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Posts posted by way2g00d

  1. I think they need to have new special achievements that can only be earned by skilled players

    Ex: most kills/no deaths/no downs/ most head shots/untouched till round ##/took most beating etc.

    These are just examples.

    *only 1 down allowed after that you are not eligible.

    Achievement unlocked:

    Runner (Most distance traveled in first 15 rounds)

    • Half price pack a punch, traps, turrets and free rides on Lander

    Pro (No downs after 10 straight rounds)

    • Stamin up standard until 5 downs

    Commando: Most Points first 15 rounds:

    • Can draw LMG with high probability/Extra Claymore/frag each round.

    Pro (No downs after 10 straight rounds)

    • Speed reload standard until 5 downs

    Beast: Most kills first 15 rounds:

    • Can draw Ray gun with high probability/Sickle standard

    Pro (No downs after 10 straight rounds)

    • PHD standard until 5 downs

    Captain: No downs 30 rounds straight/ revive entire team at least once

    • Can draw thunder gun with high probability (1 in 5 tries)

    • Juggernaught and Quick revive standard till 5 downs/Gersch standard.

    Ground rules:

    • Each achievement can only be obtained once i.e. after first 15 rounds.

    • Your achievement is lost if you go down before you get to pro.

    • You can’t be a pro if you go down.

    • After you become pro you will retain your achievement until 5 downs.

    • A pro can have the standard perk until he goes down 5 times.

    • Standard = free perk/item after being revived

    • You have to give up your previous achievement before you accept captain-ship.

  2. Can anyone please post the source code for this map? I am a c#.net devoloper and I write code for software applications, I want to take a look at this for my own knowledge. I play zombies all the time and I feel this may be helpful for me to understand some of the events in the game. Thanks.

    P.S : I am willing to share my sendspace account(2gb) if you agree to post the code.

  3. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=5969&start=0

    This has videos of each phone. It should give you their locations and what they say.

    And the COD Wiki tells you what causes each of these phones to ring:

    * There are three red telephones similar to the ones in "Five" scattered around the map. When these telephones are answered, a line said by a character from "Five" can be heard. These telephones will not ring until a specific event occurs. Once they are answered they won't ring again. To answer, the player must "use" the ringing telephone. Treyarch has confirmed that "Five" and Ascension take place at the same time, meaning the characters in "Five" were somehow able to call the characters in Ascension while fighting off the zombies. The phones' locations are:

    1. To the left of the lunar lander in the centrifuge room, between multiple fuse boxes. To make this telephone ring, either the musical easter egg needs to be activated or the player must get ten kills (only in single-player). When answered, President Kennedy can heard saying "Need some beans for the chowder here". He said this in "Five" when he ran out of ammo.

    2. To the left of the power switch, through the chain link fence, down the stairs, turn right, to the left of the Mystery Box spawn point. It is confirmed that this telephone rings during a "Fire sale". When answered, the player can hear Nixon fire a weapon (FN FAL), and howl like a wolf. He did this in "Five" when he killed multiple zombies.

    3. Located just to the right of the PhD Flopper machine. This Phone rings when the player receives the Ray Gun from the Mystery Box. When answered, the player can hear Fidel Castro say "Come to me, the revolution dies without Fidel Castro". He says this in "Five" when he is downed.

    Hope this helps

    Thanks, Reps for you.

  4. This was actually found a week after the release of Ascension. There are 3/4 (Not completely sure but im pretty sure there are least 3) phones around the whole map. Their purpose was to justify the fact that Five and Ascension are happening at the same time; thus to prove to that FIVE did have relevance to the Nazi Zombie story.

    In one of the phones you can actually J.F.K speaking "need beans for the chowder here," showing it does take place during Ascension

    Phone#1 can be found near flopper

    Phone #2 can be found near the downstairs room to speed cola

    Phone #3 is found in the first room near the m14 and the first Lander

    Phone #4 (Not found or does not exist)

    Also in some of these phones you can Castro as well. In order to activate the phones you have to hold X or Square

    Hope you understand. Just my 2 cent

    Thanks for the info. I am guessing these phones ring randomly during the game play.

  5. 9 19 18 4 6 21 17 14 9 19 8 24 17 24 5 13 11 20 15 21 24 11 9 12 8 20 21 10 16 23 4 22 21 4 0 14

    J T S D E V R O J T I Y R Y F N L U P V Y L J M I U V K Q X D W V E A O

    After more simplification. :x

  6. Last night I was on 41 (with another player who went down later in that round), and I was trying to get gersch back from the box in the room up the stairs from PAP. It's been a while and no signs of gersches even after 50 hits.Then I heard a phone ring, until that time I did not even notice there was a red telephone on the wall next to a box. Anyways. I answered it (press square on ps3) and I heard a a scary devilish laugh and it hung up after few seconds. After that I hit the box again and to my surprise I got the gersch on my first try. I am little disturbed after that because of the fact that I was the only person alive at that time and that felt creepy.

    I don't know if this was posted before and I don't know if anyone experience the phone ringing. Any comments from you guys?

  7. I agree that the thundergun can be used instead of traps..makes the rounds go quicker later on. How many youtube vids have you seen though where people are shooting 2zmbs or even 1 with a thundergun...if you didn't blast a horde you wasted it.

    * I only use thunder cannon when I have the entire horde in front of me.

    the only thing I don't understand I guess is the player in the phd room. It just seems to me that you could get cornered mad easily without the thunder in there.

    Watch MrRoflWaffles videos below, this is exactly what I was talking about with thr guy in Flopper room. It's not that hard to survive there but definitely risky as you mentioned.

  8. I would like a Zombie Map to have a Long Straight Corridor where the Zombies could run down for easy pickings. Kinda like the Railing in Der Riese but longer.

    Haha there is actually a PC custom map exactly like that. Mystery box, PTRS, and nades on the wall, and one, LOOOONG corridor xD

    And here's my strat :)


    This is exactly what I was doing, actually I am a little better at that. I was doing the same at 42 with my buddy inside the Dr Flopper room.

  9. Last post about getting to 38 was about quickness rather than how to reach that round. Hehe.. You know the faster it is less boring the later rounds are. Plus it is convenient to have shit load of points before we start using traps so we don’t have to worry about points for at least 20 plus rounds in reserve.

    Last night (11pm-3am) I made it to 43 again with the random guy (sarab_?_? - highest – 30 ascension before last night) It went little slow because I have to take time to explain him the strategy.

    I reached round 35 without a problem with plenty of max ammo with both people by phd(one inside and other outside making circles).

    35-43 (Something that I tried and got max ammo twice using this approach)

    First 2 rounds I collect all zombies blast them. It took 5-6 waves to clear that round which equals 6 thunder gun shots at most per round.

    After that I started using traps like TheSnowmanPacino mentioned and it worked pretty well for the rest of the rounds. Like he mentioned using the traps is inevitable and I totally agree with that.

    Something that I did to make things interesting and it was fun.

    35, 36, Thunder gun only

    37 – traps/ 2 gersch

    38 – traps 2 gersce

    38 –monkey round

    Do this 4 times close to the end of the round and you have good chance of getting ammo or at least other power ups that will help you easy clear the round like inst kill or Nuke.

    *. I have acquired really good skill at grouping zombies at the grenades (I don’t know what figure 8 is but I am sure it is close to that). I will post a video soon.

    *Another thing I tried last night with traps is my partner grouped his horde in junkyard room and when they stop spawning both get theirs into Pap room trap. Jump through hole in wall and go back to origins. I had no problem with ammo in this method but it was little slow to wait until all are spawned.

    *The only thing about 2 people staying at same location before using traps is I find it little difficult to group z’s when we both stay in the area. My partner would run out of ammo on ray even after killing one or two zombies that escape in the room. But I’ll give this a try again today, I know this requires some practice and I am guessing it will be easier to say when zombies have stopped spawning.

    *Thanks Space-Time_Prism for adding me on psn. I look forward to play with you soon.

    Round 43 I wanted to to call it a night (need to hit the bed 3 am) once I make it to 44 and asked my partner to get thunder gun so I can leave me game turned on so I turned in my t gun for random weapon, unfortunately he went down and I did not have any weapon to defend myself and we both died. I hated to see I did not even make past 43 after tutoring the new guy for endless hours. But I think I learned some cool tricks. I think rounds 38-43 themselves took 2 hours. So much for making it to round 50! I am hoping to make it to 50 tonight.


    random quote: Man... I wish we could replace Richtofen with a hot chick, I'm getting lonely here.

  10. Hello everyone.

    After seeing some great response from members here I was inspired to post my strategy. I made it to round 38 last night in 2 hours which does not happen to be my record but it is the record for quickest one so far with me and my buddy J_L_MAGNIFICO (PSN) having 150k plus points.

    We died after monkey round when he forgot to take the flopper. I really don’t know how I went down because I felt like it glitched out or something. I threw 2 gerches one before and after reviving him and they still got me. That was the first and last time he and I went down entire game

    Anyways here is my strategy.

    1-5 rounds – stay in centrifuge room get points don’t buy any weapons if possible yet and let the zombies out of the windows to get more powerups.

    5-10 – open top door, buy mp5k get close to 10,000 points and open more doors except one between speed reload and power switch room. Buy the sickle first to kill the monkeys.

    10-15 – pack a punch pistol and use the box until you get a good LMG then use it. Stop boxing when you get ray gun.

    15-35 – My weapons: Mustang & sally Ray gun, Gersch

    J-L’s weapons: Thunder gun and ray gun, Gersch

    J-L and I stay by the location to the Lander next to grenades. I camp in the room with PHD and shoot the zombies outside thru the hole in the wall. In the later rounds we make a lot of crawlers and after each WAVE we use grenades or sickle to take them out if we feel the need for ammo..JL would circle around the Lander making crawlers and throwing grenades whenever possible and I make sure to cover his back when he gets in trouble since I am constantly watching him through the hole in the wall. V Important, I let the zombies out in the PhD room simply because of the powerups. Trust me I got max ammos almost 5 times from those coming thru window in PHD. I mostly sickle or throw grenades once there are three plus z’s coming out of the window and then use my ray gun to blast them. My buddy keeps me updated if there is z coming inside the room each time even though it is not necessary since I have 2 power weapons. And I always holler at him each time I come out for grenades based on how many walkers stand outside. Another good idea is to wait until there are 3 plus zombies spawn inside the window and blast them once they come out with ray.

    *I felt it is important to stay together for many reasons. First is to not feel bored, second is too share the bullets this way you won’t be wasting ammo killing two different hordes of zombies. Third is for quickly reviving your partner and always stay communicated even if you have no mics.

    * on round 38 I was out of ammo so I traded in my ray gun and I had to waste 60K points to get it back. My buddy accidentally bought an ak74 trying to reload his ray gun. He spent 80k trying to get it back, so please careful to avoid such minor mistakes.

    *There is a glitch in the game to refill ammo on Mustang & sally by constantly going down when there is a last crawler left for that round. We definitely don’t care about getting 2perks back when we have 150k points on the board since it will cost us 2000 for PHD and 2500 for Jug which equals 4500 for the cost of ammo plus few points subtracted from your score. I noticed sometimes reviving someone instantly triggers max ammo.

    Unfortunately after the monkeys round he forgot to take the flopper and went down. All this happened in 2 hours. J-L is extremely good at killing the undead. I have never used a single trap to kill the zombies last night. I discussed the idea of refilling the mp5k each time and use traps and he did not seem to like it saying it takes forever to reach far using the strategy. But I thought I can use this strategy one we feel the ammo is scarce.

    I am still looking for PSN players that would join me kill the undead to make past 50+ rounds. Peace

    •Thanks to Snowmanpacino for starting this thread and taking time to share his strategy. I am yet to try his strategy.


    Way2g00 (psn).

    Ascension (43)

    Kino (47)

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