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Posts posted by X HOLLYWOOD18

  1. Anyone else thinking Samantha may be a Vril ya? Is there any myths around the idea that they can age much slower? It would explain why Maxis has become so obsessed with reaching Argatha. Samantha has poisoned his mind with the idea of reaching Argatha. I am no expert on the storyline so im just kinda throwing this out there in case i might be onto something. Probably not but its the first time I've tried to contribute a bit to the story.

  2. It was pretty easy except that if you have one bad player it sucks. My total easter egg took me 3 hrs. But im sure the last step is what took 2 hours. But either way I don't understand what shooting targets has to do with the storyline at all. MMX do you have any ideas? or any other story guys?

    Is it just me or does 90% of the easter egg steps make no logical sense to the storyline? Punching signs that make a glowing wisp that travel inside a guillotine? Its not really a big deal but i wish some of the steps weren't so goddamn...random.

  3. If i wanted to play those maps i would just pop in my copy of blops or WaW. 42$ for old maps sounds absolutely ridiculous. They've already added the WaW maps to blops. They can't just keep adding the old maps to every new call of duty.

    They're better off spending time and resources for new maps than re-adding old maps (that aren't even that old in the first place).

  4. Sounds confusing lol. If anyone can figure out the whole "saving thing" then let me know. Also i believe im doing this as a solo run instead of a custom run with no one else, so im not sure if it will save that way.

  5. Thanks for the quick response. Thats incredibly frustrating to do it again but i've already gotten this far by myself so i might as well practice and get some more experience and remember where everything is. I heard somewhere that after doing these steps that it "saves" and you can continue from this point in a different game. Any idea if that is true?

  6. I am currently on the stage of the Easter egg where you have to use the jet gun on the rock in the cornfield. Unfortunately i was an idiot and didn't aim the gun properly and it has broken. I heard somewhere that you can rebuild it by picking up the broken pieces but i do not see them anywhere. Did i screw myself over or is there a way to fix this?

    I tried going back to the bench where i made it originally, since i thought you could pick up a new one (like the turbine and shield) but it was not there. Any help would be appreciated and sorry if this wasn't worthy of a post. I am in the middle of the game atm so a quick response would be very helpful.

  7. I would be EXTREMELY disappointed if they did that. Forcing someone to pay for a membership JUST to get DLC seems to be going to far. Especially since i don't play any call of duty online. If there is going to be 50$ worth of DLC and the membership is the same price, then i guess i would be fine with it.

  8. I've been wishing for this since i started to play zombies. Can't remember how many funny/awesome moments that have happened that i would have been cool to share. I'm hoping they add this and some sort of leveling up system for zombies in the next treyarch game.

  9. You have to kill 10 zombies with one scavenger shot from a certain distance. An easy way to do it in co op is to get someone to rile up a train of zombies by the wide open area below the lighthouse. Then you simply go on top of the boat (where the power is) and shoot the group.

    If you can only do it on solo then its a bit tricky. Run a circle in the spot i mentioned and start to head to the spawn (through the building or lighthouse) when their bunched up. Get ahead of the group and go straight through the tunnel and head to the stairs by the boat. Then aim straight back at the tunnel and shoot as soon as you see a zombie, run back as soon as you get the shot off and you should have the necessary distance and kills if the zombies are grouped up.

    Hopefully you get what i mean.

  10. I like it when the Aurora Borealis happens. I sometimes just stop what I'm doing and just stare at it. Sometimes you'll get the greenish-blue one, than other times you'll get a nice orangy-yellow. Simply amazing.

    I haven't played Skyrim since Christmas Eve surprisingly, and even before than I wasn't playing it much because I'd been sick. I suppose it's a good thing I only had a slight addiction for a couple of weeks.

    I think I'm Level 34? I really can't remember haha. I still have so much of the game to do. Like I'll do the main quest, than move onto Thieves Guild and do a quest, than the College of Winterhold, etc, till it goes back around. I want full Glass Armour, but I don't want to waste skill points on Smithing. I've found Glass Gloves (Gauntlets I think they're called) but that's it.

    Lol I remember attacking Paarthurnax when first going to the TOTW thinking it was a dragon attacking. Than when I hit him and I saw the name appear I thought "FML now I have to reload a save" but thankfully he didn't react.

    Paarthurnax is such a chill dragon. The Main Quest's final fight is rather easy in my opinion, but still, I like it!

    I want my addiction back again though. This game is really great. Also, Phxntxm, that's pretty damn awesome.

    I think everyone i know attacked Paarthurnax when they first saw him lol. He's awesome though, don't think ill ever do the mission to kill him.

  11. What is everyone's favorite guild so far? I thought the thieves guild was pretty good but nowhere as good as oblivion's. The dark brotherhood was really cool and had some pretty interesting ways to do some of the missions and really cool characters.

    The companions were probably my least favorite probably because i did all the missions in a row and thought it was pretty short, but becoming a werewolf was pretty cool. I also liked the mage's guild but thought it was really short as well.

  12. Minor Spoilers ahead in invis-o-text No plot points Highlight to read**********

    Holy crap I had a pleasant conversation with a Dragon today. I'm at the specified quest marker and I see the usual Dragon Word wall so I go over to it and an elder Dragon swoops down on me. I'm like "oh shit" and pull out the trusty wabbajack, but then the Dragon begins dialog with me and teaches me the second word to fire breath and teaches me to meditate on power words and gain a bonus from them. Wow this game surprises me everytime I play it.

    End spoilers: Skyrim is awesome!!!!

    Yea now that i think of it there is a lot of cool moments like this in the main quest line. There is another cool part that involves a dragon near the very end that you should love, don't wanna spoil it for anyone but its awesome!

  13. Another Dragon killed! :D I love this game! If it doesn't get GOTY then I will personally hunt down the haters... ;)

    I have a feeling it will win plenty of GOTY awards. I would personally give it game of the year with minecraft being a close second and portal 2 being 3rd. But with all the amazing games out this year its hard to say.

  14. After doing the cannibal quest i walked by a guard and he mentioned something about my breath smelling funny RIGHT after i ate someone haha.

    I've spent way to much time on this game lately its time to take a break. I have every achievement and i still haven't discovered half the map, can't wait to just roam around and do some exploring. The Daedra quests were probably the coolest things i've done so far (I highly suggest doing sheogorath's mission)

    I've already done it! :D But I will probably never use it, just have it for decoration in my house. I'm doing the Sanguine quest now, the one like The Hangover. Arr you have all of them already? I wish I had them.

    Now that you've said that i think I'm gonna decorate my whole house with the all the Daedric artifacts and random cool items I've found. The sanguine rose mission gives you a really cool staff, but then again all the Daedric missions give you really awesome stuff.

  15. Has Patch 1.2 seemed to make things worse for you guys? Apparently they have made all resistances nothing, so Fire Atronach thing will take damage from fire, elemental resistances don't work, etc. This is what I've read.

    It has done nothinig bad for me yet, except for the flying-backwards dragon glitch. I can't even kill it because it never lands, flies around retardedly, and will always move away when I get close. Luckily I've only found 2 dragons like that.

    Game has only frozen once. Found no major quest glitches except for one in Markarth, after completing The Forsworn Conspiracy and No-one Escapes From Cidhna Mine quests, you can't ever enter the Shrine of Talos again because the guards will be in there, and talk to you like they do at the end of TFC. I don't know what happens if you go quietly to jail, because you've already done the quest so...

    In another matter, my character is a cannibal now :/ Didn't want him to be, thought it would be possible to fight against it and kill everyone in that quest, but I didn't want to fail it so...yea. Omnomnom. I haven't even touched College of Winterhold, Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood yet. Should be good! :)

    After doing the cannibal quest i walked by a guard and he mentioned something about my breath smelling funny RIGHT after i ate someone haha.

    I've spent way to much time on this game lately its time to take a break. I have every achievement and i still haven't discovered half the map, can't wait to just roam around and do some exploring. The Daedra quests were probably the coolest things i've done so far (I highly suggest doing sheogorath's mission)

  16. So I'm getting a little perturbed.

    i am currently on Rd. 23 - have gone through 25k points spamming the box, and have yet to even SEE a wonderweapon in the cycle.

    i have not seen nor gotten a ray gun, thundergun, monkeys....NADA.

    i also do not see the Law, crossbow, ballistic knife, and maybe a few other weapons ive noticed missing from the box.

    i have no idea how im gonna make it further, it gets SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO laggy when there are alot of zombie out, it is VERY hard to get an automatic weapon going, imho - and im starting to get so frustrated with it!

    I'm having the same problems, i preferred the WaW version where they had a button to shoot (none of that double tap to shoot an automatic weapon BS). But the fact there missing so many weapons is inexcusable, especially not having the ray gun/thunder gun. If it IS in there them I'm just extremely unlucky.

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