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Posts posted by Technicuddle

  1. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary in that video.

    Did i miss something?

    Yeah, T.E.D.D. is glowing like hell and it also seems like the lights inside tthe bus are also on.

    I thought it was because of his bad video quality. My bad.

    Guess it's just a glitch or a minor Easter Egg. The latter being the most plausible.

  2. Yeah, I was noticing that as well. I'm not sure if they are even registering to be honest; I'll see a spambot post for the first time at a given time/date, yet I don't see them in the new members area. Maybe we need to implement CAPTCHA or a better validation system.


    I don't think it would cause any problems to add CAPTCHA. And i'm sure it would cut down on the number of spam bots. I don't see why they didn't add it in the first place just to be extra safe.

    But doesn't everyone need to register to post anything?

  3. At the end of the trailer u see it charging up. Sounds like it too. Also! only one of the needles(the rpms) on the dial is moving.

    They most likely just made it like that because it was a trailer. To add effect.

  4. If you're talking about the Jet Gun (which i assume is what you're talking about) then you can easily unleash hell on the Zombies with it.

    Care to explain more on what you're talking about?

  5. Is it just me or are we getting more spam bots than usual?

    I don't know if it's the Mods just slacking or they've found a way to get past the "Are you a spam bot" question, or it could just be me imagining things.

  6. Sparks come out of him naturally, don't they?

    Plus i've read it happening to other people on here. I don't think it serves any real purpose...i mean he did just survive a few missiles so i'm sure sparks are understandable.

  7. Well buildables are definitely returning, which is great! But I hope we don't have to build the Power Switch + PaP again. Seems like a Green Run gimmick for those two.

    I'm sure Treyarch doesn't want to only keep something for 1 map.

    *cough*Hacker*cough* :(


    I never really thought of that/forgot. Though wouldn't you agree that buildables are much more complex than the hacker?

  8. Richtofen is the evil one.

    Though let's just hope if and or when Maxis does ever get control that power doesn't change him. As it's been known that having one person in complete power can be a bad thing.

    Though i'm sure if Richtofen took some Schizophrenia medication that everything would be just fine.

  9. I'm sure when the game starts one of them will make a comment about them teleporting there. I mean that's how the old crew got everywhere.

    Maybe the missiles changed some of the land around and China is closer? If so they could of took the bus there with the Nav cards.

    Either way i'm sure Marlton is happy. Maybe he was the one who decided to take a visit there?

  10. I bought the gun on the bus and noticed no foghorn sound while buying it.

    I also tried activating the TV foghorn with the power on and off. I heard no foghorn and i heard no transmission.

    Is there any sound files that have the foghorn noise? Or what about sound files with this so called transmission?

    I made sure there were no other sounds going on while doing what you said, so that couldn't of been the problem.

  11. As far as i know the hand has been on the power switch in most Zombie maps. The only reason we had to build it onto the power switch i guess is because of...nostalgia? But this doesn't mean that we don't have to build the power in Die Rise.

    I'm sure Treyarch doesn't want to only keep something for 1 map. Plus i still want to hear the kind of jokes the Original 3 make when they have to build something.

    "I have to build shit now?! What new annoying gimmick are you going to come up with next, Treyarch?"


  12. what gets me is this. an EE or achievement is just that, and EE or achievement.

    probably 50% or more of zombies players are not like us, as in, they theorize, and research, and post on forums, and google and solve all these intricate mysteries and steps.

    i see a lot of people saying things like we need to teleport or use a navcard to get to china, maybe im reading them wrong, but that makes 0 sense as far as game mechanics go >IMHO

    so now they are going to download a DLC and what? not be able to play their new maps?

    forgive me if I am off base here, i am not a zombies pro and maybe im just misunderstanding some posts. this is certainly not a dig on anyone, i just don't understand how you would need to solve a step of any kind to just jump in and play a new DLC map.

    maybe to the hunters like us, these steps simply explain the story and are technically optional, which is probably what the replies to this post will elude to, that makes sense.

    The Nav card will just carry over. Just like the Vril Generator. I honestly hope no one thought you would have to complete a Easter Egg to access a map...

    You might of just been misunderstanding the posts you were reading.

  13. Does anyone else agree that unless they buff the Zombies at round 1 then everything is going to be WAY too easy.

    I mean i don't think i would enjoy playing as a Zombie if when you get close you just keep getting 1 hit killed by an Olympia or getting 1 hit knifed.

    Maybe they'll buff the Zombies somehow? Give them more health, special powers (Like shirker or Napalm) or just make you be able to swipe as fast as you can press the RT or R1 button down.

    I hope it turns out like Gears of War 3's hoard mode honestly.

    What're your guys thoughts?

  14. Heres a solution that will clear up a lot of these posts. Use the forum software ranking system and custom usergroups. Have a usergroup set up so that a user can not start a thread until they have "x" amount of posts. They will only be able to reply to a thread. After they have "x" amount of posts, the user will rank up to a new usergroup and be able to start threads. It will also prevent someone from reregistering just to start a bitch thread. The admin is also able to view ip addresses and if he chooses can search ip addresses of new members and old members and can see who you are.

    You guys with forums should know all this already.

    I've suggested that idea before. The only flaw it really has is that it might discourage users from signing up or staying after they have.

    Plus our ranking system is kinda broke...

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