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Posts posted by Jiggabonis

  1. OK here's how I think the Church looks like a rocket...

    Alright in this picture the main building, or the "Spire" part leads straight down to the ground, making the front look rectangular, or thinking in 3D terms cylindrical, making it look like a rocket.

    The secondary building also looks like the wings, with the building being built almost halfway up the first building, which really makes it look like a rocket to me. Also, the clock looks like a window like on this:

    So all in all, I believe the church is a retro rocket, fitting the theme of the green run loading screen, which also seems a bit 50's to me.

    This looks nothing like a rocket to me, for one what would be the Spire is built into the secondary building. Also as I mentioned above, what really makes it look like a rocket to me is the way the secondary building is built.

  2. Hey guys, I hadnt played Zombies for about a week, and when I got on I had went from Blue eyed Skull to Regular. So after I play a pretty standard game on Tranzit, I see that I got a tally mark beside my shield. I play another two games and I get two more tally marks. This continued until I got 4 Tally marks with A Blue Eye again where I had to stop playing.

    So is the Ranking system really just how many games you play? What about the Shotguns/Knife ranks?

  3. Thats just the sound of the bus notice how it starts when the bus honks and then stops when the bus honks again :)

    Are we listening to the same video I didnt hear a bus honk at all. Even if it was the bus, the sound would still be affected by the camera moving to different spots

  4. @Triple Ex Come on man, if you wanna give up on the EE, fine, but I believe that you said in another post that Zombies is all about the discovery and that 3arc giving us the answers ruins it.

  5. Almost everyone in this forum knows what the Bell tower is, if dont know what it is its a tower like structure thats found in Town. It rings at various intervals, and when I think of an obelisk, I think of a pillar with a point on it, the exact shape of the Tower.

    I believe that the next step revolves around the tower. Has anyone tried to explore? When Richtofen talks about the obelisk, has anyone came here instead? Has there been any strange orbs or lights near it? Has anyone used EMPs/Jet Gun on it?

  6. Ok, first we gotta recap to Moon

    On the Moon Easter Egg, Maxis is attempting to stop Richtofen from taking over control of the zombies by use of nukes on the Earth, however, once you actually succeed in doing so, he maniacally laughs. If I was trying to save the world, that would be the last thing I would do, so I went back to the radios. After he returns from God knows where and ends up at the Griffin Station, HES the one who told Samantha to begin the zombie apocalypse. This could've been a part of his plan (or a plan he had) to take over/destroy the planet in his grief and rage over Samantha and Richtofen respectively. he said he prepared a plan in case Richtofen actually succeeded in taking over the zombies, so perhaps his Easter Egg in Green Run is his way of working around his lack of "control"? I believe that hes trying to take back the zombies for himself to further his own (or 601's) plans.

    Richtofen is by no means an angel himself, but it seems as though he is really trying to restore the planet. After you do his version of the Tower Of Babble, he says that this is a step in restoring the Earth, but this has an underlying motive. If the Earth is restored and the population has gone back up, wouldnt that mean more bodies to manipulate? Also as he is talking, he uses the same tone of voice he used when manipulating the Original Characters, a well-meaning "concerned" tone, that really just means "Hes about to screw you over in the worst way". I believe that hes going to lose control of the zombies, and possibly need a new body. Seeing as though Samuel (Short Short Conspiracy Guy) is the only one that can hear him, perhaps he would use his body?

    sorry if this is all a little haphazard, its just something that I thought about

  7. Just as a note. The United States was the only country to send people to and actually landed on the moon. The Russians tried but the Launch was unsuccessful. Actually the rocket blew up before it left the atmosphere.

    normal history doesnt apply here

    It does. They got the Cuban missile crisis time right, and WW2, and Cold War... But I still think it goes after ascension. I don't stick to the flashback theory either -that doesn't seem like a 'Grand Finale' to me.

    Just Because A Few Things Fit Into Conventional History Doesn't Mean That It All Applies. It Seems To Me That Normal History Applies Only When Its Convenient To The Story Or When They Write Themselves Into A Corner(A Deus Ex Machina) Like Now.

  8. How could Ascension come after Moon when you need to launch the rocket to activate the PaP machine? Your not the one who leaves on that rocket because YOUR the one who activates it. The maps are in order of appearance. The only one that falls out of order (technically) is Call of the Dead because it takes place AFTER every other map. But the crew go to CotD after Ascension, then go to Shangri La, then to Moon. Same as the order of release.

    Moon is the EPIC SEASON FINALE of Black Ops zombies as said by the dev at Treyarch in the trailer. Why would they release a later map as the first DLC anyway? Doesn't make sense.

    Some tv shows end in flashbacks as their season finale

  9. with the way that the loading screens have been since ascension, i dont see any reason that it doesnt go ascension, CotD, Shangri-La Moon. because ever since CotD there have been corners torn out of the comic book like pages, and each has shown that particular order based on what map page is before or after the current page. with the moon load screen you can see on the left side bottom corner that the bottom left corner of shangri la is visible.

    I think we may be over complicating the timeline of the black ops maps, i think we are playing them in order (the DLC ones that is)

    Treyarch Is Known To Complicate Things When It Comes To Zombies (They've Done Things Such As Create A Scrambled Message That Did Nothing More Than Complicate The Zombies Storyline, Interweave The Illuminati Into The Story, And Many More Confusing Things). So How Can We Be Sure That The Pages Are In Order? Even Comics Are Known To Use Flashbacks And Cliffhangers.

  10. The hole i can poke is this and i recommend anyone to go check it out.

    Each player says something awsome when using the pack a punch machine in shangri la

    Im pointing to demsie in this one he says richtofens got something up his sleeve and mentions an even bigger plan...

    That plan is going to happen on the moon hense the big build up withthe golden rod!

    So in theory moon has to be after everything thus far

    But if richotofen had the focusing stone on moon wouldn't that make him far overpowered than his comrades, thus causing mass quitting due to a desire to play as richtofen?

    Again, this could be a lead in to a new zombies map in another game.

  11. i cant believe people are saying moon is before acension..... are you idiots?

    This map is refered to as "A SEASON FINALE" by a guy in the trailer...

    now that doesnt mean zombies is over just for black ops it is!

    now for a season finale they need to progress through the story not prequal....

    Think about it

    WHY didnt they show richtofen in the trailer? BECAUSE he has hold of the FOCUSING STONE and GOLDEN ROD

    they didnt want us to see this!!! fools -.- :P

    Now That You Say That About Richtofen Maybe Hes Replaced By That Mysterious Mexican Subject That A Radio Mentions That "Died".

  12. I Can Totally See A Little Girl With A Stuffed Animal (Maybe A Bunny Rabbit?). As For The Questionable Shape Of The Shadow Perhaps She Is In Front Of The Digging Instrument That Is Shown In Some Pictures Of The Map, Which May Point To Her Making An Appearance At The End Of The Easter Egg Or In The Map In Some Way/Shape/Form?

  13. I Believe Its After Because As The Shangri-La And Moon Loading Screens Show, The Pyramid You Get The Focusing Stone From Is Somehow Sent To The Moon, And From There You Travel to The Moon Base. Also There Is No Evidence Of The Teleporters Being Able To Send A Person BACK In Time, And As To Date The Only Way To Go Back In Time Has Been The Switches Used To Do The Shangri-La Easter Egg And Even That's Not Permanent.

  14. I was looking up the radios on shangri-la and one of them implicated that shangri-la was on an infinite time loop, which is my explanation for why that's the last map on my list. Also one of Richtofen's quotes after getting the focusing stone he exclaims that he'll conteol them all. But I think what you said about treyarchs reasoning holds some truth but treyarch hasn't always been that straight forward. Also maybe the fuel thing is just a gameplay mechanic?

  15. With The Announcement Of Moon Its Occurred To Me That Many Of The Theories Have Had Holes Poked Into Them And Raised Even More Theories. Currently I Believe That The Timeline Goes As Following:

    First: Verruckt

    Second: Nacht Der Untoten

    Third: Shi No Numa

    Fourth: Der Riese

    Fifth: Kino Der Toten

    Sixth: Moon (This Would Explain Richthofen's change in clothing during Ascension)

    Seventh: Ascension/Five

    Eighth: Call Of The Dead

    Ninth: Shangri-La

    When Moon Is Actually Released We'll Have More Info, But In My Mind This Is How It Goes:

    After Traveling In Time From Der Riese They Would End Up at Kino,Right?

    So Say They Used The Teleporter While There And It Put Them On The Moon And They Found A Lunar Lander Causing Them To Land At Ascension. From There They Used The Gersch Easter Egg Sending Them To The Room In Call Of The Dead Where Richthofen Got The Gold Rod. Afterwards They Were Teleported To Shangri-La And Did The Eclipse Easter Egg At Which Point Richthofen (Canonically) Would Get The Focusing Stone Allowing Him, Combined With The Gold Rod, To Control The Zombies Leading Off Into The Next Treyarch-Made CoD Game OR A Possible Conclusion To The Zombies Mode In General.

    In Light Of Some Evidence After Playing Every Zombies Map Over, I Realized That Shangri-La Is An Infinite Time Loop, So How Could They Have Gotten Out Of That?

    Feel Free To Poke Holes In Theory :D

    (P.S. On A Side Note, Ever Wonder What Happened To That Mexican Subject That Was Mentioned but Supposedly Died? Could He Replace Richthofen If There Ever Was A Map After Moon?)

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