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Posts posted by Technicuddle

  1. Why else did they put this into the game...

    To give the effect that the Earth was hit by missiles and well you know it's suffering through allot right now.

    The Earth shakes at random points of the game, it also shakes when you're selecting a game mode/"map". I doubt it has anything to do with the Easter Egg.

  2. 1. Juggernog obviously

    2. Stamina Up combined with Knuckles makes the fog not as annoying

    3. Double Tap 2 is replaced with Quick Revive if playing with other people

    4. Speed Cola because reloading slow is just annoying

    Black Ops

    1. Juggernog

    2. PhD Flopper so i can shoot the ground with Ray Gun or Mustang & Sally if cornered

    3. Speed Cola

    4. Mule Kick because who doesn't love a third gun

  3. It wasnt the tombstone was it ? Had another player died and dropped his tombstone ?

    Never thought of that...

    Though i assumed unless he's REALLY new that people knew what the Tombstone perk drop thing looked like.

    Maybe he dropped his own Tombstone and the person was going to revive him and failed because he used the perk, thus causing him to see his own Tombstone?

    Come on OP, give us some answers! :lol:

  4. I'm too busy playing and enjoying the game to worry about worthless twitter blabber.

    Treyarch has been known to troll before and i'm taking their "information" posted just like i took Bird dog Dans "information" and we all know how that turned out.

    And Nav stand for Navigation...

    I thought we all agreed on this already.

  5. Maybe it will have to do with Samantha and or Maxis trying to overthrow Richtofen? I agree that they wouldn't take him away that fast (And they will most likely leave that for the last DLC) But if they are going to do it soon then they need to show the build up to it.

  6. So he gave me a new copy of the game and I haven't had any problems since.

    Ok, that's what I'm going to do then...

    If that doesn't work I'm going to unscrew the damn machine.

    I wouldn't do that if the new disc doesn't work.

    It's a common issue for PS3 users, mostly because the game is made like an Xbox 360 exclusive and just ported over to the PS3 (Like most Multiplatform games are)

    I have both the Xbox 360 and PS3 version and the PS3 has pretty bad lag while the Xbox 360 doesn't. And it has froze before in Multiplayer though i don't remember it freezing in Zombies on the PS3 version and i don't remember it ever freezing in the Xbox 360 version.

    I don't think you will be able to do anything if you open up your machine (Unless you were just being sarcastic and i missed the whole joke)

  7. I'm sure it was a glitch because i'm sure if it had anything to do with your loadout people would of found it already, plus Treyarch isn't just going to let you be invincible anywhere.

  8. As in regards to you Samantha Maxis, my logic is not bad. How? are you saying NGT zombies and the rest of this community also has bad logic because im pretty sure that everyone is doing the same thing I am. They're sharing info that HELPS, not bashes. Why you even replyed saying my logic is bad is ridiculous and honestly annoying. Saying stuff about history? haha wtf? What does me posting on a zombies forum about tranzit, about trying to figure out more to the EE and sharing info have anything to do with my replys? Because i simply stated why does someone post on a thread they dont agree with? lol wow dude. I'm pretty sure when i scroll through a forum and I see a subject I agree with or is interested in, ill read through and decide if i want to share, not bash people down and thats exactly what MMX did. So spare me with your bs

    Wait what?

    I think you missed that when i was talking about BAD LOGIC i meant your logic of IGNORING STUFF AND NOT REPLYING TO THINGS YOU DON'T LIKE.

    Which is why i brought up history. Stuff would of been completely different for better and mostly for worse if people followed that way of thinking.

    And MMX was just stating what his opinion was based on what has been said before about the game. I wouldn't say it's bashing.

    This is getting intense. I think I'll keep my ideas to myself to avoid this one....

    You're a smart man and or Women.

  9. P.S. Why are you even on these forums? If you dont believe there's anymore to this EE, then why are you even reading posts about it and commenting on them? Either stay off the forums or comment on posts you agree about. This post is obviously about people trying to figure out if their is an actual ending so noone cares about someone coming on and shooting the idea down...

    That logic is so so so so horrible...

    So you should just ignore and not give your opinion on stuff you don't like? I can think of many things in history that would be different if that were the case. Plus i'm sure artists would never get better without some constructive criticism

    Also this is a forum, you're supposed to discuss things. This must be your first time using one or you just don't know how one works.

    Plus don't talk about MMX like that, he's a great user.

    Grow up and stop making yourself look like a fool.

  10. Well obviously there will be an end to the Tranzit Game Mode. Either by them not making any Tranzit mode maps after this one or them not having it return for Black Ops 3.

    And obviously when they stop making Zombies, though i'm sure (And hope) they don't/won't keep this mode forever.

    And yes i did just ignore most of everything you said since it is ridiculous and Tranzit is not a map.

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