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Posts posted by Technicuddle

  1. The people who want to do the Easter egg have to buy them all. The people who don't buy them all can't complete it anyway, why should they feel ripped off?

    Anyway, I just made a thread about this:


    I was thinking the same thing. If you want to message me on xbl Xieon1 I'm down to help you explore it.

    I don't think you get it.

    I'm saying, there are Zombies fans that buy all the map packs just so they can kill Zombies. They don't worry about the Easter eggs but still buy the maps.

    On the other hand you have a person who always completes every Easter egg, and in the end he get's new additions added onto the maps, while the person who was just in it for simple Zombie slaying get's nothing.

    It doesn't seem fair to that other person. Not everyone is interested in the story or the Easter eggs at all. And they shouldn't be punished for it.

    As for my theory, why would you feel ripped off? If you want to play the map badly enough, learn to build the navcard tables. If anything, that's you having the opportunity to get a free DLC for completing a challenge if you've purchased the other maps. Maybe it's not a new map entirely, but definitely something that opens up more of the story. I really can't see other explanation for why Die Rise takes Green Run's but not the other way around or it's own navcard.

    And yes, you said a new route or new location (And where else would a new route lead to except for a new part of the map) A person SHOULDN'T have to complete an Easter egg to get the full experience of the MAP. They are ONLY Easter eggs, not part of a story.

    And by not part of a story i mean like...they're not part of a campaign you need to go through. The Easter eggs have a story, sure. But they shouldn't unlock anything new map wise.

  2. It seems like your theory would be too complicated to do. And you would have to factor allot of things in...

    Plus it really doesn't seem fair to give new parts of a map to a select few of people.

    What about the people who payed for the Map packs but don't want to do the Easter egg at all? They wouldn't be able to access all that new stuff. I would feel ripped off if i were in that situation.

  3. I have a modem. It's not very far away.

    I don't know if this has something to do with it, but I only had 4 GB when i got my Xbox. When I tried to download the DLC I had 1.60 MB, I deleted some stuff, and it started downloading. Should I delete any more things?

    If you only have a modem then (Wired into the system with the Ethernet cord i assume) then moving it isn't going to help.

    And the speed of which you download wouldn't be effected by the amount of space you have on your Hard Drive. So i wouldn't delete anything else.

    You'll just have to wait it out. Well unless someone knows more than me.

  4. It depends on what your download speed is. And it can also depend on how many people are downloading it. If too many people are trying to download it at once then that'll cause stress on the servers and slow it down. Well unless it's different with CoD. But that's how it is with most things.

    Anyway i don't think you can do anything to really help it. If your Wireless Router is far away (Assuming you're using one) just move it closer to your Xbox 360 if you can, that should speed it up. If you're not using a Wireless router then...just wait it out, or get better internet. :P

  5. Urgh...

    Let's hope they haven't started...

    Don't want it to turn into Green Run all over again.

    Also, since the new Wonder weapon makes "messes" as in makes stuff slippery and messy on the floor, and janitors clean up messes...maybe he's talking about doing something with the new Wonderweapon?

  6. I don't have the map pack yet, but i'll add my thoughts.

    I don't think it'll have any significance Easter egg wise. I don't think Treyarch would give hints on the game over screen or (obviously) make you have to die to complete something.

    It's probably just a little thing they added.

    Also a sound clip or video would be nice.

  7. "Check how to turn the power on in another video so i can get more money!"

    "Check out my shameless advertising so i can get even more money!"

    what does that mean btw? :/ that isent my utube lol sum other guys who i dnt even no lol

    Yeah i knew it wasn't yours.

    It just seems like in his Zombie videos that i have watched he always tells people to "Go and check out my other videos to learn to do what you need to do" instead of just telling them a quick way of doing it in that video.

    Even if it's the littlest thing he still does it. And the only thing i would imagine him doing it for is because of the money he get's from views.

    And plus that shameless advertising he did. That explains itself.

  8. "Check how to turn the power on in another video so i can get more money!"

    "Check out my shameless advertising so i can get even more money!"

    Anyway, the wonder weapon doesn't really seem all that...wonderful...?

    Seems kinda not that effective really. Maybe he just didn't explain it that good? Or just didn't show good footage?

    And I've heard once you build it that it goes into the box if you die, is that true?

  9. You're REALLY REALLY off track.

    First of all, the person he is talking to is Richtofen.

    Obiviously not Richtofen. He is talking in a mumbling voice first but then he is talking in a normal voice later. Why? Obiviously not Richtofen no proof.

    Maybe to make himself more clear? Or maybe they were breaking up communication wise?

    There could be MANY MANY factors. But i think it's proof enough that you can clearly tell Richtofen repeated the mumbled voice after Stu said "I don't understand"

    Someone stated that it could be the voices that guided Richtofen, and that's a good possibility. But if it's not those voices then honestly...it's just going to get way too complicated.

    If this new mumbled voice guy shows up in the Easter egg i'll accept he's a new(?) character(?) but until then i'm sticking with my idea that it was Richtofen.

  10. I'm guessing they just gave the reason for the ability to restart zombies after dying- I don't believe whoever Samuel was talking to is Richtofen. This is the same voice that guided Richtofen throughout Blops1. It was what moved the 04 from Shangri-la to Area 51. Basically what happens in the cutscene is that the characters are moved from Tranzit to Die Rise, (note that they still have powerful weapons) then immediately go down. Once they all go down the game "restarts" erasing their knowledge of what just happened ("Have we been here before?"), and giving them pistols. This is where Die Rise begins.

    In the intro they do not go down and get back up with pistols, the spirit thing teleports them back to the beginning of the maze.

    They do basically "Go down" and then Richtofen restarts the map...so he was correct, on that part at least.

  11. You're REALLY REALLY off track.

    First of all, the person he is talking to is Richtofen. This is clearly proven in the opening as first you can hear Richtofen saying in his mumbled voice "Accept your fate begin anew!" Then Stu says "I don't understand" and then he repeats the line in his normal voice.

    Proof here http://youtu.be/5bFhIGddw7I?t=1m19s

    Second of all, Richtofen, i'm guessing teleported them to Die Rise and then they all died.

    This leads him to teleport them back, giving them a second life. and that's where you start the game.

  12. I was watching some random guy play Die Rise, right before the goblins appear I could clearly hear Richtofen say "Fetch their soul !".

    Maybe it's part of his EE

    Today is the first day of my life that I truly regret owning a PS3 :oops:

    If you turn Hellhounds on in Green run then Richtofen will also say "Fetch me their souls" and Samantha would also say the same in the old maps.

    It most likely has nothing to do with an Easter egg...

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