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Posts posted by Solrac-United

  1. 1 thing I absolutely hate about noobs is when they just start to shoot george and leave you to handle him, open every single door for no reason and get downed out of their own stupidity and ask hou like 100 time to revive them cuz they have jug.

  2. As the cotd acheivement "send the crew to paradise" suggests, and the loading screen leaves on the top right corner, id say a SNN type area, u no foresty, jungly,tropical place. Id love for the thunder gun to return and maybe even add the gersch device, monkey bombs, and a new wonder weapon(maybe a replacement for the ray as we have never had one and there seems to loads of different types od OTHER wonder weapons example: thunder gun, wonderwaffe, winter's howl, vr-11)

  3. I am a good player u can count on me well. I can do a great zombie train and know my way around the map a bit. I can rack up points and get back in the game after dieng or having a great loss(having mustang and sally and dieng) just pm me here if you to play with me

  4. I have a new theory that I think is dead on!

    It is confirmed that Nacht der Untoten is 2nd outbreak (don't have the link on me), so I think the first is Verruckt, then NDU, then Kino, then DR, then FIVE, then Ascension, then CoTD.

    My reasoning:

    I don't want to post my whole theories, so here are summaries.

    Basically, Dempsey and the recon unit are sent to extract Peter, Dempsey is caught, the marines are left to fend of Zombies. The Nazi's in Verruckt leave to Kino. (I say this because in the SNN radio the guy says they failed to contain the Asylum and had to move experiments "here". The only other testing site that we know besides DR and Verruckt is Kino). Trying to prevent more zombies from spreading, the Marines took a plane filled with 115. Element 115 has inherent electrical properties and it jammed the plane’s electrical mechanisms, causing it to crash. The 115 then caused the dead soldiers on the old battlefield to turn into zombies.

    So that makes sense to me. We know he was at Kino before DR, but it wouldn't make sense for it to be in the first spot. So Verruckt broke, 935 moved testing to Kino (remember testing was still going on at DR), NDU broke on the Marines, soon after that, Kino broke out on 935 and they moved everything they could over to DR. DR was breaking, Richtofen killed Maxis, DR broke. BOOM SOLVED!

    I wouldnt believe this. First off, DR was the first spread because all first zombies were made there. This would mean that Verruckt would be around the middle outbreak. SO now we have DR, NDU, Id say next would be Verruckt. Seeing that the four main charater are not out yet. then id say SNN. From there to DR again to fend off the zombies(by now DR already has zombies). Then they telport/time travel to kino to fend off zombies AGAIN. From there i cant piece Ascenscion because i dont think the lander would pick them up(yet ppl say it does). then Seeing as there is the Gersch EE our heroes travel to COtD. where we meet the AWESOME Mexican(Machete), Buffy, Englund and the last one(cant remeber his name at all).

  5. i have some of my own ideas for the person. i believe that maybe, just maybe, the company was hinting at either a new character or a lost character returning. as for the deaths, you all have to remember that there characters all seem to have information and memories that have been wiped upon their arrival at kino. except for richtofen. also, i have heard many of you talk of the dream theory. please exlain more why you believe it is all a dream.

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