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Posts posted by phoztech

  1. my first post... sorry if it has been covered elsewhere, I am on a really slow internet connection at the moment and after searching around(very slowly) and not finding the answer i decided to post on this topic.

    I am wondering if anyone has gotten all seven perks or heck even 5 perks(1 over your original 4) from the monkeys.... and if and when you go down do you lose the perks that the monkeys gave you or do you get to keep them like you do when you get them from the easter egg?

    also I am guessing it has been described elsewhere but the best strategy i have played in for changing the drops to max ammos (and I am guessing perks, even though i have not gotten a perk from a monkey yet), is to leave that mud room door from the spawn closed and camp on hte bridge... forcing the monkeys to take the long way around... and usually when they hit the mouth of the cave it turns into a max ammo.



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