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Posts posted by way2g00d

  1. After watching this teaser / trailer it makes me less sad that I was one of them that bought the game (2 weeks ago, played once so far). So, hopefully dlc is packed with millions of cool add ons like perks and shyt to compensate the lack of zombie looking freak-robots. Hopefully to us thirsty zombie fans that are dying to play zombies. 

  2. It's cool DBZ. I can live with that. Haha. Anyways I still need to round 50 on Five, and I have a Elgato Haha. It has been a while I played high rounds man, I miss some of our regulars like @GRILL @inestlithium and @flammenwerfer  ;)


    Our last 4 player on Origins was untouchable. HaHa ou guys can only dream what we achieved and how many records we broke, individually and as a team hahahaha


    Sorry about the coffee overdose.


    @jay where you at bro?

  3. "Imagine you are playing" - How can I imagine this when most of us don't even buy the game.. lol


    Leaks are just bad in general.  This what you get when you give people copies @sledgehammer, VIP's cough cough.


    Thanks for the quote @GRILL and yea @ I don't know when this was originally leaked nor do I care really.


    I don't really care about the value I am getting from the game, But if it does not have zombies I am still going to buy it. Why cuz its cod.

  4. Sounds like you are playing Origins a lot.


    It's funny some of these things apply to me.


    -Buying bowie before jug in kino. I thought it was one of the wisest things to do. Rewards you greatly in point making with v little risk.

    -Stomping foot even if I don't know which foot it is, in the hope of escaping as soon as I know it is the wrong foot.

    -Fudging with the panzer with MP40.

    -Knife the panzer as he grabs you with his claw, Only time It gets deadly is when he drops me off in the middle of group of zombies that were chasing me.

    -Fudging the panzer while training 20+ zombies near AK74u (box location) by Generator 3? Oh that dude drops right in your face, hello.

    -Fulfill the box with souls even though I know that robot is about to clear it.

    -Play through 15 rounds with no power and train in spots you haven't dreamed of was my favorite thing to do.

    -Revive a group of people 100 times in Ascension in 30 rounds during a no perk buy back challenge when down.


    What gutsy things have you done, in the past?


    All this memories from Origins, makes me think were there any zombies maps that I enjoyed most that were as challenging and hard to learn? Call of the dead possibly.

  5. 2 weeks ago, i had a one night stand with destiny, i rented it. Then I took a divorce from ghost. Bought the used copy for $45 and haven't had a chance to get back into Extinction grind. Destiny has been nothing but great so far, keeping me up till nights again. No, I am not selling the game, but it is flat out fun and fresh.


    I plan on going back may be next month or whenever I am bored with Destiny.

  6. Very well.

    Now, there are many factors that go into each map, solo vs co-op, team work vs no cooperation, wonder weapon vs no wonder weapon....I'm just going to list them in general. Shang, SNN, and Nuketoen I have never touched, so I will leave those out.


    No matter what the conditions are, by far the easiest map of ever.

    Der Riese-6

    Without Ascension, this would have been the easiest. Many places to loop and play safe.


    BO2 maps for some reason are all solo friendly and coop crazy. As a solo map it is easy and boring. Coop is insanely difficult before you have your set up.


    My favorite map of all time. Learned to conquer it and play it safe.


    With TG it's fairly easy, without it there is no good place to hide for an extended period of time.


    Never played it enough to understand it. So time consuming to set up, but so many places to safely loop. Simply too big to be fun.


    Its a hard map until you get Flopper and MS. After 30 it's hard again. After 35 each round seemingly take forever.


    Not any easy coop map. NML is addictively challenging.

    Die Rise-8

    As a solo map this would have been a 2. Coop running around in mid round is suicide.


    Solo is quite easy, coop is insanely hard. Good luck completing your objectives with 3 randoms.


    I consider it very hard because the work required to get the staffs. If you ever tried to complete your objectives with 3 randoms you are very very lucky.


    No good place to loop, shitty wonder weapon.


    No jug, no fun, even with the TG. Try running around with 3 randoms all over the place.


    what  the boring guy said.

  7. Its gotta be getting relatively close to a reveal i would think..  Zombies reveal was in september for BO2 if i remember correctly.


    Everything about this game is shouting NO to me, but dammit Ill probably end up getting it in spite of myself

    That's exactly where I stand with this game, but heck its COD. I don't play any other game except this, so I will end up getting it.

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