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Posts posted by Jeager1999

  1. I looked in Call of Wiki. Basically, if you go down. You can off yourself and a tombstone will appear where you died. Go back to the tombstone when you respawn and you can get your weapons and perks back.

  2. To anyone who has Nuketown Zombies.

    I Nuketown part of Tranzit?

    If yes, then I think any DLC Zombie Maps will be connected to Tranzit Mode(Campaign). Themaps of course can be played seperatly in Survival and Grief Modes. There is a good chance(Though I hardly doubt it) that they could bring back the maps from WAW and BO1 but they won't be part of Tranzit.

  3. Well, seeing how it hasn't be brought up...

    The Ladder goes to the Bus, so you can climb up onto the roof from the outside.

    There is also a part(Wouldn't know what to call it) that allows you to climb up to the roof from the inside of the bus.

    Finally, a wedge thing you find on old locomotives. That goes on the front of the bus. Don't really know the reason for it, but I think it will keep zombies from climbing through the Windshield, but don't quote me on that.

  4. I've found it but in Survival Mode. Play the section that has that Bank Vault. It will be by along the Laundry Mat building behind the P'A'P Machine.

    As for what it does, I have no clue.

  5. As much as I want to Crack the Possible Secrets of the Der Riese sever, I think its just something they either were going to put together but had no time left -or- just for joke at our attempts.

    However, I feel this isn't the end of the Der Riese Server noir the CIA Terminal. I'd laugh if there is one in Black Ops 2 and has far more information to provide us.

    Oh, BTW. Peter's last name is mentioned in one of the radios in "Call of the Dead."

  6. It kinda sucks introducing new characters, especially with how MOON left off. Samantha trapped in Richtofen's body.

    Although we're not all to sure how the Campiagn mode is going to be like.

    There's one thing that's totally Obvious. Richtofen is going to be the Narrator.

    Blue Eye Zombies is the biggest tip off.

  7. At round 10, the zombies from that point on will be runners.

    My arsenal will simply be the STG and the Raygun. Getting the ray gun in verrukt is easy than in other maps I think.

    For perks its just Jugg, Spped and Double-Tap.

    Now -and you probably will think this is crazy- I DO NOT reboard windows.

    Why? Easy really. When I run around the map, the zombies can easily enter the map without taking time with the boards, they can easily merge with the herd.

    Whenever a round starts, I keep running (Not Sprinting) around the map. I use the window on the wall across from the STG as a starting line. Once I make it back to here, I put One Board on that window then Unload ONE CLIP into the Herd, then continue running. By the time I get out of the **** please report this topic, post ****, Zombies would come into the map from the Window I boarded, the window down stairs by in the power station. Now some would come in from the window behind by speed and from the window near the doorway to the **** please report this topic, post **** but I'd be far ahead of them.

    Repeat Till All are Gone.

    I like gowing Clockwise around the map once all the doors are open. (Clockwise as in Revive, Jugg, Speed, Mule.) Also you can tell how many Zombies are left. I you reach the stairs leading down the the Tommy Room, look out the window and look to the door to the power room. If zombies are still coming out of the room, you still got alot more to kill.

    So I hope I explained my survival plan. I got another one for Der Riese, I'm working on.

  8. I just had an Idea. You know how after MW2 there are Pro Version of the Perks. What if there was a way to Pro the Perks for Zombies. Say you Buy the Perk and after you score So or So amount of Kills the Perk become Pro, adding or enhancing the Perks effects. Maybe it doesn't have to be Kills use the effect of the perk a certain amount of time.

    Here's what I mean.

    You got Reive. Say you Revive a Total of 10 people with this Perk. The Logo changes to a star one and now you can Revive a person Triple the Speed.

    Speed Cola - Get maybe 1000 Kills, Now you can ready your weapon faster when getting out of sprinting or switch between weapons.

    Stamin-Up Run for a full mile or two, now its unlimited sprint.

    Juggernog, reach round 20. Now the Perk lets you take more damage

    Anyway, that was my idea.

  9. I can pretty much survive without Revive on Solo. I played Verruckt and reached Level 50 with HK, RPK, Ray Gun. With Double Tap, Jugg, Speed and Mule. Plus it was cool to have all the Perks on Call of the Dead and Shangra-La(Well I don't Play that.)

  10. Richtofen was still part of Group 935, as were the ones that built Griffin Station, but Maxis didn't know about it. He kept the secret from Maxis and the rest of the scientists at Der Riese.

    I know.

    I thought that Dr. Maxis knew about the base though; Didn't he install the rockets that are used in the Moon Easter egg?


    I don't think so. In the Audio Reels you find around the base, when Maxis, Samantha and "Fluffy" were teleported out of Der Riese. Fluffy and Maxis was stuck in "Aether" That other Doctor Dude managed to bring Maxis back and transport him to the Moon Base. He did ask the guy "Where Are we." Or "Where is this place."

    I'm guessing that Richtofen made the Rockets, Maxis with the help of the four managed to Launch them.

  11. I don't believe this question was correctly answered, the correct answer is a walnut, i believe :?

    CORRECT! The first thing to be sucessfully teleported was a walnut. Bonus Brains - Why did they use a walnut?

    The answer is found in the same Moon radio.

    Brains are still available for this question, anyone got it?

    If I had to guess. It's weight was equal to the ammount of Element 115 they had for the test.

  12. Immortal-Shnops (SOLO MODE ONLY)

    It replaces the Revive Soda Machine, Cost 10000 Points.

    Effect: Makes you Immune to all types of Damage. (GOD Mode)

    The Reason I say, SOLO Mode only is because No matter how high of rounds you get in any of the maps, it doesn't count towards the leaderboards. So why the hell should we play fair?

    Label: Silhouette of a person with a glowing aura around them. The Liquid is Light Neon Glowing Blue.

    Also this makes all the Characters Quotes a harmonic tone, kinda like Samantha's but not as creepy.

    Quotes:(You know I do this)

    Dempsey: Watch Out Freakbags, I'm Stronger than a TANK!

    Richtofen: Oh, Steroids mixed with Element 115...with a hint of Mint.

    Takeo: The Honorable have blessed me with their Power.

    Nikolai: Hey, Hey. I'm am Stronger than 9th Wife....but not as big....Woof.

  13. No. The Nazis built the moon base, this is proved on the radios for the Moon map.

    Nope, it was Richtofen. He discoved the moon, actually the Pyramid First during his Teleporter Test.

    On another radio i'm sure its mentioned that group 939 were hauling materials to the moon to build the base...

    Dr. Groph: "Preposterous!"

    Dr. Richtofen: "No more preposterous than teleporting all of you to the moon and building Griffin Station is it?"

    Dr. Groph: "I suppose not, how do you know what it does?"

    Sooo uhhh... It was the work of 935 as a whole, not just Rictofen.

    Richtofen was still part of Group 935, as were the ones that built Griffin Station, but Maxis didn't know about it. He kept the secret from Maxis and the rest of the scientists at Der Riese.

  14. I'm okay with the Idea, it does show that Treyarch can actually Modify the Maps....without a freaking update. Though I should point out that you have to actually be connected online. I was Offline and noticed the Mule Kick was gone. I was surprised they didn't add the Revive or Jugg to the first Map.

  15. Un-Holy Water

    Black and Red with a Bottle with a Teddy Bear head with X for eyes.

    Its a Free Perk but can only be found in the Multplayer Version of the Map.

    Once you Drink it, you have near invincibility, and Insta-Melee Kill. You can also use your weapons plus you get Quadrupole Points. 4X Points. However, no matter what round your on, once the round is up, you DIE, you completely pass Last Stand, you go Strait to Dead. You don't come back until the other players get past two more rounds. So say, you die on 10, you come back at 13.

    The reason for this perk is to gain tons of points but you sacrifice your self. You won't be able to use the points until you get back. Also this could effect the other players chance to survival. So it would be stupid for two people to use it at once.

    Everytime you get it, you hear a very dark laugh by Samantha. The Machine looks like a Rusty Metal teddy bear with a sign in the hands that say. "See you Soon"


    Tank: "You little Brat! When I get there, I'm putting you in a TIME OUT!"

    Richtofen: *Serious Tone* "You know? I will probably die in a very slow painfull death...."*HIS Erotic Slow Sensual Tone*..."Ohhh, but it will fill so Wonderba."

    Takeo: "Finally, I will be Honorable.....But....It will really hurt."

    Nikolia: "I'm going to Hell!?.....GREAT! You know how many Pissed off Ex-Wives I have down Their?....Should I Bring Flowers?"

  16. Name Snapple Juice

    Effects: Refreshes your thirst so you can kill zombies longer

    Downside:If you dont like strawberry your screwed

    Cost: 1500 points

    The picture is a panda punching a zombie in the face

    I can imagine Nikolai saying something like.

    *Stumach Noises* "Ohhh, Guys don't drink this. It feels like my insides are about to explode out the back of my pants....I need bathroom quick!"

  17. How about Insight-Up.

    Color, lighter green.

    image, psychic eye.

    Effect: Shows a light blue glow around Zombies that will Drop a Random Power-Up when Killed.

    2nd Effect: Screen Effects like Being Electrocuted and what not are disabled. Except for Damage or Near Death effects.


  18. There is one Glitch(They all seem to happen with him) that Annoys the hell out of me. After would play Solo and use Flopper and Sickle to take out George behind the light house where Stamin-Up is. After I take him out and when he returns, he will never stop and Roar when you shoot him. Either when he is in the water or not, he also doesn't change into "Berserk George" he would look like Calm George but still chase after you.

  19. You know those few mention above would be better as Power-Ups really. The one about being similar to Berserker Mode is cool but it would need to be a higher number like 60. But last just alittle longer. Though I would hate to have it wear off and I have a tone load of zombies still on me.

  20. Bastard's Luck

    cost: 2000

    increased chance of getting drops, and they won't fade away as fast.

    Phantom Orange

    cost: 2000

    Turn invisible for 45 seconds and zombies can't see you and ignore you. Activated by hitting right ont he d-pad. Can only be bought 3 times, like Quick Revive in Solo.

    The Phantom Orange Sounds like a Power-Up then a Perk. A Very Rare Perk like Max-Ammo.

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