and any suggestions as to what Erich should be doing/where he should go? I am currently at a loss.

  8. Writing new memory file. Name: Inception Season 1...

         Maximus Augustus Jackson, is dead, now replaced by a being of immense power, twisted into breaking, and becoming Lucifer. Under his hand these calamities are befalling the Earth, and under his hand, legions of hellish soldiers of the dead, rise out of their very graves to bring more souls to their master. Yet Maximus is not the only one ripping apart the very fabric of reality.

         There are actually many players in this story, the two above are the ones who are currently destined to play out their part. Make their play, their scenes, and their acts. Soon it will be time for their curtain call as well, then the struggle for power will move on, and find new actors as it always does. Luckily it has plenty of candidates...

         Ji Eun, was similarly caught in a quest for power, a quest that was not originally her own. She too was captured and experimented on, and received the ability to create tremendous waves of sound, sound that could shatter walls, and offset even the largest obstacle. Originally caught up in someone else's quest for power, she may now have been set upon her own...

         Tia Rydia, was brought into this struggle without her knowing, being gifted the abilities to heal others, and restore life energy, and on rare occasions, take it back... She seems like an unlikely candidate to be a player in this story of power, and the struggles surrounding it, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't still be watched...

         Here, another player in this epic made his entrance. Victor Wilhelm, an interesting by-product of the power struggles that encompassed the world. Here is a being with nearly unimaginable power, yet he refuses to use it for his own goals, little did he truly know how big of a role he played in this cosmic struggle.

         Faustus, a reminder that power struggles always leave forgotten scars, was once a human, but was so warped, that now no one is sure. He manipulates fear, in any and all people that are near by. He did not make contact with the group, but was met by Victor, a subtle entrance on to the stage, predicting more to come.

         The group left Asylum and ended up in the mysterious swamps of Shi no numa. Here they witnessed the plot begin, as Maximus and Voice (Pariah) began their epic battle. They also gained a final addition, Henry, a man who was born into this twisted world and changed by it. With amazing reflexes and senses, Henry was cursed to have the ability to keep himself alive in this desolated world. He killed thousands of the damned, and remembered every single one. He found the group in the midst of the struggle between Max and Pariah, and was forged into the group by the heat of war. A war against evil, and good. All they had now was each other, and even that wouldn't last long. The group was split up as fate acted one more time upon them when they tried to make their escape. They were scattered, some lucky enough to be with another, but others all alone. This is their story. This is the story of their separation. This is the story of their isolated struggles for power, power over themselves, power over others, power over everything.

    Executing new program: Inception "Separation"

  9. I mentioned this on the other thread as well, but in the codes the following is always true


    the X's are the numbers that change, but the ones I filled in are always that number in that particular spot, in every code.

  10. Nice post Shoreyo! I see killing you will not be an easy task. ;) Interesting timing for the violence session, but it works quite well! Are you sure you want Erich's mind in full control of his body though? Through the processes and filters of the programming and his logic circuits most of his thoughts get lost. On the inside, he is not a nice man anymore... :twisted:

    Most of the yellow text in my writings are quite negative and that is his pure thoughts before they get interfered with. Just in case no one else has realized.

    So now the question is, what are we doing next? I could post right now, but it would still mostly be filler. Perhaps later if I feel inspired I can try to move the story forward a little...

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