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Posts posted by Broli95

  1. This should not be a poll, Elena Siegman always has done Original Crew map songs, and Eminem/A7X did the other character map songs (5/CoTD).

    Sorry to sound mean, but there is no way Moon will have anyone but Elena Siegman on it. They even had the intro to it on the end of Shangri-La.

    I agree with you i just wanted to be sure ;), as you can see i wrote that it's more possible that it's a Elena/Kevin 's one.

  2. Okay, I'm new and this is my first post ever so please don't criticise this. Also, I didn't see anyone else post this so here it is:

    I believe these two images of the loading screen are the same temples and somehow that temple flew towards outerspace and that is how it is viewable on Moon's loading screen image. Maybe our four heroes were on that temple and that's how they got to Moon. I really don't know, I'm just guessing. Like I said, this is my first post so tell me what you guys think about this =)

    PSN: HParra97

    I Love Killing Freak Bags!!

    I gave you some [brains], nice post ;)

  3. Thank you but i have a problem: i have 2 accounts, with the 1st one i use BO but i used my voucher code in the second one( because some months ago i lost the 1st one's password but NOW i got it back), do you think that i still can download moon for free? Maybe i can enter in BO with the 2nd one, download moon via the in-game store and then i can use it in the 1st one? Please answer me!!

  4. im sorry i didnt mean to piss you off here if it makes you feel better [brains]

    Ah ok sorry i'm not american( as you can see i'm italian) i didn't know that jk means joking!! But thanks anyway sorry if i called you idiot

    thats ok sorry i was joking about your mom i did edit though

    Ok thanks, if you want you can add me on psn( i need help with shangri la easter egg): broli95

  5. im sorry i didnt mean to piss you off here if it makes you feel better [brains]

    Ah ok sorry i'm not american( as you can see i'm italian) i didn't know that jk means joking!! But thanks anyway sorry if i called you idiot

  6. im a little slow but let me say this quoritine is fake its faker than...than...your moms boobs jk its more of a fake than the rumor that mw2 was going to have zombies

    Now i know that it's fake but there's no need to offend my mother idiot :facepalm:

  7. Hi all, ok i think that this isn't the right section but i have to ask this: what happened to Retaliation? Did treyarch just eliminate it? I'm sure that most of you was waiting for the great quarantine zombie map because on game.com there was an article with the description of all maps( cargo, harbor, metro, mansion and quarantine) and instead of this they give us rezurrection. Tell me what you think: did they cancel it or do we have to wait for another black ops game?

    Because remember that almighty Australian site...they lied to you...they didnt show proof. That's my take on it :lol:

    Maybe You're right but they predicted Annihilation, Escalation and First Strike ;)

  8. Idk... maybe they just like to tease people for fun.

    And I could've sworn the Retaliation stuff wasn't real.

    Maybe or maybe not, on game.com there was an article with the Retaliation's description and 20 minutes later treyarch canceled it, if it's stuff wasn't real why Treyarch would have canceled it?

    Maybe they did it to throw us off? If so, it worked rather well. :P

    If it was for this Treyarch's team is very stupid XD but something doesn't convince me..... Black ops 2 incoming?

  9. Idk... maybe they just like to tease people for fun.

    And I could've sworn the Retaliation stuff wasn't real.

    Maybe or maybe not, on game.com there was an article with the Retaliation's description and 20 minutes later treyarch canceled it, if it's stuff wasn't real why Treyarch would have canceled it?

  10. trearch actually listend to the community and put out an all zombies map pack with the WaW maps. The name Rezurrection is for bringing the old zombies maps back. The z is obviously for zombies. the reason they put Moon as the new map was most likely because of the hype that Ascension brought about a space map. Thats why I think it called Rezurrection and the new map is Moon.

    Thank you for the answer but what i was trying to ask( wrong title :?) is "what happened to quarantine?"

    Ok i modified the title ;)

  11. Hi all, ok i think that this isn't the right section but i have to ask this: what happened to Retaliation? Did treyarch just eliminate it? I'm sure that most of you was waiting for the great quarantine zombie map because on game.com there was an article with the description of all maps( cargo, harbor, metro, mansion and quarantine) and instead of this they give us rezurrection. Tell me what you think: did they cancel it or do we have to wait for another black ops game?

  12. Nonono wait!! LAST zombie map??!! What about Retaliation? Cargo, harbor, metro, mansion and quarantine??! I don't want to wait for another game!! Ah yeah most important thing: the retaliation's maps' names were already in the game, think about it

    Tell me what you think

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