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AK74U Rapid Fire

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Posts posted by AK74U Rapid Fire

  1. zombies is something that you more or less have to learn, and no it's not peter because on the iOS version of shi no numa there's and EE where you have to dig peters grave

    That doent say he is dead.

    It could also just be a cover to pretend like hes dead.

    He could have survived and reached kino before te group.

    He may just investigated the place and while hes doing that

    he might got attacked by a zombie from brhind because u can

    also hear a door opening sound so maybe the zomibe came through that door

    It could be possibl

    Excuse me if there is proof thsat peter wasnt on kino.

    But this is what i think

  2. Ur not verry good ad zombles are you XD

    And btw couldt the screaming man be peter?

    because the man hanging in shi no could be harvey yena.

    so maybe peter escaped from verruckt and shi no and he went to kino.

    And i was thinking that the blacked pic may be the mexican subject because

    richtofen and maxis secretly showed of their project to the army in kino like they

    did with te teleporter.

    He might just putted he pictures there to show his test subjects but he killed the

    mexican so he just blacked that one out and showed the pictures to the army

    but i dont know just a theory but i think peter is the screaming guy

    and the knocking guy might be the thing that broke out of one of the canisters in

    the theather containing those scary things.

    Thats why he says Monkey because monkeys atract zombies.

    Just a theory guys dont flame XD

    Ps bad english i should really write thst on my profile XD

  3. Paused the game at Round 40 and went to sleep for the night. Then went to school the next day. When I got home after school my dad says to me. "Brock, you left your PS3 on, I turned it off for you so it wouldn't over heat." I was raging after I had this lmao (Silently though, not to my dad)

    +1 to dad for caring for the ps3 heat.

    -1 for ruining my plans of going to Round 100.

    Why didn't your warned you dad?

    It does suck of course.

    If i ever leave the xbox on for to long with not playing my dad grounded me for about 5 months for wasting the money for the energy.

    But i think he actually has a piont XD

  4. Paused the game at Round 40 and went to sleep for the night. Then went to school the next day. When I got home after school my dad says to me. "Brock, you left your PS3 on, I turned it off for you so it wouldn't over heat." I was raging after I had this lmao (Silently though, not to my dad)

    +1 to dad for caring for the ps3 heat.

    -1 for ruining my plans of going to Round 100.

    Why didn't your warned you dad?

    It does suck of course.

    If i ever leave the xbox on for to long with not playing my dad grounded me for about 5 months for wasting the money for the energy.

    But i think he actually has a piont XD

  5. ok guys today i craped my pants XD

    i was playing on verruckt with my friend

    we where around round 5 or something

    then i opened the door and we left a crawler so we could rebuild the windows

    so now was in the room where u can buy the thompson

    i just walked next to the wall on my way to the next door when

    i suddey hear a woman screaning very loud.

    i just froze for 5 seconds.

    after this happend im never gonna be in the thompon room

    when there are no zomibes around,.


    if this is already figured out then please vdont flame me

    PS; srry bad english

  6. Oopd srry forgot te fact thst there are not more rooms to tele to

    Srry about this but like you said trownig it in the teleport and than teleport

    the monkey may do something

    OMG u guyd know what would be really cool!!! (dont take this serious)

    if you teleport the monkey it go's to the pack a punch pack a punces his self

    and then turning in to te cosmic silverback XD

    Th would b awesome and this is just a joke but would be awesome

    PS:srry for my bad english

  7. Hey everyone ive been thinking recently about thw whole monkey bomb sound

    in kino

    and i think that if you want the monkey bomb to talk wy not try shooting him

    with a 115 weapon?

    because in der riese the money screamed when it got hurt so wy not shoot it

    with a 115 weapon?

    you never know it might just work

    And another thing i thought of s wy not trow the monkey in the teleport and then teleport

    it might lead you somehere

    so if anyone coulf please try this for me it would be awesome

    PS srry for my bad english

  8. Omg there is no beasts in kino (not yet) its just the great entrance of the crawlers

    they can break te roof because its became broken when the power was turned on

    its jst an old building thats how they broke trough snd thats wy they only come

    when the power is on.

    and the crawlers also are the ones screaming when the power is on

    you can see that in the kino music vid

    So yeah... No beasts on kino!!!!!!

  9. LOL...

    I Heard the thumping noise from two places... Ermm..

    1st in the bathrooms

    2nd in the dressing room...

    On another thread somebody said it could be Dr. Maxis trapped in there but I sort of doubt that >

    Where is the bathroom?

    I heard its in the upper hall but i cant find it

    PS:Looooooooooove zombies

    Bathroom in Kino is located upstairs from the start room and it's the FIRST doorway on your right the moment you leave the Spawn room upstairs. There is a window in there the zombies come in from

    Thanks that helped

  10. Ive used this stratgie a lot and i hope it works for you guys to.

    Round 1-5

    First buy quick revive in case you make a mistake.

    Then just keep protecting the windows by schooting 6 bullets in the zombies

    and knife on the first round and in the following rounds shoot 8 bullets in the

    zombies and then knife.

    If you run out of ammo just keep knifing

    When you get overrun buy the m14 and shoot them down.

    Do this until you reach round 5 or 4 and then move on.

    I always use the upstairs way cause that way is a little easier.

    Round 5-10

    Open doors until you reach the speed cola room.

    If youre there buy the mp40.

    With the mp40 camp by the door that leads to the dressing room.

    When you get overrun ope the door and run to the next door to the Theater.

    Use the camp strategie again and open the door if you get overrun.

    If youre lucky the mystery box will spawn in one of the rooms you walk trough.

    When this happends leave a crawler by trowing a grenade in a group of zombies.

    This will give you time to search the boy.

    When you reach the Theater without encountering the box just save money

    to open the doors to the mystery box.

    When youre ready turn the power on and run to the juggernog and buy it.

    Without te juggernog you wont come far

    Round 10+

    Well you came this far make sure you have juggernog and if you got downed

    buy quick revive again and have a good weapon from the box.

    Its always usefull to have the thundergun since it can blow a huge group of zombies away.

    When you have the weapons you want start racking up some points.

    When you have 5000 points or more start upgrading weapons.

    If you have your weapons upgraded start collecting perks until you have all

    four of them.

    With all this the real battle can begin

    Good luck!

    With this strategie i reached round 36 its really easy

    PS srry about my bad english

    Add [brains] if you like this!!!!

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