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Posts posted by MasterSubZero

  1. First of all I would like them to fix the host migration system, there is nothing worse when you are in a game doing well and the host quits about round 10.

    I would like a Map to be in the lower depths of the Vatican with a secret underground area ( you can only unlock this area once you get to the last step of the Easter egg which has 10 steps ). I would introduce a new perk called Holy Blessing ( Unlocked at Step 5 of Easter Egg ) - Can only activate once per round and lasts 15 sec's (Costs 6000K). Once activated you glow and become invincible, all zombies you touch get blessed and there souls leave there body and rise upwards, if downed you are revived instantly (Then loose Perk) and can revive downed players instantly too. New wonder weapon - ( you can only unlock/acquire this once Easter Egg has been completed ) - The Holy Ghost Z115 - Firing Holy water & Z115 - this would shoot out the mixture like a bullet which would melt zombies (like Sulphuric Acid), once upgraded you can use the gun on your colleagues who become invincible for 5 sec's (cant use on same player for 20 sec's)

    The Easter Egg - this would tie in to the story, the group have discovered that the Vatican were aware of the Nazis using Z115 to create zombies etc.. So they started to do experiments to create a cure in case of an outbreak, they couldn’t stabilise the cure due to the limited amount of Z115 and the complexity of the element. The Egg would consist of you having to build the Wonder weapon.

    I realise the idea is a bit rough but could be tweaked, please add ideas. I also Love the idea of a level in the Paris Catacombs.

  2. I would like the map to have the addictiveness as Der Riese and the toughness of Verruckt/Nach Der Untoten plus have loads of small hidden eggs and a MASSIVE epic one which takes ages to complete (have a single player one just as long).

    So overall; the best map Treyarc have ever produced which will keep us all entertained for months.

    ViVa La Zombies!!

  3. I have used the search and I haven’t found a topic on this yet.

    I have been doing some research into an Alien moon base. (There is loads more info out there)

    I have uncovered that during the Apollo Missing on 21st November 1969 Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin saw a UFO shortly after the historic landing on the moon. One of the astronauts referred to a "light" in or on a crater during the televised transmission. (Nothing more was said after that transmission)

    During the Apollo 11 mission it was also stated that the astronauts saw an enormous spacecraft lined up at the edge of one of the craters.

    The former NASA communications systems chief Maurice Chatelin did confirm that Armstrong had reported seeing two UFO's during his Apollo 11 mission.

    Soviet scientists were allegedly the first to confirm the incident. The encounter was reported immediately after the module landing. Armstrong relayed the message to mission control that two large mysterious objects were watching them while a Soviet scientist, Dr Aleksandr Kazantsev, Buzz Aldrin filmed from inside the module, and continued filming after Armstrong went outside.

    Maurice Chatelain confirms that Apollo 11's radio transmissions were interrupted on several occasions in order to hide the information from the public.

    When Armstrong was engaged with a certain professor (wishes to remain anonymous) he asked him "What really happened out there with Apollo 11? Armstrong replied: "It was incredible, of course we had always known there was a possibility, the fact is, we were warned off!! By the creatures." "There was never any question then of a space station or a moon base.

    Do you think Treyarc could use this conspiracy and add it to the moon base story?

    We are all the aware that their is a very large amount of element 115 on the moon, could Aliens have created the zombies by testing on humans and the Governments found this out?

  4. I was pondering about this......... Could Shangri La be the very first instance of Element 115 reaching earth (hence the meteor) which was during an eclipse and they are trying to recreate this in Der Rise with making time standing during an eclipse. So Richtofen needs to go back to where it all stared to obtain the stone, but this leaves the question "why didn't Richtofen go there earlier?" Could it be that he needed to gain the other items first before he could travel to Shangri La.

    Who Knows, The Truth is out there!!

  5. I'm not being stupid or dumb, but I'm wondering why loads of cod players advise to get PHD flopper as a perk. I know about the splash but does it do anything else? I always hear people saying if you get a ray gun get phd or Its good to have for the higher rounds.

  6. I was looking at the floor last night and it does look suspicious, it’s the only place on the map were the ice is thin and see through and it does look like it leads to somewhere. I don’t think Treyarch put that there for nothing. (I could be wrong) the light on the stairs must mean something too!! Remember the guy from treyarch did say shoot everything!! I don’t think we have found everything on this map more investigating needs to be done, The main Easter egg was a quite easy apart from the getting the golden rod on multiplayer but that was on youtube within days.

    Lets crack this map!!

    :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  7. I just hope they wouldn't spoil the story or rush it to make money as this game has a lot of thought and dedication behind it.

    Either way I still think what Treyarch have created is like no other mini game and big thumbs up to them.

    I hope the Treyarch team keeps the story going for a while and continues to make it better and better with every new map and keep all of us guessing with new Easter egg's, hidden items and keep adding new perks and guns for us to play with.


  8. I was playing lastnite and we made a crawler (to do the obvious) but after say 5mins the crawler disappeared and a zombie started chasing us.

    This happened a few times throughout our game which resulted in some of us getting downed. Very Annoying!!

    I also noticed that when we were trying to make a crawler in the later levels 20+ we found it very hard, we must of threw about 10 grenades at least which blew up right at his legs but he still kept on chasing us.

    Is any one else experienced this.

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