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Posts posted by Technicuddle

  1. u mad bro?

    PS3 blows, xbox ftw

    Both have their fair share of advantages and disadvantages, along with a variety of exclusives.

    It all comes down to personal preferences in the long run, no need to start a console war.

  2. Well this isn't arkham asylum, it was a game designed for Xbox, that's why there wasn't an acheivement for the big bang theory for play station....

    Microsoft paid $100 for that exclusive achievement.

    Makes their system look 1% better.

  3. Neither I nor anyone I know have seen this... Are you sure you don't want me to perform an elexorcism on your system?

    My game has been pretty much bug free, to the point where I can't even remember any u encountered because if how negligible they are.

    Eeerm, i'm not the person who complained about it first of all, i just had a friend who had to restart his system because of it so that's how i know what it's like.

    No need to take offense, but people are having issues and just because you aren't doesn't mean everyone else is to :/

  4. Are they going to fix the sound glitch? That's pretty annoying as the only way to correct it is to reboot your system.


    What is the sound glitch? The only things I've gotten are the occasional freeze and "Waiting for more players to balance teams".

    Everything else becomes mute and you just hear this weird stuttering sound...it's pretty hard to explain.

  5. My PS3 hasn't crashed once (I've been playing on a PS3 Super slim though so that might make a difference)

    The only issues i have had is where it would keep saying "Need more players to balance teams" though that was only in multiplayer and it only lasted for like a few hours.

    It would be nice if the PS3 just didn't get most games ported from the Xbox 360 version...and it would be nice if Sony didn't make the PS3 so hard to code for.

  6. Well im just saying the Japanese made it because in that one level in WaW you get the ray gun from these Statues and you can hear a Japanese person talking and if you translate it they says some interesting stuff.


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