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Posts posted by DanoTheEggHunter

  1. me and my friends were playing ascension zombies and don't flame me but after we did the death machine egg we we made it to round 50 and sam screamed some bs like 'you've earned this and came running after us and downed me.' \]!

    But your signature says you only got to 27! Cover your troll tracks!

  2. The numbers 34 are found on buildings. The hanger doors of a building right by stanimup.

    And also if some didn't know this the plates on the trucks that are crashed in areas on this map.

    Read the following.

    '(BACKWARDS 'R & D') R3T4RD0'

    I cannot classify if the last is a 0 or an O

    R-T-D Read The Documents?

    Possibly a big clue in the Intel files?

    Somebody please check into this. :)

    34 retains the letters C-D

    Call of Duty? Perhaps? Since the of' is not in USA of course?

    All i want to add for a final note here is: I really think this last node is right under are noses really....We have to be missing that one thing.

    We already know 4 people are required for this whole thing.

    4 people are needed for the monkey node.

    and for the team having pack a punched weapons, I think you can do with 3 people and have the 4 just throw a gersh, or not anything at all.

    3-4-5 Its trying to connect pieces together it seems.

    People have posted 'five' and acsension are of the same period. that could be possible yes.

    but i think it's happening on ascension first.

    We sent a monkey too the moon. He possibly could have got radiated in some sort of way with 115.

    Hence the monkies being u there, but the zombies, are from the mysterious photos' of a structure on the 'dark side of the moon' where the Nazi's 'allegedly' built a secret space facility up there.

    Theres plenty of youtube and info on the web about this.


    If you wanna stop playing zombies.


    St. Patricks Day Special 4 hours LIVE.


    I keep thinking there is something to the upgraded G115 Generator the name itself seems a hint... maybe we find something to shoot and activate (like in Der Reise)

    And your right all 4 people are not needed to do the final node. all you need is 2 maybe 3 people.

    all you need is a Thundergun, 1 ray gun, gersch's, and the Mat. Dolls. no crossbow or second raygun needed.

    I think all the orb is needing is a teleport opened and lots of splash damage from explosives. (hinting that the thundergun and ray gun may not be needed either). I may try and use only grenades tonight just for kicks.

  3. The yellow sisns ARE interesting because they ALL help you locate a mechanism of sorts. whether its a lander or the centrifuge. What gets me is why is there Repair signs pointing to a lit up pair of hose attachments? Some people suggest that the repair sign is referring to the Kassimir Mechinism behind that door near the Claymore. I say that its referring to the 2 hoses directly beneath the sign that need to be hooked back up. Someone online claimed that bloody footsteps appear near the Staminup/pump mechanism so who knows maybe there needs to be gersch devises thrown at the genterator/pump...

    Another interesting thought I had last night is the upgraded G115 Generator. This has a scope and based on its name, has the ability to generate 115? Or maybe its the key and needs to be shot atsomething only the scope can find? Maybe you shoot the moon? (the moon does have a teddy paw print in it) thoughts?

  4. TheonlyShapehifter was the one calling me a lair. I'm Dano. I posted the 2 orb experience and will defend it forever!

    oh so sorry mate! i just looked quick. my bad your not a dick. shapeshift insert your name in for dano.

    Its all gravy! send me a friend request if your on XBL today I wanna try this again!!

    GT: PiousEyes

  5. Oh hi D-Block! didn't know you made a new account!(New members won't get that.) Anyway on to the topic.... No. Just no. The code scripts make ONE orb spawn. Pictures? No? Why what a coincidence that you don't have them.... I've always wondered why when the most amazing/story-changing thing happens, no one has pictures... Oh yeah, and try to make your fake quotes, poker face(well text in this case) and story a little better next time? Maybe have another lander appear from the fog and fly onto another lander pad, which will take you to the last lander pad where you can buy a death machine off the wayy for 15,000? ~Thanks, TheReviewerOfLegends

    the story isn't better because I'm not

    making it up. We had no plan after getting the death machines so I didn't have my iPhone ready to take a pic. I'm going to try it again today the same way that reproduced the 2 orbs. I know what I saw and you can get on live and ask

    me all the interrogative questions you want but me (PiousEyes) and Evilandarkness both saw it. I have no reason to make this up. I'm 26, and I'm a Chair Lift mechanic with a gaming habit. i fix xboxs on the side and know a thing er 2 about electronics. Fuck the code it's not conclusive. We both saw it from 2 differnt angles. And if a Character comes later named Jenny I'm gunna say i told you so.

    Again all i want is someone else to try to reproduce this too.

    Our experience:

    we spelled I.L.U.N.A,

    only had one Ray gun, one thunder,

    we threw 2 gersch devices

    and all three dolls.

    I jumped into the hole, teleported close by then ran back.

    Try that and see if you get the 2 orbs. It

    could have been a glitch but I made this account just so I could let you all know what we saw.

    I'll try it again with my camera ready but the first attempt

    last night didn't get it.. Send me a pm or friend request and I'll talk to you one on one. I'm

    not a little bull shittn kid lookin for "brains" or credit. Just hooked now that we saw something new. I have the day off so im gunna be online.

  6. It's possible.

    If you threw two black holes, you could end up just making a split in the code, The only difference is it would spawn two orbs, although they should be right on top of each other? Everything else would happen at the same time.

    Unless you could get one to happen slightly after another, then youd get one orb, another orb, one death manchine, another death machine, sam scream, sam scream again, black and white, black and white again.

    Although i don't think it's possible from the code, but didn't look at that.

    I've message you several times and posted in your other thread, I said I'd try it, but no response yet.

    Me and my buddy are about to try it again the same way that produced us the 2 orbs. they were about 3 feet apart and one was about 4 feet higher than the other.

    Gamer tags:




  7. Ya There were 4 of us. One threw gersch and shot thunder, one just stood and watched, threw grenades then shot ballistic knifes, I just threw Mat. Dolls, and the fourth guy shot the upgraded ray gun. so you may only need 3 people at that point. leaving someone else to find an object? I don't know. You still need 4 for the button node so...

    I'm positive i saw 2 orbs so is my buddy here are our gamer tags




    we need 2 good players to recreate this and get photos. we are in our mid 20's and dont have a reason to spout bullshit. we just are convinced that as of now there is more to this. (prior to any future update).

  8. I don't really know if this has been noticed but I was playing Der Riese and on the upper right hand corner of the chalkboard parallel to Trench Gun it says Hyena....maybe a clue on the chalkboard???

    Ya thats been noticed already.. interesting but inconclusive.

    We can also spell : Samantha, and Illuminati :)

  9. Not sure what it ment or how it happened but me and my buddy both

    saw 2 orbs float away after we shot all the upgraded weapons at it.

    All we did different was we threw 2 gersch devises at the orb, we had no crossbow, and I threw all three dolls. Also I jumped into one of the gersch devises right at the end. I appeared near

    staminup and rushed back to the junkyard to see 2 orbs. Yes 2, floating away. I also could

    have sworn I herd my character (the russian) say "Jenny!" after I appeared near staminup.

    That was my final node experience. Anyone else see 2 orbs??

    EDIT: 2 more things We did different. We accidentally picked up the letter "I" first when trying to spell LUNA. So it came out: I.L.U.N.A. (could be insignificant)

    We also only shot one upgraded ray gun into the device!

    So really all you need is:

    -one upgraded Ray Gun

    -at least one Gersch Device (we did 2)

    -upgraded thundergun

    -Mat. Dolls

    (We also threw grenades, I jumped into second black hole, and one

    player shot upgraded ballistic knifes into it for kicks.)

    end result: 2 Orbs floating away and soon after we were given the death machines. I will try the same steps verbatim later and post a pic.

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