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Posts posted by demesphor

  1. I think you're right about the Cotd storyline being unfinished. I just had a thought about that too. We all know that if you shoot a teammate with the VR11, they become invincible and have instant kill right? Well what if George, at the time of his transformation got infected with the same thing that powers the VR11? Think about it, we can never technically kill him, he's much stronger than the rest of the zombies, and this is the only place we know there is vril energy (or whatever it is) so far.

    There are definitely still many unexplained mysteries centering around this map. Where did the golden rod come from? What was that blinking off in the water? Why is there 115 there in the first place? If not a map, I think we definitely need some sort of explanation for this, and only time will tell.

    i heard a mr micheal rooker was seen leaving treyarch not to long ago. possibly doing a voice dub for zombies??? anyone remember hearing this???

  2. we all know of our favorite pal woods, well why does he have a 115 tattoo AND a werewolf howling at the moon.

    what we know:

    moon is a map ARGO wolf howling at moon,

    the howler (connection to woods tattoo?)

    woods comes back in BO2

    what we speculate:

    woods had somehow been connected to group 935,

    woods lived through his "demise"

    woods is older than dirt in 2025

    BUT what if woods was part of something bigger, something like...group 601 the americans form of group 935, in area 51. u got the moon and group 935 connections with said theroy. so maaaaaybe thats the connection

  3. Zombies is going to be big.

    Mark Lamia didn’t want to beat around the undead bush: “I’m not going to hide it from you – it’s a Treyarch game, we’re making Zombies. It’s a huge world, running inside the multiplayer mode. There are new game modes; it’s bigger and better” Any details to go with that tease? Nope — Mark is saving some of his secrets until later. “Zombies is its own game and it deserves its own time.” Source : Oneofswords.

    Read more: http://www.se7ensins.com/forums/threads ... z1vSz1SaB5

  4. so ive ehard there gonna have this mini campaign and its gonna have some more...indepth maps for instance shangrila will have been explored more, der riese will be seen from the outside ect. ect.

    Now has this been confirmed or all hear say? and what do yall think of a mini campaign? NOT a whole game but maybe a single player campagin for SINGLE players? that way all players get wat we want ZOMBIES CAMPAIGN without ruining the 3 things nazi zombies needs: coop, single player, and multiplayer. its not a full campaign but maybe a single player campaign that explains the story from beginning to now plus the new maps? like treyach confirming whats right and wrong and how they imagined it. i think itd be pretty legit and cool of them to say. either that or a book...i think thats what people really want the most as well, confirmation and closure on past events of the zombie world

  5. HELLLLL NO. ive thought this for awhile too. better or equal question. why is the teleporter double sided

    It might be to channel the power emanating off of the pyramid because as you can see the pyramid does point straight up into the middle of it.

    In short the pyramid sends up enough power out of the top to power the teleporter for spaaaaaace travel.

    god i hope not, but im pretty sure BOS2 will tell us what it does cause im sure thats how they get off the moon

  6. Ok so most of you have probably played moon and seen the pyramid directly underneath the teleporter.

    "Ok so what?" You say.

    Well the teleporter is double sided so it would be capable of teleporting the team and possessed samantha back to Earth for something.

    So is my theory any good or is it batshit insane?

    Edit: Shit this should have gone in the research center. My bad.

    HELLLLL NO. ive thought this for awhile too. better or equal question. why is the teleporter double sided

  7. Ok, new idea, the setting is mostly ruined newyork, the zombie crew show up and are greeted by the cotd crew, the "five"crew (somehow JFK is alive), and a few 935 scientist (shuster? Groph? Yuri? We know they were on moon and accession, but it never said they died...) all of a sudden a device crashes into the ground and separates the groups..... At the start of the game there is a Machine that when activated will move your character to another quadrant of the map, where you have to play as another person(for example if your white, you start as dempsey step into the machine, then your JFK! Step again and your Michael rooker! Step a last time to become the starter character of the last group) (FYI blue apps to Nikolai, macnera, SMG, and one other guy likely shuster, yellow applys to takeo,Nixon, trejo, and Yuri and green applys to Sam/richtofen, Castro, englund(who is a boss) and likely groph) and by working together the sixteen people manage to either obtain a vril/kashmiri device or do something that will halt/slow down demonic announcer/richtofen 's plan to kill them all.

    Any critisim is necessary, please feel free to comment, oh and all of the other characters survived the whole blow up the earth thing, (presidintial bunker, stayed in a spot that wasn't effected by the blast, were in a nuke shelter ect.)

    how is englund groph? theres like 30 years inbetween them and groph was on the moon base when it got over run

  8. Thanks for the reply.

    Today i went the Thompson route to the Power, and the yellow light was still on in the Trench gun room. When i activated the yellow trap, a voice is heard, but i cant hear it clearly. No voice is heard when activating any other traps.

    As the trap was still on, i ran to the Teleporter C room. While running, i heard the trap make that beeping noise, meaning it was over/re-set, then i heard that SAME voice again! This time perfectly clear, as im stopped, standing in front of Maxis's office. The voice said "Laboratory Defense activated".

    Why does only that trap say this?


    At the window across from the furnace, i can hear a girl crying. Listening to the radios, it looks like Dr. Maxis and Samantha were tricked by Edward and trapped in a room. If i can hear the girl crying......does that mean we are suppose to find her??? Hide and seek?

    first of all little girl crying is samantha weve debunked that to W@W and 2ndly can you get a vid of the voice seems like part of the EE weve been trying to figure out since der riese's rerelease

  9. agreeed

    i say lazyness cause when u play as sarah michelle gellar and u dive she grunts JUST like the men

    Well what were they going to do for that sound? Ask her to grunt for them so they'd have a sound for her dolphin dive? :lol:

    well yeah. isnt that what they did for all the dolphin dive grunts?

  10. Five and ascension happened at the same time, supposedly, as well. Is it possible that the thief came from ascension?

    best theroy idea ive heard of. MAYBE!? gertsch (after u save him from kessimir device?) pops up in FIVE as theif? using the gertsch as a way to be teleportered to FIVE? maybe even gone mad by the release of kessimir i mean it takes all powerful weapons to end the EE in ascension. just a thought

  11. I doubt they're that lazy, they take the time to cram in such detail that I find it unlikely they'd do that.


    i say lazyness cause when u play as sarah michelle gellar and u dive she grunts JUST like the men

  12. first off GREAT reasurch. but i agree with the others a zombie campaign would be..different. im for it but against it u know? what would be really cool mason going in to infiltrate a NEW 935 facility and tieing the original charectors into it. he then has to sabotage the place and run out with our OC (original charectors) who then escape to a teleporter while mason is left standing there with a wtf face. i think that would be boss. but dont let it be a whoooole game let it be a mission. tie the stories togather and not in the sense that its only in writing but so we see it and play it too. get it? [brains]

  13. so all i see on here is old map info...anyone wanna take a whack at black ops 2 info? and shouldnt their be a new blackops 2 area on the fourms?

    from what i hear the team after moon are gonna go back to earth (go figure) and the earth will be half and half. half zombie half untouched but possibly all under nucular winter (call of the dead possibly?) after that idk i dont want to sound like a crazy person who thinks he knows what will happen. but what do yall think???

    Have you checked the section marked "Future Zombies?"

    didnt know there was a section. it hasnt appeared on my screen. how odd

  14. so all i see on here is old map info...anyone wanna take a whack at black ops 2 info? and shouldnt their be a new blackops 2 area on the fourms?

    from what i hear the team after moon are gonna go back to earth (go figure) and the earth will be half and half. half zombie half untouched but possibly all under nucular winter (call of the dead possibly?) after that idk i dont want to sound like a crazy person who thinks he knows what will happen. but what do yall think???

  15. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=18694

    ^^^my reply to that

    i think using the pyramid from the moon our heros will go to stone henge and this is how paris is connected.

    Stonehenge is in England. I don't see the connection aside from being across the channel from france.

    Am I missing something?

    Well theres nothing in england and france is close to england

  16. In all honestly I'm on board with this as a possibility, and also the first time I saw the fly trap, first thing in my mind: stonehenge.

    amen bro! i thought the samething! thats how the idea started. then i thought more about it and all i needed was a way to place stonehenge to the moon and i thought of apollo 18 the movie. and the rock samples. the teleporters were another thing i thought of but they had to be powered using the metor or whatever the black egg is u use in the EE on the moon to be beamed to stone henge

  17. viewtopic.php?f=53&t=18694

    ^^^my reply to that

    i think using the pyramid from the moon our heros will go to stone henge and this is how paris is connected. the pyramids power is infact a stargate to stonehenge. from stone henge the heros find a stash of 115 in the catacombs of paris aka the homebase of group 601 possibly a resistance team and survivors of the zombie apocalpyse.

    paris might be the last remaining defense the heros have to stopping richtofen. thats why we didnt go to paris, thats why we went to the moon, thats why they gave us group 601. thats where well find out what the heros will do about richtofen.

    plz leave any and all questions or comments. i had to play through every map to figure this out

  18. I am very much hoping for a Stonehenge map in the next installment of the series. I hope it's like the next No Man's Land map.

    Here's where I see a potential link, which may also make it our next map!...


    I'm believe the astronauts on the Moon loading screen may potentially be Apollo (17?) astronauts (unconfirmed).

    Read my thread Pyramid found on Apollo 17 mission photograph: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=18599

    Interesting to note is that the pyramid shape I show in the NASA photo is a "boulder" called "Geophone Rock". Geophone translates to 'Earth Phone'.

    Now with that in mind, check out the Stonehenge and the Moon in these designs, made by the same Apollo 17 astronaut, Jack Schmitt

    Rejected Apollo pathes designed by Schmitt


    During my research on Jack Schmitt, I found a letter he had written arguing that we need to go back to Moon. Let's not forget that Schmitt was on the very last Apollo mission, and we haven't been back since. He even argued that we should abandon any plans on going to Mars in order to further explore the Moon.

    So my question is, why was Jack Schmitt so bent on going back to the Moon, if supposedly all he did when he was there was collect rocks?

    Well there maybe a clue in this lunar sample they brought back...


    The pyramid on the Moon, Geophone Rock, may be an ancient stargate teleporter to the Stonehenge on Earth. This is how our 4 characters are going to get to Stonehenge.

    ive read alot of BS theroys....but this one...is NOT one of them. I am 110% agreeing with you. i also have a theroy on this...the heros take the rock to stone henge and this is how we get to paris. i also think the stonehenge power will play a keyrole in zombies.

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