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Posts posted by Jeager1999

  1. I thought she sounded older and not demonic. She is talking US in the Trailer.

    I recall Richtofen having a line (But not in TranZit) that he can see everything at the Same Time. What if Samantha had that same ability when she was in the Pyramid and she even could see into the Past?

  2. Samantha isn't that difficult to understand. She's not alive for this map. Did anyone pay attention to the cinematic? She's telling a story of what happened to us ( and possibly the O4 on the Moon ). She can be alive at any time period and be telling a story.

    Think "God of War". The Narrator in G.O.W turned out to be Gia in G.O.W 2

  3. Btw, to everyone saying that Nikolai looks like Reznov, I just want to say that you have stumbled on the biggest hidden secret in all of Zombies; that two Russians both look.... Russian! Sarcasm aside, you probably look a lot like another person of your nationality to another nationality.

    What's funny is this is Young Nikolai who looks a lot like Old Reznov. But it's the Beard, without it, he would look like his older self.

  4. I don't know about any other MP3 Players, but I have a Zune(Microsoft)which can be connected to the 360 w/o Installation.

    Now you can listen to music on the 360 while playing a game, but what's cool is that It disables the Games Music- Even if there isn't an Option for it in the Game Options- But still plays the Sound Effects.

    I usually listen to music when playing certain games types like Racing but I have my own playlist for Zombies- The ones I like I mean.

    There is of course songs from Zombies but I have other Songs that aren't heard in Zombies but Fit.

    So I'm adding "Shepard of Fire" to the list and was wondering if there are songs you think would be set the mood in Zombies. To me, it's more about the Beat then it is about the Lyrics.

    Here's my Playlist so you won't accidentally post one I already have but also gives you a general idea what I'm looking for.

    Elena's Seigmen -

    Beauty of Annihilation

    The One

    Lullaby for deadman


    the one from ascension

    Coming Home


    Carry On (I heard it WAS in TranZit before they Changed it, either way it fits)


    Shepard of Fire

    Lordi -

    Night of the Loving Dead


    Blood Red Sandman

    Pet the Destroyer

    Beast loose in Paradise


    Big Guns - Okay it may not have any Gothic Undead type of lyrics but Zombies does have a wide selection of Awesome Firepower.

    Alice Cooper -

    Feed my Frankenstein (I like this song, to good to pass up)



    Symphony of Destruction


    Until it Sleeps

    Enter Sandman

    So what do you suggest?

  5. I covered this in a thread that I posted a few minutes ago. Here it is if you want the full read (it's a long one): viewtopic.php?f=155&t=35182

    However, my shortened, guick response is that I believe that that isn't young Richtofen. It's actually older Richtofen who got placed into younger Richtofen's body. Although, I think I may have come up with something much more sensible but still around those lines. I need to go compile some information.

    If that was the Case, he would be Smiling. Also he looked around while the other three looked out that hole. This was right about when the Light shined down on them. I don't know but he looked as though he actually had NO IDEA where he was.

  6. Maxis may be old, but that doesn't mean his wife is....wink wink.

    It's the beard, man. Even when you're 80 you still get all the chicks, because dat beard.

    LOL, but It's possible though. I mean he did have this idea that Sophia was attracted to him but could of been all in his head so naturally he had a thing for young girls.....Okay not that young, say in early 20's

  7. I think, as someone said above, that that is not Sam and is something else called Sam, which perhaps Maxis named his child after.

    Sorry about the Remington but that and the Python look almost identical apart from a slightly longer barrel and a hexagonal chamber rather than circular.

    No No, it has to be Samantha Maxis. The voice doesn't sound Demonic to me, If I had to guess it actually sounds older.

  8. lTytL0zsKmo

    0:15 - Oh Shit? So that's what Maxis looks like.

    0:48 - Oh, ho ho hooo Shit! Well we know now how the outbreak started.

    0:53 - Oooh Shit. - Theirs more than one Knight?

    1:09 - Oh Shit!? Are they using STG's?

    1:15 - Ho Ho Ho Shit - You broke more than Ice there, pal.

    1:20 - Ooooooh Shit just got real.

    1:25 - Oh Shit, Son. I want that gun!

    1:51 - Shi - 1:52 - SHIT!

    2:10 - 2:30 - Shit....I take back everthing bad I've said about Takeo.

    2:56 - Shit...his reaction is puzzling. It's like he has no idea what he's done.


    3:19 - Ohhhh........Shiiiiiiiiit?

    This was epic. I know there are a lot of trailers for Zombies but this is the first where the O4 have a Cinematic appearance and I just came to the realization that they deserve it.

    Is it me or is that the very first time they met each other. We know what Richtofen is doing there but what are the other three there for?

    Yeah, thanks for the feedback guys.

  9. If I have to wait ENDLESS rounds to get excavator pi to breach tunnel 6 again...


    But that is a good theory though, I guess the tank will play some part with that too. All in theory though.

    ARGHGHRH I KNOW YOUR PAIN! Usually, me and 3 friends finished most of the Easter eggs but it's that tunnel 6...Don't forget, excavator on tunnel...wait for it...wait for it... tunnel 11 :evil:

    No, how bout tunnel 6 does get breached but No One can seem to get the GOD DAMN WONDER WEAPON!

    Also if anything, I have this feeling the Robots and Mechs are alien in nature. So is the Pyramid in my opinion.

  10. I keep thinking to myself "why on Earth would you have a scope as an attachment for a pistol?" Then I forget that this is Zombies and there must be a perfectly good reason for it. There were some guesses when this image was first released that the scope would more than likely have infrared vision. I can see that happening in this scenario.

    I actually really wanted a Scope on the Python in Black Ops Zombies.

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