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Posts posted by Jeager1999

  1. I think the reason they didn't have Hell Hounds in TranZit was because of how vast the map was....and the damn Denizens in the Fog. Also yeah, those Mechs are probably going to be like "George" but probably will attack on site instead of when attacked first.

    I'm wondering if there will be any interaction with the Giant Robots. I know from the First Look Trailer they can be a blessing or a curse but I'm wondering could we take one down.

  2. Okay, bare with me on this.

    Seeing how the O4 are young, I'm guessing Richtofen has yet to design the MTD Prototype.

    So A) Samantha is not in control of the Zombies.

    B) Richtofen isn't Crazy. By this I mean he isn't hearing voices and the whole thing with the spleens.

  3. I can think of two possible outcomes.

    1) This is simply a prequel. Something new to the history we known of since Der Riese up to Moon

    2) The choice we made in Buried (Pushing the Button for either Maxis or Richtofen) had allowed something to happen to where the Original four of that timeline must correct or change something. In a sense, what they (as in we) do in Origins could end the story or re-boot it.

  4. Yeah, I'm just going to wait till the map pack is released. Though I'm hoping for a Exclusive Trailer like they used to do since World at War. Those Trailers do tend to give some hits or at least some scenery.

  5. Don't you hate it when you play with Mic Players who think they are better than you?

    These guys would give me shit, basic troll stuff. But after round 13 they would die each time. They basically run around with the heads cut off. I'd clutch the rounds each time just by Herding the Zombies in Downtown. It was by round 21 when I told them off. I "Schooled" them just before Putting my Money in the Vault and Dolphin Diving into the pit in the Power Room.

  6. I don't mind them adding something new, at least it's cool that they can add new things to older maps like the Bank/Fridge in Die Rise and the Ray Gun Mk.II

    I loved TranZit because I'm more of a "Just Kill Zombies" kind of player then actually commit to earning high ranks in leaderboards.

    Speaking of, the one down side I have is the emblems, I had the double shot guns then lost them and haven't been able to get them back and we still don't know the mechanics of it.

    Then there is the "End Game" in Buried. I'm still banking on the Idea it has a connection with the last map.

    So Yeah, I'm still a Fan and I'm loving Black Ops 2 Zombies.

  7. I hate the Nova 6 Zombies, but I think you should add "Space" Nova 6 Zombies in the options since their different from the ones in Kino/Five.

    I hated them more on Moon because the Teleport, and they can be a pain in the ass whenever your Training in the Dome. I always say to those that play to stay out of the lab area when the Round Starts so they don't spawn.

    And of course what all Nova 6 Zombies have in common that sucks too is that they exploded when shot. I especially "Love" the ones that don't want to exploded just yet. I walked into ones that Exploded, I hate that.

  8. I pretty much have resorted to assuming everything is fake until it's official. Nothing like getting all worked up just to have it be a hoax, and there are just too many sad people with more photoshop skill than morals, for me to hope anything is real until it's being posted on official pages.

    Bingo! That's what I do too. Usually Gamestop drops the ball and puts up those displays early and somebody manages to catch a snapshot of it and I think that is how we learned of Map Pack 1 early.

  9. I'm not going to hold my Breath. I doubt there will be a 5th Map Pack. Buy the Maps individually....maybe. Besides, the Season Pass says "Four Map Packs" and Nuketown was free and got it early before it was available to buy by everyone else.

    Also I pretty sure the Exclusive Zombie Map Pack would be around 3 Gigs long.

    Think about it, that's 4 WAW Maps, 6 BO Maps (Not Counting Dead Ops) and maybe a new map if they decide to add it.

  10. Not really from BO2, but there are tons of questions from BO that were unanswered.

    1.Who was the blacked out figure in Kino?

    2.Why was Richtofen wearing a spacesuit in Ascension while the others weren't?

    3.How did players get from Shangri La to Area 51 with no teleporters?

    4.What is the significance of the rocket in Ascension?

    5.Why are the O4 landing in on a lander at the start of Ascension?

    1.Who was the blacked out figure in Kino?

    Probably Dr. Maxis - We've yet to see what he looks like.

    2.Why was Richtofen wearing a spacesuit in Ascension while the others weren't?

    Maybe a prelude to whats to come, or Richtofen is just a freak like that.

    3.How did players get from Shangri La to Area 51 with no teleporters?

    Thats a good question, then again, how did Richtofen teleport inside the moon where he discovered the Pyramid and the teleport to Shangri-La?

    4.What is the significance of the rocket in Ascension?

    If you asking if it had a connection with the Moon Easter Egg, I doubt it did. Probably had a Satalite that was need to be launched in space in order to free that one Soviet Scientist from Aether.

    5.Why are the O4 landing in on a lander at the start of Ascension?

    I always thought the Lander was sent by that Dr. Gersh, guy. The one who asked for help at the beginning.

  11. The Fridge in the room you drop down from the Main Elevator Hallway at the start and the Shower Heads in the next room are the Bank, don't think there is a "Donation" Box, where you hit the area with Galvaknuckles and can give points to other players.

    I'm pretty sure now with the Bank, it makes the Easter Egg a little easier.

  12. Yeah, forgot to mention I'm on Xbox 360.

    But glad to see some haven't pressed the button yet. I'm kinda bummed out about how guessed right that the maps would have a Tower (Minus Mob of the Dead, didn't think they would do that) and the Nav Car and Table would have an important part. I just wasn't expecting this.

    So yeah, I hope there is something more to the Button and what part it will play.

    Heh, Heh. God forbid they don't have a final Zombie Map.

  13. I'm pretty sure everyone knows the outcome when you push the button in the courthouse for either Richtofen or Maxis. The Payoff isn't that great, but I wonder if anyone has yet to press it.

    I myself want to wait, I just can't believe that all that hard work was for nothing. I don't want to press it until the last map. Perhaps pushing the button will have a effect on the map.

    So if your ready to push the button, put your name down and be sure you add which side you choose to follow.

  14. Why not call it the Series Finally? It's not the end of the Game but more of the Ending of the Story. On that note, we still have the last DLC to come out and we don't know what that will have. It would kind of suck if it didn't come with a Zombie Map seeing how Buried isn't really that big as the last two.

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