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Posts posted by Jeager1999

  1. i think its just a new character that is unrelated to any other character only by the use of reused textures that CJ kindly gave use, as it looks like a fusion of both clark and steiner...

    The Texture Skin may be Steiner or Clark but the.....what they call it? "Wire Frame"? is way off. You can look a both Steiner and Clark and see there Facial Structures are completely different. For one, The Techs Chin is way different than Steiner's or Clark's

  2. From what I heard, its the Same Guy for all four characters. I don't know his name off the top of my head but he does the voice for another character in another game. Biostorm I think its called. The Voice actor uses his Dempsey Voice for that Character too. I also heard that this guy also did the Voice for Maxis Too, not for Samantha of course, that be creepy.

  3. This has been bothering me.

    Why now? Why introduce a Playable Female Character?

    I don't have any Facts, we probably get an answer in A Trailer before the Release(If we're Lucky) and it might be answered then. So for now I'm only thinking out loud.

    One question that's been bothering me ever since I noticed it in Ascension was why Richtofens wearing a Cosmonaut Suit?

    What if my Theory on Samanthas Age is right? That while in Aether she Grew Up, just as the Hell Hounds.

    So what I'm thinking is. Could Richtofen be the only one from the Original Four that will be joining the Three Male Characters and its Sara Micheal Gellar who will be playing as Samantha?

    C'on. Brains for that

  4. She's at ascension :D maybe they're both trying to stop teleportation technology since they've been killed by it

    Well, thats true. But she was also at Five. Maybe she left when she sensed the four had entered Der Riese. And Boy did she sound pissed when Gursch escaped.

    Lets all get one thing clear. Samantha is the Bad Guy. Stuck in Aether destroyed her Body and Warped her Soul.

    There is a reason why she is "Attracted" to the four. Not just Richtofen. Perhaps, the reason she interested in the Three, Tank, Nikolia and Takeo is because they don't suffer the same side effects as the other test subjects. Could this be something that she thinks would help her?

  5. Where it says 'Survive' did you notice there is like a grey line?.. Probably covering up some words because why else would they put random grey lines?.

    My vocabulary is really bad xD So i didnt know what else to call it other than grey lines. :L

    There are GRAY LINES in every Text, not just the Zombie Map. I'm guessing these are not the names of the Maps, they might release the names at a later time.

    Simply Put, The Maps may not be called ZOO, CONVOY, STOCKPILE, HOTEL, or CALL OF THE DEAD

  6. I'm pretty sure Treyarch at one point made a mistake somewhere and labeled the thief as the "Pentagon Technician". I'll try to find the source, I know I saw it somewhere.

    If I am wrong, just use logic. He is obviously a Technician. He has those monocles on which are used by Technicians... He has a lab coat on... Finally there is a testing area with lab coats and a winters howl. If I remember there is a Winters Howl on his back isn't there?

    I simply called him the Thief until I saw the Strategy Guide. They called him the Pentagon Tech. Hell some details in the Guide(Not Just In Zombies) were off by a lot. I think that was how the name came to be.

    Think of it this way. In many area's of the Map FIVE there are Undeniable Links to at least one of the other Maps in the Zombie Series. "Der Riese." There is a 935 Logo on a wall for god sakes.

    I'm betting the US went to Der Riese after Contact was lost with the Four Players.(Which we know went back in time.) The Agency took all they could including the Black Boards and possibly the Teleporter Pods and since that 20 year gap, had conducted there own experiments.

    What If (Really Hear Me Out) that somehow the US some how linked there Teleporter Technology to Aether. The Same way with Maxis did with his. Since The US Teleporters don't need a Main Frame and there Constant, It allows Maxis to Escape.

    But if that's Maxis then two questions come to mind.

    What does he want with the Weapons?


    If he can escape.....what about Samantha?

  7. What about COD 1 - 3? I remember a dude on a Bridge and his last words were something along the lines. "I never got to see New York" Or something before BOOM! I said it almost all the time in the game.

    Anyway, Current Games, I think the Worst from COD Four was the Guy in the Helicopter that got sucked out when the Chopper span out of control.

    MW2: Yeah, Roach and Ghost being Betrayed by Shepherd was a BITCH. But seeing him die by a Knife in the Eye was right on.

    WAW: I don't know, there were a lot of deaths in that game. I have to say the Deaths of the Marines who walk into the Booby Traps in Makin and the Airfield one.

    Black Ops: Has to be that Guard getting the Pick Axe in the Back. Everyone one of you had :shock: :o on your face when you saw that.

    Note: Shoud change the name of the topic to Awesome Death

    Also: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT? Reznov and Woods are alive?

  8. Sorry but I really want to see this happen and it really should. You find the Hidden Song which would be MJ:Thriller and the Zombies Dance. Plus there is a Zombie Micheal in the Game too.

    Since the Four Characters are going to be Replaced, this next part is kinda redundant.

    Dempsey: "Who the Hell is This FreakBag?"

    Richtofen: "I don't know, but I want his GLOVE!"

    Takeo: "Can I have your Autograph?"

    Nikolia: "Oh Great. Another Dancing Monkey!"

  9. I'm just going to go out on a limb and say that The Thief is Nether the two. I'm going with the "Reused Texture" Thing, it fits. However I'm thinking the Thief was just a simple dude who worked at the Pentagon who Pretty Much suffered the same fate kinda like Dr. Maxis and Samantha. Remember, there are a shit load of Teleporters there.

  10. I'm sure they will. You think they would release the DLC and not explain why the Four Characters we loved since Shi No Numa(Okay...Maybe Just Three of them) are not going to be in this One?

  11. the note for

    FS (Fredrich stiener)

    ER (Edward Richtofen)

    dated 1975

    found in kino and five...

    Five is set in 1963

    Kino set in 1966

    10 years earlier than the note is dated

    DG-2 and 3 books scattered about written by Edward Richtofen

    Time flows both ways, whats to say the characters aren't from the future and sent back in time, theres definitely a huge amount of info to back this up, and as they are regaining there memory slowly, that could be where FB quote is a reference too

    look deep into the clues, don't just look back into history and mythology

    And you found this Where?

  12. Ok, I'm not sure if this has been brought up. But I find it really Odd, that all Four characters say. "I keep forgetting to update my Face Book Page." Strange how that.....even the Internet wasn't around in the 60's. So maybe its an actual Clue. So I did a Google Search and found many different FaceBook Pages every character.

    I myself never tried Face Book, probably never will. I'm sure many of you do use Facebook so you probably would have better luck than Me. If my Hunch is right, there might be hints to maybe their Passwords for the Terminal.

  13. There are Four Rooms Right? Dentist Room, Rocket Room, Sams Room And Sams Dark Room.

    Four Rooms, Four Players. It would be kinda Hard to have all four players Cramped into one small room.

    I figure that when you watch in Spectate, its the same thing.

  14. Okay, I think I might know a way to figure out if the Wooden Model has a Connection with Kino. What I need is a Photo of(Which we Know Now) Same Model in Samantha's Bedroom. I'm not sure if its in the Clean or Dark One. Whatever one has the little Figures of the Four Characters.

  15. Okay. I fixed it....I think.

    Number Decoder:

    0 A

    1 B

    2 C

    3 D

    4 E

    5 F

    6 G

    7 H

    8 I

    9 J

    10 k

    11 L

    12 M

    13 N

    14 O

    15 P

    16 Q

    17 R

    18 S

    19 T

    20 U

    21 V

    22 W

    23 X

    24 Y

    25 Z

    Hope It Helps

  16. AND beacsue you guys are looking for what the new "zombie map" will be i can tell you. treyarch made this game know that they would have acsension in the next zombie pack also know that echelon will be on the next map

    When you're playing the "Revelations" mission in COD: Black Ops, if you press the pause button, you get a whole buttload of numbers, which I assume are the orders that the Rusalka is transmitting to Mason. These number sequences change as you continue through the mission, sometimes containing the words "ascension" and "echelon." I really want to know how to translate these numbers, here is a sample of what I found.

    9 19 18 4 6 21 17 14 9 19 8 24 17 24 5 13 11 20 15 21 24 11 9 12 8 20 21 10 16 23 4 22 21 4 0 14


    9 19 18 4 6 21 17 14 9 19 8 24 17 24 5 13 11 20 15 21 24 11 9 12 8 20 21 10 16 23 4 22 21 4 0 14

    Isn't the Complete List of Numbers in Revelations?

    Also How do you decode Zero? "0" is in the Line of the code, if you go 1=A and 26 = Z then what the hell is 0?

    I really want to figure this out because I just remembered something and it felt like a Kick in the Nuts. I remember seeing a Series of Numbers.......In Der Riese.

  17. Maybe the Tower, and the object, which would be the Radio Tower are to give you an idea of where the Theater is located rather then what Date they entered.

    As you say the Fernsehturm was built in 1965 and finished in 1969. But seeing how there is a AUG in the Game which was first created in the early seventy's(produced in 79) So thats a big 10 year gap that you got to add.

    Your right though, that is the Fernsehturm, but maybe they added it so you would know where the Theater is....Next to the Berlin Wall. I'm assuming on the other side is Russia. So maybe, now with Ascension as the New Map, my theory about how they Got from Kino to Ascension is accurate.

  18. They do. But if you want to Wrap your Mind on something. I have a good theory as to how US been working on Teleport Technology, How they Got it, Who the "Pentagon Thief" Is and....Your going to love this. The Outbreak that happened in Ascension happened before the Four entered Kino. But if alot of figured that out.

  19. I'm not sure right now, but I'll try it myself. But I just recently saw to Youtube Videos. One showed the location of the Two Hidden Radios in the Map, one on a Sentry Tower seen in the Alley and another on chandelier in the Theater. In both videos, when shot, the Messages were different. In one video it just showed the Radios, but they both said the same thing you hear from the Film Reels. The other Video showed the Three(Or was it four) Reels and then the Two Radios, the Radios in this one had two different sayings I yet to have heard.

    What I'm Guessing is that if you find those radios then Two of those Film Reels will show play the other two Messages as will show different scenes on the Screen. At least I'm guessing.

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