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Posts posted by Nathan169

  1. Honestly, i didnt even know there were players that loves using Kar98k. I do like using it, it does give good headshots with it. Double tap will get it better on bolting while shooting. :P

    I don't care if it's rubbish (which it is :P) but its one of those guns I will always try to use, whether on multiplayer or zombies, it just reminds me of CoD 1 so much :P

    ah, I never have played CoD games before WaW. Those early CoD games looks cheesy but good. Which i do miss those crappy graphics and poorly animated people running nowdays. It does remind me of good ole N64 days. :lol:

    So anyways, its also fun to quick bolting (quick scoping) and walking at same time. :)

  2. -Map: Verruckt-

    -Game: BO-

    -Date: March 2012-

    The challege is you camp in the BAR room. You can also play solo or with someone else in that tiny room. Only two weapons is BAR (which is on the wall in that room) and any on wall submachine gun or any LMG. No wonder weapons and mule kick (ole fashioned zombie way). You can have any shotgun too. You can have the original four perks (QR, Speed, DT, and Jugg.) Even Bouncing Betties and bowing knife is allowed.

    Goal: Past 40 rounds.

    Show the gameplay footage to show the proof that you did the challege.

    The reward is brains. [brains]

    Who will accept this challege? :twisted:

  3. The biggest issue with the zombie campaign is there would be no story in each map. That ruins alot of the fun.

    If it was a separate campaign from the main one, I wouldn't care as much, but I'll be honest, it would be a stupid game if they did make it campaign.

    I agree nuff said

  4. Treyarch should change physics in a funny way. Like when you blow up a zombie from a grenade or claymore. Zombie's body jumps or flings into air. Probably it will spinning while in air would make us laugh while we are killin some freakbags. Also, bounced off the wall or ceiling when they get blown up. I could imagine throwing grenades like crazy and dead zombie bodies flinging up in air from the impact explosions. This will be hilarious. :lol:

  5. I just dont see the its possible that treyarch would bring back W@W mystery box weapons back in box on Black ops 2. I just like to know someones opinion if this is possible to be returned on the next game.

    I do really think treyarch wont bring it back. Like PPsh, MG-42, Browning M1919, or Flamethrower etc.

    EDIT: I just found out this is 115th topic post on this section. :D

  6. My favourite has to be the FG42 it has an insane rate of fire. The noise it makes means you can't distinguishe one bullet from another, it just sounds like a continuous buzz.

    I always love to hear the FG-42 gunfire while i am shooting at zombies. Or if i get stuck in the corner i shoot the FG-42 like crazy and always survived with it! :)

  7. I like the idea. It would be nice if there was a map is so dark like underground map or abandoned base. It is so pitch black, that you need a night vision goggles or flash light. To make zombies more scarier since verruckt. THAT would be sweet. :D

  8. Everybody calm down, let it out. calmmmmmmmmm downnnnnnnnnnnn *droning out*

    Please dont make it worse, you could make that creepy ronald mcdonald sitting at the corner of my bedroom to make a two arches glowing in the midair if this thread is not calm. :shock:

    next time i gonna have a shotgun with me at my bed. if he does it again.

    OKAY lets get back on track in a clam version.

  9. For me.



    Perks- Jug, Speed, DT, and QR

    Weapons: MP40 and Spectre

    Very Nice setup.


    Perks- Jug, Speed, DT, and QR

    Weapons: AK-74u and Ray Gun

    Fun Setup for Five.


    Perks- Jug, Speed, PHD, and Stamin Up

    Weapons: M16 and RPK

    Money making setup.

    Call of the Dead:

    Perks- Jug, Speed, PHD, and DT

    Weapons: MP40 and HK

    Shangri La:

    There is not really good setups


    Perks- Jug, Speed, PHD, and DT

    Weapons: AK-74u and Wave Gun

    Fun setup too.


    Natch Der Untoten:

    Perks- Mule Kick

    Weapons: Thompson, BAR, and Ray Gun


    Perks- Jug, Speed, DT, and QR

    Weapons: MP40 and BAR

    Fun camping setup

    Shi No Numa:

    Perks-Jug,Speed, DT, and QR

    Weapons: BAR and Trench Gun

    Nice setup

    Behold! the best setup ever! *Warning: Epicness of setup*

    Der Riese:

    Perks- Jug, Speed, DT, and QR

    Weapons: PPsh and FG-42

    Best and Money making setup ever.

    Couldnt resist this setup, its the best setup ever! for me


  10. Zombie game is completely endless, I mean there should be a way to refill ammo for mystery box ammo without max ammo. Just the same with on the wall guns like you can buy off more ammo instead max ammo. If you were right across the map, you cant go over there to the spot where you can refill your RPK and Ray Gun. There is Max ammo power up close to you, Same thing with on the wall guns. That you can buy more ammo if there is no max ammo.

    I just saying this if another member replys, doesnt understand me and shoots me down again.

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