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Posts posted by jerryst

  1. Yup, nice find. I tried this out yesterday and it works.

    Like the OP said, it won't make them slower everytime, it just changes their type, but it didn't seem to take me many tries to get a super slow one.

    I can see some situations where this trick could be handy, like if you want to spend some time killing George at the end of a round and you don't want a speedy crawler getting in the way.

    That's exactly how we found this trick. Were killing George with the sickle and flopper (easiest way to kill George btw) and decided to lead a fast crawler down the ice slide. Was pretty pumped to see that he slowed down.

    Another tip to this, wait for the crawler at the bottom of the slide. If you run to where you get out of the water, the crawler will continue to "slide" through the water. If you wait at the end of the slide, he'll have to crawl all the way through the water. This buys you more time to kill George.

  2. We noticed last night that if you have a fast crawler follow you down the ice slide it'll sometimes make him slow down. And it can work in the opposite, it seems that the slide changes what kind of crawler it is. Can end up a different type of slow, or can be fast.

    Not really a big deal, but can come in handy sometimes if all you have left is a fast one. And if it doesn't slow him down the first time, try again. Never had to do it more than twice.

  3. Yeah, strange for sure. Seems like if it was just a mistake or something left over it would have been patched out by now. So I'm still hoping it leads to something. Tried hitting it with an waffe and the vr11 and had affect (honestly hard to tell if I actually hit it though...) going to try upgrading the other snipers and see if that does anything.

    Something random. If you go to the front of the ship (near Semtex) and look at it, you see it's actually rectangular. Not that this info changes anything, just an observation. Oh, and I'm thinking that the scavenger doesn't actually change it's shape, I think it's just the blast from the shot exploding that makes it look distorted. Just my opinion though.

  4. We noticed this as well, but we only were able to get it to work on the first few rounds. Also, I've been having trouble getting it to work at all recently. Is it a certain number of times you have to knife him? Or maybe in a certain place, still haven't been able to nail down EXACTLY what causes all the power-ups. But when it works it's crazy, got 2 max Ammos, 2 2X, an instakill and a bomb all on round 3, so finding out exatly what causes it will obviously be pretty helpful.

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