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Posts posted by Technicuddle

  1. I don't think that Tranzit has been fully figured out but i honestly don't think there is a different bus route and that the Navcards with activate or have a use when DLC is out.

    And i think that was just his awkward way of saying "No" without giving us any end all answer. Which is something Treyarch will never do with Zombies mode (hell we can't even figure out how a ranking system works and they won't tell us anything)

  2. I haven't played tranzit much but I've been following the EE as it develops as I love the storyline. Here's a couple of things I've noticed odd, and I'll add the others when I remember them.

    Why are there zombies standing around the depot when you start? We've never had a map start like that, it's quite odd.

    How did the 4 characters get in the room to begin with is a better question. :lol:

    But I've always liked to think someone threw an EMP grenade in there and pacified the Zombies. Then when our new cast of characters showed up they "woke up" the zombies so to speak.

    But it could just be one of those things we aren't supposed to think about too hard.

  3. For some reason i think this needs to be in the Xbox 360 part of the forum.

    Plus i don't think anyone is going to give you anything, that's not to say i haven't gave one of those to my FRIENDS (when i did play on the Xbox 360 that is) but i wouldn't to a random stranger.

  4. Thanks for the tips!

    I say that the diner probably is the best place to run a lap. You can easily get 100k a round in the really high rounds and you can quickly run to the town to deposit it and then come back, you'd have a full bank in no time. It is also a quick run to the Farm if you want to deposit a gun before you die.

    It also has the zombie shield and Galvaknuckles to buy, as well as the box and Speed Cola. It has a really easy train you can run and if you need to the Tunnel is not far away for an even easier train.

    I don't know where to find Claymores. Where do you get them from?


  5. I'm not sure. I didn't know perma-perks were lost each update as well.

    I'll have to have a look. Was the fog less dense in just theatre mode, or overall play?

    I don't think the Fast Revive "Perma" perk goes away though, I've had it ever since i got it way before the update.

    I could of just earned it back, but if i did it didn't notify me with a glowing orb or a character message.

    I have though lost my headshot perk.

  6. Ok so im still trying to figure this out...and help me if im wrong..

    If i just play it safe and never buy quick revive again...

    And make sure i have atleast more than 100 kills per match (approx round 8) ...

    Then i should rank up faster.

    Also...to add to this..it seems like Tranzit solo would be the best way. Buy all perks but quick revive and use the zombie shield on your back running around at the Diner.

    Edit: i just read your post Armageddon...if what you say is true...there would be no way to rank up solo. I'm still confused.

    I don't think you can rank up in solo.

    Though i am just basing on it being way to easy and Treyarch knowing this. Though i guess someone could test it.

  7. Can they now fix the problem where if someone leaves at a certain round it doesn't lock at that specific round? I'm tired of newbs rage quitting and then my high round run is stuck at a 15 -_____-

    This. So much this!

    I don't even see why it was so hard to make it like that in the first place.

    It seems with every new good thing they added they broke something else that was fine in the first place.

  8. The song was originally going to be Carry On (one of the best Avenged Sevenfold songs ever!), but at a last minute change in contracts and such Activision switched it out for Carrion (which isn't all the great :? ).

    It is pretty forgettable. I usually just turn on the song for the hell of it and don't really care when it's turned off.

    But now listening to the Carry on song that would of been awesome! :(

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