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Posts posted by way2g00d

  1. Sorry Grill, I am going to rain on your parade mate ;)


    Just came here to boast. I beat the game last night with 2 relics on. I had another medic and 2 weapons specialist both playing the map for the first time. This was my class.


    1. Upgraded Medic [Revive energy Raduis for 5 sec when you double tap up on d-pad, that has a small refill bar to show when you can use next, typically after 3 minutes, so use it wisely.]
    2. High quality Armor Piercing ammo
    3. Ammo: Armor Piercing.
    4. Pistol: Full Auto
    5. Team boosters [if the rest of team has armor]
    6. Riot Shield [Put 4 skill points - 20 defenses]
    7. Vulture. [Fully upgraded]
    8. Relics: Take more damage & Deal less damage


    Skill points priority: Since I do less damage with my guns I put my Skill points on vulture right away. This is great because when you shoot someone and during the reload the vulture finishes them off. I had double the amount of kills the weapons specialist has. About 500.

    Next I put my points on Riot shield simply because even with vulture on you are prone to damage immediately, just remember to finish off breeders and sprouts as soon as possible as breeders can smoke you out with their gas.

    Next I add 4 of my points to Medic, so I can run fast and revive allies with less risk and ignore gas clouds from breeders/scorpions.

    Finally any skill points left I put them on team boosters


    Guns: I prefer AR's and smg's to LMG's unless you are weapons specialist. My favorite gun is Honey badger and MTAR Big clip and takes 3-4 sec to reload compared to 8 seconds from LSAT. Also, Honey badger and MTAR is fun to use. Especially if you run with those in multi player games.


    Crafting: I normally make sure no one touches the parts until we lay our hands on venom schematics. Then it is free for all. Once we build all our venom guns, I go for sticky flares most of the time. I craft a set of flares, then get another schematics and find parts again. Just don't craft it yet until you use the first 2. This will most likely ensure your ticket to Mc-kraken.


    Favorite Venom guns: I got a chance to use electric last night for first time and I think it is my new favorite next to Fire. Only down side if if you shoot too close you may take some damage. Call out when you see venom eggs and let everyone know that you are going to spray some to go down to 2 shots before you refill your gun to 6.


    Relic preference: I think for this map, you cannot go with pistol relic. Even though I have done it with pistols only relic It is very difficult to conserve ammo. Instead go for take more damage and do less damage first. Relaxing End has completed this with all 5 relics in co-op mode so there is hope for those pursuing such a daunting task.


    Finally it all comes down to Mc-Kraken. One word ARMOR. Throw lots and lots of armor. Grill has made excellent points already. I will just add finishing touch. If you have randoms that insist on staying in the circle, you are a bit out of luck unless you are the guy with ARMOR. Unfortunately I was carrying team boosters. The reason I say this because it is very crucial to stay in the corners when battling Mc-kracken. Not only does it it keeps your backs covered from hundreds of aliens it will allow you to shoot the aliens easily with one guy focusing on breeders and Mc-kracken at the same time. Remember not to waste your money if you are running low, use it only if you must. And wait until you absolutely need the armor before you grab a new one. Also, you only get 2-3 seconds after the warning from your squad mate about Mc-kracken's weak status. At this time you better stay in the safe area. I died twice yesterday trying to grab venon ammo. It was just bad timing.


    A very helpful tip (Share your money): If you need ammo and a friend is doing ammo, instead of asking ammo it is better to share some money so he will give out ammo when you are really in need and you are short on funds. Press and hold Left trigger (Ads) and A (Jump)  for at least 4 seconds to share money. Remember to say " This is for the ammo/Armor guy".  And curse the ones that throw armor that is not upgraded. It is just not worth wasting the money even if it is not yours. Team work is what wins games.


    Oh btw I have purchased this Seeker protection plan from armory. It helps a ton because seekers are very annoying and sneaky for this map.


    Sorry for a long post but I really think it helps someone trying to beat with relics.  All the best and share your stories. It will help encourage others to play and beat the map which is ridiculously fun for first person shooters.

  2. Let's forget about hackers for a minute. If you have a group of friends that play competitively and know that every single one of them are legit then you shouldn't be worried about those hacking. I think having multiple rankings will definitely make the game more fun and competitive and will add re playability. I personally want Treyarch to implement such a system that improves your rank each game based on your performance.

    For example, after so many zombies killed or players revived you earn something, doesn't necessarily have to benefit the player in game, but just the character ranking and perhaps customization, unlock camos for different weapons.

  3. I think 10 - 2 EST, is 3 - 7 GMT.  Either way, that's good for me!


    I think he is talking about PM mate. Anyways played with Jayla last night, he had no mic. Naitrax joined in as well and we had a random that is also good at the game. It was one of the borest game of kino I ever played. I eventually called it a night at round 20. Luck was with us. Mr Pinnaz joined out party and graced us with his awesomeness. Either way, I think it will be more fun when Jay actually talks.

  4. Also Clay, about the power weapon like venom x guns it reminds of me black ops wonder weapons but every one gets one of a kind, green, blue purple and yellow, and it is very easy to build and find parts. Not like Black ops where the parts are random thrown each game and needing a build-able bench. You just have to find a schematic from one out of three work benches found in the map. And to craft, you just press select and press x. And you are ready to go.

  5. lmao Boom.


    Yea, I am fairly certain this challenge is doable. First room challenges are extremely tough at high rounds. Especially when you are not playing solo. Multiply the difficulty with 20 times for that round 20. Actually I played this map no perks past 20 a couple times with friends, only wall guns allowed. It was fun. The challenge was only to survive one round and we did. I think there were several casualties but there was always that one last player who clutched it and revived the entire team.


    I did something similar when I was still uploading videos back in the days.


    '>Kino - Find that train series


    Five - find that train series


    Der riese - Catwalk Challenge:

    Stay on catwalk and cave only. Can't train down the stairs. Perks, betties, bowie okay. Pack a punch ok. Mustang and sally, STG only guns allowed.

  6. Update 2: Completed the mission like 5 times, each time with randoms. It is actually one of the easiest maps to beat. I tell you why. You are provided with lots of new weapons,tactical items like sticky flares and traps that can turn rhinos friendly. Seeder can be easily dealt with.

    Here is the strategy in short. Engineer i s optional. It is better to have at least 2 medics, a tank and a weapons specialist. All upgraded with armory. Weapons specialist takes down seeders right away. Engineer can take down the sprouts from seeders as they are weak. Sentry's are a no-no too much open spaces and lots of cryptids. Go with either an IMS or quadrator. Make sure you have at least 2 guys with armor and one guy with boosters. Armor is the key. Prepare to lose a lot of health when you battle kracken. But before that I will tell you that don't go crazy on crafting items or boxes. Save them until you get the venom schematics. This way all 4 players have parts available quickly. All 4 venoms are good. Only thing you need to remember is ONLY refill venom ammo when you use 4 out of 6. Because the Venom drop generally carries 4 shots. For kracken don't panic and go easy when it is not red. Kill the cryptids and get prepared. Once it turns red, get to the turret and start shooting. Make sure you drop multiple armors. And save your money for armor. Shields are very useful although not must. I would not vote for Ferrel either. My favorite guns are Mtar (no reload needed, big clip) LSAT (big ass clip but takes forever to reload without team boosters but perfect to kill seeders and their sprouts in one clip) and finally the upgraded sniper (another great gun for seeders). Shotguns are also good, but only when you are a weapons specialist. The upgraded Medic and other classes are great. Simply double tap up on your d-pad to activate it and it will automatically revive any downed players in your 5 feet radius. It stays for 8 seconds. Another good buy for armory is protection from seeKers. I can't stress you how many times I died because I was focused on seeDers and rhinos and a group of seeKers just surprised me. It is cheap and only costs 5 points.  Most randoms I find for this map are decent and have mics. Just tell them what to do and they will listen to you. I.e. not opening any tool boxes for parts. Everything else if pretty easy. Just remember the class setups, medics and weapon specialists are way to go. I don't have much time to break this down into paragraphs so pardon me. If this hurts someone's eyes I may break it down later. But I think it is a decent read for those that are pursuing to beat the kracken.


  7. I love the new gun Ripper, it literally rips though cryptids (aliens)

    The new enemy Seeder seems to be really annoying although it can give you around 1000-1250 points. So, be sure to use your money before you max it.

    I had a pleasure of playing this map right after dlc release with #Flammenwefer (I wish the tag system works) and 1 more random and we destroyed about 4-5 hives. We failed at the spot where we need to defend and deploy the hive remotely.

    I love crafting items but then again it is becoming a bit more complicated like buildables from zombies, finding stuff and building it.

    I think from what I seen yesterday #Flammenwerfer was able to make a rhino friendly using a crafting item. We also built a Tesla trap and pipe bombs. Locker keys are also pretty common.


    Oh by the way if you don't know about new armory system check out this video from our forums very own #Flammenwerfer You now get "Teeth" as reward from killing cryptids and destroying hives and by doing several other things. With these teeth you can buy things from your armory that will permanently boost your character accordingly.

    Anyways how do you like this map so far, I think it is fantastic map with lots of variety and potential to be the best extinction map so far.

  8. Persistent Upgrades should only be accessible to the people who've never played zombies before for a limited period of time to give them a slight edge while they're getting used to the mode.

    Or you can have Player vs Ranked matches.

    I noticed a lot of people that play challenges like first room took advantage I perma perks like super jugg and raygun from Olympia. Like I suggested earlier we can have a different mode with this perma perks enabled it just polluted the core survival system. Origins is still fun to me because there is no perma perks in it.

  9. This is a good list to start with. I always wanted that filter for teammates based on their skill level. So, players with similar ranks or skill levels will be matched.


    I think they already took care of connection filters in BO2.


    And the ratings feature exist in XBOX profiles where you can prefer or avoid a player based on a rep system. So, I doubt if they will be implementing something like that for next game even though it will be a cool feature.


    Filters based on mics would be a life saver. Most times like Jay said I don't care about skill level but I care about the map.

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