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DtN m0n3ysh0t

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Posts posted by DtN m0n3ysh0t

  1. teddy bears had no significants in mw2 but sledge hammer games designed mw3 and designed black ops map pack if you go into a hut on the mw3 map mission there is a teddy bear and above it is PORTER WUZ HERE and a strange painting below it also on a campaign mission their is grafitti of a little girl with a teddy bear wearing a dress and a sledge hammer it says in initials shg or SLEDGE HAMMER GAMES link to video please comment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX95uePqklQ

  2. teddy bears had no significants in mw2 but sledge hammer games designed mw3 and designed black ops map pack if you go into a hut on the mw3 map mission there is a teddy bear and above it is PORTER WUZ HERE and a strange painting below it also on a campaign mission their is grafitti of a little girl with a teddy bear wearing a dress and a sledge hammer it says in initials shg or SLEDGE HAMMER GAMES link to video please comment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jX95uePqklQ

  3. Is the guy in the new ZCODL video porter saying hes creating most of the Wonder Weapons and he could be testing out the new guns Excited for the new maps Please Comment

  4. Ive been playing alot of the Classic maps and the zombies seem to just go straight at you but in most of the new maps the zombies seem to wiggle and trip to dodge your bullets and with moon in the description it says the zombies shift in and out of sight to strike at the right moment could this meen the effects of 115 are waring off and they will soon fall into their graves again? Please Comment

  5. in the area where the mine cart is their is a radio next to a gong in that area if you listen to it Gary and Brock are looking for the temple.Once they get their they discover the buttons they press them and the sound of the teleportation activates now this is where zombies come. The zombies only came out during the eclipse so once the time runs out the zombies come back to present time spreading everywhere. Now i know all the easter eggs and even myself thinks this is far fetched saying that group 935 created them but what if this is true and group 935 was working on old tech and shangri-la was where it started please share your ideas

  6. Personally, i believe the noise is made because the EE is the 'Elephant in the Room' i.e. it's quite obvious that the Characters are there once you know it, but until then it's not so obvious.

    Just my take on things, but i really don't see how it is linked to the Shrink Ray?

    How would you get an elephant in such a small room?? :roll:

  7. Hes in the suit because the maps are not in order Ascension is the last Richtofen is in the suit because he thinks he is going into that place where Samantha is so he gets in the suit so he can fight her and not get exposed to the weird space place [forgot what its called] also with the mustache and them being beatin also goes with them not in order once zombies is done it will all come togother

  8. This thread is about people assuming things in zombies that are out of this world. First Treyarch Is 100% against zombie glitches everybody says that Treyarch needs to make it able to do glitches and not patch them personally i think glitches ruin zombies! Zombies is supposed to be tight corner small hallways controller gripping action. Not hovering on the roof shooting zombies while eating a pizza. Also their not gunna let people out of the map i mean think about it. Think of how fun Der Reise would be if you didnt have to save up points to turn on the power you just gotta double tap x [or square] and go thru walls to the power room.

    Please post your ideas and don't flame

  9. With Shangri La almost out i started thinking about the monkey bombs again. Has anybody ever wondered why the zombies are attracted to it? I always thought it was the sound but that wouldn't make sense as with all of the other sounds. But does it have a connection with Sam? Possibly since Samantha is somewhat connected to the monkey bomb. Also Sam controls the zombies do they zombies find the monkey bomb somewhat apart of Sam or as a calling? Now this is going to sound stupid but what if when the monkey bomb talks what if it is Sams voice?

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