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Posts posted by DEFCON 1

  1. That sounds so sick, dude. My one-handed is at a 60 and I have a very nice collection of blades to use. I'm working on getting my smithing up, so I can craft Ebony and Daedric. My so-called birthsign is the Lover, which means I level up super fast. I also want to find a bed to sleep in everynight so I can get that Well Rested bonus.

    I'm almost done with Winterhold; I'm just battling Mordokei right now. This guy is pretty tough. I'll just need to use my shock resistant shield on him.

    I should have invested some time into archery.

    I'm a big fan of archery. Archery and stealth are my two favorite skills, as well as athletics and acrobatics so I can level really fast even if I don't have the lover birthsign. Can't wait for Werewolf form.

  2. Assuming that there is one and I really hope that there is ,what new features, improvements and environments do you want added to it? Here's what I want.

    Hidden Radios that tell us more about the origin of the cosmic silverback.

    Solo Leaderboards.(If Treyarch doesn't add Solo leaderboards to all map's, this is the one thing that should have it.)

    Leveling up system. As you level up you unlock things like increased running speed, longer duration for weapon pick ups and increases your weapons damage.

    Choose between First person mode and top down mode. I don't want to seem like one of those people who hates DOA just because it's so much different from the classic zombies mode that we love, but it could get more people to play it and it would add plenty of variety.

    Feel free to add to the list. :)

  3. I've got to agree with you there. The entire plot was based around him. They wanted an interesting plot twist, but I think they went a little overboard. But I already know what they could do for MW4 if they make a whole lot of money with MW3 and change their minds. The remnants of Makarov's force have regrouped and Nikolai+Price have to wipe them out before they do something (i.e. they try and turn Russia and U.S.A against each other). They kind of made it sound like it was going to be the last one, but you never know, people will do crazy things to keep a series going and to get more $$$$$$$$$

    It's almost guaranteed there's going to be another call of duty by IW but it doesn't have to be Modern warfare. They'll make money if they make a completely different story. I don't like it that soap died, him being my favorite character. I see what you mean about how price and Nikolai would have to track down the rest of Makarov's men. Zakiehev (I don't know how to spell it) died in CoD4 and it looked like the story ended there but then Makarov took over. Perhaps someone will take Makarov's place in MW4.

  4. I was playing Der Riese today, I got a sniper from the box and zoomed in at the moon not expecting to see anything and I noticed 5 orange dots making a pentagon shape in the upper right area of the moon (sorry, can't provide a picture) I moved around a bit to make sure that it wasn't just the sparks in the sky but the dots stayed there. Is this significant?

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