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Posts posted by Technicuddle

  1. Looks like it could of just been a glitch or some kind of game error that caused that, because i doubt Treyarch would put a step of the Easter Egg in where you become invincible since that would be EASILY exploited.

    If it was the next step of the Easter Egg then Richtofen would of said something to Samuel to indicate that the step was done, plus there was the Stock laugh that happens when you throw a Gersh or Monkey Bomb outside of the map.

  2. "Happy New Y...wait, what's that sound? That in the sky. Is that a...rocket? A meteor? Many, many...Oh shit! Good bye all. It's bee"

    First off.

    Obviously we need to look in the Sky.

    You notice how he says "Many, Many..." So that implies there are many of the thing he is talking about, yes he does mention a rocket and a meteor but...

    "It's bee"

    That could be mistaken for a typing cut off but i think what he was talking about is that there is a swarm of bees! Since there were many of them as he pointed out and we all know Bees attack in groups.

    Now where do we usually find bees at...Hmm...AH!

    Farms, yes that's right.

    And Green run has a farm obviously.

    Obviously this means that the next step of the Easter Egg can be found at the farm. We have to look in the air for Bees and then shoot them so they attack up in a group.


    Easter Egg done.

  3. Alright richtofen, Explain this: https://twitter.com/_rez_/status/276909934325669888

    I'll do it for you Richtofen.

    "or in game reward?"

    He was most likely saying "Yes." to that. Since there is an in game reward for completing the Easter Egg.

    But if the Easter Egg was not over then the next step would of been found. I don't think any Easter Egg in Zombies has taken this long to be completed (Obviously) and i think that Treyarch would of secretly leaked us the next step after a little bit, i don't think that they want to release a new map pack when we haven't even finished this Easter Egg.

    You've got a month though and if there is another step to the Tower of Babble i'll buy a hat and then eat it.

  4. Well this opens up hundreds of new doors for us to speculate.. unless this is fake.

    Is this a known quote from Nikolai from any previous maps?

    Der Riese...

    "You know, I was on fire once, It was no fun." (upon getting a kill with the flamethrower)"

  5. DieRise= rise of the dead? Prolouge to Green Run possibility?

    Maybe it means someone dying and then rising back up? That being someone other than Zombies.

    I think they would of just called it "Rise of the Dead" instead of Die rise if that were the case though.

    But Ya know, Treyarch.

  6. Welcome to the forums, Eddy!

    Since you're looking to make new friends i would recommend making a topic in The Teammate finder section (though make sure to read http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=19882 first)

    Also posting your Gamertag and or PSN ID in your Signature along with your highest rounds would help. Or if you wanted you could go to User Control Panel, Profile and then clicking "Edit Gamertags" to add them to the side of your profile.

  7. I remember last night when me and my friends were doing the Easter Egg and we got the Achievement my other "friend" in the party said

    "Good, now you can go back to doing what the Zombies mode is about"

    I bring this up because i think a full Zombies campaign would distract us to much. Sure it's nice having Easter Eggs that tell us the story, and that's all it should really be, Easter Eggs.

    And that's what people should of done when the Easter Egg was over, went back to playing the Zombies mode, waiting for new DLC and obviously killing Zombies.

    In a few days, I'm going to post a concept transcript for what a level in this THEORETICAL campaign would be.


    I'm intrigued.

  8. Looks like Aftermath.

    Plus Die rise is such an odd title. Maybe tring to hit some nostalgia for Der riese? Though there is mention of Die at the Diner with the signs.

    Plus i don't remember there being any sign of a bus stop in Aftermath, (Sorry for assuming it's that map but it sure looks like it :lol: ) guess i should look again since Multiplayer maps are too fast paced for sightseeing, but i'm hoping we get back to the original 3 in this map.

    This is leaked.

    Aw...though it's nice to know that most leaks have came from GameStop, gives it more credibility.

  9. Probably. I think the Ranking System has NOT ONE DAMN THING to do with the EE or any secrets in TranZit Mode. I just wish they would explain so we won't have "Rank System" theories AND Troll Made "NEXT STEP" crap.

    I think if the ranking system was explained in full detail we would have too many people exploiting it.

    Since we can obviously tell it is more complicated then most ranking systems out there (if it wasn't we would have all these theories and complaints) there must be at least a few ways to exploit it.

  10. Maybe the NavCard is what allows us to deposit and withdraw points from the Bank. Has anyone tryied to deposit points without obtaining a NavCard? I mean you have to get the card in solo and, let's face it, it's easier to rack up points in solo. The card allows you to take your solo points to the Bank and deposit them. Why else would the NavCard follow you to team play allowing you to withdraw your points in the early rounds and set up for the Tower of Babel quest. My brother hasn't touched TranZit mode yet so I will log on to his account and try to make a deposit without a NavCard.

    I've taken out points before and put points in the bank before WITHOUT the Navcard. Solo and Multiplayer.

    So silly theory debunked.

  11. Hihi and Welcome to the forums.

    If you're looking for people to play with just head over to the Teammate finder and make a topic there. (Make sure to read the rules and such first obviously)

    But if you need any help just PM one of the Moderators or the User of the Month!

    I love you

  12. I think you should use the search function because it let's you know that you are not posting something that has already been said before so i think that would help you out allot and i am sure that this has been said before so the search function should of helped i would imagine so make sure to use it next time thank you also sorry for grammar i am using this keyboard thingy

  13. You can not do a private match...

    Thanks Treyarch.

    You'll just have to go into matchmaking. Not ready up, then wait for the other two people to leave. Then ready up as fast as you can and hope that other people don't join before the game starts.

    So basically you have to be an asshole with allot of luck.

    If you're with 4 people you won't have to do all that obviously. Just got into normal matchmaking and then all ready up.

  14. Ray Gun.




    Stamina Up.

    Double Tap.

    Quick Revive.

    Run circles at Diner and or Farm (Depends on my mood)

    Kill Zombies.

    Acquire Bitches

    It's about the same in Multiplayer, Except i replace Quick Revive with Tombstone.

  15. Hihi

    Welcome to the forums!

    If you're looking for peeps to play with just head to the teammate finder (As you most likely already know lol)

    Anyway i'm sure you'll enjoy it here. :D

    Also thank you so much for uploading an avatar. Hardly new people here do that, sadly.

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