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Posts posted by way2g00d

  1. Thanks everyone. I cannot say enough good things about this commnunity. Every single one of you here have made an impact on me. I want to let everyone know that although I am retired, I will still be part of zombies community helping out with anything game related when the game is released.

    I like to mention to some of my favorite people around here (not in any particular order). 

    last but not least the founder of Team Wunder waffe (Diego)

    I am sure I missed a ton of people so I apologize in advance.

    Oh can't wait for Black ops 3, John, Thanks for being patient helping me around in destiny raids. I hope you stick around on xbox1 and help me with zombies... 


    ~NoEraPenal aka way2g00(d)

  2. Just remember that certain games SHOULDN'T be allowed cooperation with PC. You bring a PC gamer onto a console's FPS? They'll dominate. 


    The point is integration. Yes, I hear PC players dominate against some of the online multi-player games and such. Playing zombies and destiny cross console with friends is a dream come true. I can't give up my console and they cant give up their pc habits.

  3. While I can't make a full breakdown of today's IGN live stream gameplay, here is what I can confirm from what I saw.




    -Window barriers are removed

    -3 "Perks" seen so far (Exo Health/Jug, Exo Reload/Speed Cola, Exo Slam)

    -Drops are Hyper Damage (Insta-Kill), Full Reload (Max Ammo) Multiplier (Double Points), DNA Bomb (Nuke), Security (not sure)

    -Game is infinite rounds, only ending is death

    -3D Printer/Mystery Box can jam, not sure what that means.

    -No singular one boss, but special zombies that can infect you (which you need to decontamiate yourself) from and shut off your Exo spawn periodically and have their own rounds, randomized each game.

    -Electric Dogs exist.


    If I missed anything, add below please. 


    Update 1: Security (perk?)  activates the doors closing and traps. Points are named Credits. You can be infected and need to go to a decontamination zone, if not in co op you become a zombie. Decker puts on his hat when spawning.



    Thank you so much for making this thread. It is perfect for people like me that live under the rock and have to wait till day ends to check zombie content. But thanks.

  4. also i finally got to watch the trailer in HD on my computer instead of my little phone screen, and it looks incredible.  the gore factor is turned up a notch from treyarchs zombies and it looks fucking awesome

    I hate you guys I have to wait another 3 hours to go home and watch the trailer.

  5. Hey guys, SUbmitted a few leaderboards for solo. Can the leaderboards Mods please take a look at it.

    You are a leaderboard mod lol.

    @BomBay LOL. Looks like you got all your brains for posts like these :) @mralways1 I thought you were smarter than that. Just reminding you, there is a difference between like and brains button. No Offense.

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