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P Diddily

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Posts posted by P Diddily

  1. It seems like this was patched at some point.  When I first started playing this map I would get free perks pretty regularly.  Lately it seems like I never get them and don't even get regular power ups after teleporting a lot of the time.

  2. If you have any friends with the digital season pass you can make your xbox their "Home Xbox" and have access to the bonus map (and future DLC and any digital games they have).  Me and my brother both do this on each others console and then coordinate purchases to basically get 50% off all digital games we buy, which was awesome this year with so many games releasing at the same time.  Good luck!

  3. I preordered one from from Amazon the afternoon they announced it.  Later that night, I  remembered that I had the Best Buy Gamers Club membership where you get 20% off all new games so I was able to get one for only $160, which is a steal since the game and season pass is $100. 

    Unfortunately,  I then cancelled my Amazon preorder since I didn''t need 2 of them.  The next morning one of my friends said he couldn't get one the night before since it was already sold out everywhere and I am still kicking myself for cancelling my other pre-order.

  4. By far I feel like this is the worst map with randoms, overtaking Moon and Shangri-La.

    It depends if they have a mic. Shangri-la with micless randoms was unplayable due to the fact that you needed all 4 people to stand on the switches to open PAP.

  5. Ascension and the Death Machine theories.

    "Shoot the door next to the quick revive machine to get the Wunderwaffe!"

    "Go on the Lunar Pads with the death machines because reasons!"

    "Shoot the perk machines for the entirety of the death machine duration to get free perks!"

    "Shoot all of the 'Spark' batteries in the starting room!" Seriously the batteries. Like, the batteries.

    In defense of the ascension death machine theories, it seemed like there had to be more to this EE reward than a 90 second death machine, which is pretty much worthless. :evil:

  6. The way buildables were done on Mob and Origins was far superior.

    Being able to pick up multiple parts at once and then having any player build the final product at any workbench was much better then having to pick up one piece at a time and go drop it off. I also liked the menu screen on these maps that showed you which parts you already had for each buildable.

    Functionally, the turret and electric trap were worthless. They needed a turbine to function and it took forever to get around the map on Tranzit to get one.

    Most of the other buildables were fun.

  7. Uh..... this can only be done on the left foot..... I think its the left one, not sure but I know you can only enter one foot. I was firing away and was like oooo shit I just screwed up cuz it wasn't opening up

    I am not sure if its always the left foot but it is whichever one has the yellow lights on the bottom.

  8. After watching the pre-release gameplay footage, I noticed that Origins' loading screen is not a comic book page. I was confused at first but, I think I know why Treyarch made this choice.

    Origins' loading screen isn't a comic book page... because it is the cover for the comic book!

    We have been told Origins is the beginning of Zombies. Well it literarily is.

    Although it wouldn't explain MOTD's placement in the comic book as it should be next. But yet, MOTD takes place outside of time and space. So I can assume its placement in the comic book is not as crucial as Origins.

    I don't think the loading screen for mob of the dead is part of the comic, it was Al's journal.

  9. was about to post this lol luks epic tbh few things i noticed >

    zombies shooting back? 0:09

    mad sword type weapons? 1:53 - 1:58

    more then 1 giant robot? 2:09

    Those are the elemental staffs that you are seeing at 1:53-1:58. Apparently each player can have one.

  10. The Chainmail zombie is a Teutonic Knight. It does not have any of the markings of a Templar. No Red/White Cross, Crooked X, or any Christian markings.

    ahem hem...


    Are you disagreeing with him? Or not? Why do you post that image? You seem to imply that the meaning is inherent, but I don't understand your post.

    The picture shows that the crypt zombies have on a white tunic with a Red Cross on the front like a Templar Knight.

  11. And Russman was the one who killed Professor Plum in the Library with the Candle Holder....that slippery bastard.

    But Russman is really a Vril-Ya double agent ninja robot built by doctor steiner's ghost in the aether because the rift explains everything. And that was only after we found out that Dempsey and takeo's beard are really the same person. Plot twist.

    Lmao! Directed my M. Night shamylan

  12. I think it's more a combination of things than the weapon itself.

    - Cool-down: Jet Gun can only cool down while held out, while the Paralyser doesn't.

    - Availability: Jet Gun has to be built and collected around the big TranZit map, as well as the possibility of breaking apart, while the Paralyser is available from the box, with increased chances as well because of lower number of weapons.

    - Vulture Aid: Jet Gun doesn't have it's help, so you can't wait or collect "ammo" to help it cool-down, while the Paralyser can.

    - Mobility: Jet Gun drags you forward, can't really be used while moving backwards, and it can't be sprinted with. Paralyser can do all those things and also make you fly around.

    - Map: TranZit is an open area, not really any camping or small hallways available. Buried has small-medium areas, but with camping areas. The Jet Gun would thrive in these areas, but it doesn't have that access. The Paralyser does though.

    - Firing: The Jet Gun has to be close to the zombies to do damage, and it only does damage in the middle, not the sides. This causes a big problem with trains, as they'll surround you, and you can't damage them as it only hits the middle. The Paralyser can be fired from a distance, slows zombies down, and has a wider radius.

    - Pack-a-Punch: The Jet Gun can't be PaP'd, while the Paralyser can.

    - Time: The Jet Gun overheats faster than the Paralyser.

    - Power-Ups: The Jet Gun can "drag" power-ups towards you, while Paralyser can't.

    Clearly we can see the Paralyser is the winner here. But the biggest variables for me are Cool-down, Availability, Map and Mobility. If these were swapped around, I think the Jet Gun would be more fun and better. I mean, if that makes me spoiled rotten, than I am spoiled rotten. I just think the Jet Gun could've been so much better.

    Anyway, I think if the Jet Gun was used it the Juggernog hallway in Buried, it'd be good. All in one line, bunched up, so they can't really go around you and out of the line of fire.

    I think if they could've added the ability to fly with the Jet Gun, it'd be nice. It can pull you forwards, so if you aim upwards, it could've pulled you into the sky. Obviously risky as you can't see around you, only upwards, but it would be nice.

    Anyway, these are my views. I think the Jet Gun could've been better, as seen with the Paralyser.

    Also, The Jet Gun does not take up a weapon slot like the paralyzer does so it is an extra weapon not a primary

  13. Probably won't happen but perhaps we'll see the return of the negative/Red Power-Ups.

    Those were really, really cool.

    I have always wondered why they didn't incorporate the red power ups into grief where they would affect the other team.

  14. Another thing to be aware of is the fact that unlike the Jetgun, you do NOT have to have the weapon out for it to cool down. You can switch to your other weapon and kill a horde and then switch back to the cooled down Paralyzer/ Petrifier.

    Also, the Vulture Aid ammo drops cool it down too. each one seems to take anywhere from 1-7 seconds off of the counter.

  15. Unfortunately, there are a quite a few barrier glitches in Grief on Borough that are easily accessible using the Paralyzer. Other than that, it is an excellent weapon, especially since you can fly everywhere.

    Last night a guy was sitting on an invisible ledge out in the path between the barn and bank.(straight out from jug) and was just sitting there for a few rounds. I jump knifed him off from behind as I ran through with a horde and he downed...So satisfying!

  16. if you are playing solo and you run out of quick revives you can not do this to get another quick revive. The song will not activate it.

    But u can continue to get free quick revives from killing the ghosts. I had a round 53 game with 5 downs and 4 revives. After realizing that I could go down and keep all of my perks except QR and then just go through the house and get another quick revive(if enough rounds have passed since last down) I stopped going through the house since I already felt kinda cheap using petrified and vulture Aid. :lol:

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